• 月薪35000~45000元 台北市松山區 1年工作經驗 94天前更新
    1.系列影音規劃 2.影片/節目企劃 3.腳本發想撰寫 4.影片拍攝 5.現場執行 6.剪輯後製
  • 月薪30000~120000元 台北市中山區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    FUNDAY提供了優質的工作環境、薪獎福利、假期福利、定期教育訓練(專業銷售技巧/英文進修課程),以培育夥伴能穩定保有高收入(120~350萬/年),也同時帶給客戶更優質的學習服務。 亦很榮幸於2019-2022達成: 網路客戶綜合評價最高(Google評論),線上教育業界成長最快速,教學服務內容業界最全面,業界最高人均薪資等,人力銀行幸福企業金獎等認證。 【職務內容】 1. 提供用戶進行語言學習相關的服務諮詢。 2. 提供客戶課程體驗、並協助規劃制定完整學習藍圖。 3. VIP用戶關懷、輔導、追蹤學習成效。 4. 純內勤工作、透過線上及通訊設備為用戶提供高優質服務。 5. 團隊作業分工及分享,相互協作以完成團隊作業績效。 6. 美式管理文化、重視工作氛圍及培養夥伴在職涯每個階段都能有所成長。 【工作條件】 1.善於溝通表達,能與客戶分享產品價值並培養客戶學習觀念。 2.喜歡挑戰、自律性高且目標結果導向。 3.具備抗壓能力,在高壓環境中勇於承擔挫折。 4.重視優化工作內容並持續完善結果。 5.熟悉中打、英打、Office電腦操作。 【FUNDAY優於業界福利】 1.雙薪制:保障底薪加業績獎金 (額外提供新人達檻獎勵金) 2.客源多:內勤型態業務工作,公司提供潛在客戶不需陌生開發 ,且無須外出拜訪 3.高收入:平均收入可達70,000至200,000, 不定期加碼競賽獎金或激勵獎金、達標獎金 4.上班固定:週一至週五13:30~23:00(下班福利時間22:00),晚間用餐休息1.5小時、無須輪班 5.見紅就休,配合人事行政局公告之補班及國定假日休假 6.完善升遷制度 : 升遷管道透明,有清晰的職涯發展藍圖 7.福利完善: ※ 享勞健保及團保 ※ 每月業績達標加碼1~3天有薪榮譽假,優於勞基法休假福利 ※ 年度績效達標再享14天有薪榮譽FUN假 ※ 免費英語進修,內部資源充足 FUNDAY 全球華人專業線上英語學習平台:http://funday.asia FUNDAY 粉絲團 :https://www.facebook.com/funday.asia/〝
  • 月薪35000~200000元 台北市中山區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    近年教育模式趨勢轉型、透過線上教育學習已成現代人提升競爭力的主要途徑之一 ! FUNDAY重視讓使用者在忙碌的生活中,有效率、有邏輯的學習,因此一路以來在系統的規劃以及教材的編撰上從未停止努力過。 在台深耕20年,為全台灣許多企業指定的學習品牌(台大、師大、華航、長榮、台北捷運、中油、三星電子、彰化銀、合庫銀、中華電信、神腦等...)無論教育資源完整性及服務標準皆為業界之翹楚。 公司內部提供了優質的工作環境、薪獎福利、假期福利、定期教育訓練(專業銷售技巧/英文進修課程)以培育夥伴能穩定保有高收入(120~350萬/年),也同時帶給客戶更優質的進修學習服務。 亦很榮幸於2019-2022達成: 網路客戶綜合評價最高(Google評論),線上教育業界成長最快速,教學服務內容業界最全面,業界最高人均薪資等,人力銀行幸福企業金獎等認證。 【團隊文化】 FUNDAY是一個崇尚自由、創新和多元文化的組織。我們堅信,每個人都有獨特的價值,並且應該有機會發揮他們的潛力。團隊融合了人性、自律和美式文化的元素,創造一個獨特的環境,在推廣英語的同時,塑造良好的企業文化。 【職務內容】 1. 提供用戶進行語言學習之服務諮詢。 2. 用戶關懷、輔導、追蹤學習成效。 3. 提供客戶課程體驗、並協助規劃制定完整學習藍圖。 4. 純內勤工作、透過線上及通訊設備為用戶提供高優質服務。 5. 團隊作業分工及分享,相互協作以完成團隊作業績效。 【工作條件】 1.善於溝通表達,能與客戶分享產品價值並培養客戶學習觀念。 2.喜歡挑戰、自律性高且目標結果導向。 3.具備抗壓能力,在高壓環境中勇於承擔挫折。 4.重視優化工作內容並持續完善結果。 5.熟悉中打、英打、Office電腦操作。 【優於勞基法福利】 1. 雙薪制,保障高底薪+業績獎金 2. 高優質薪獎制度 (正式顧問平均薪資7萬起、高階顧問薪資區間9~24萬) 3. 悠活職場、打造人文工作環境 (媒體報導 https://is.gd/BmcFsX) 4. 資源豐富、提供大量客戶輔導名單,無須陌生拜訪。 5. 享完整勞保、健保、團保保障、新制退休金提撥。 6. 晉升制度透明完整。 7. 週休二日/配合人事行政局公告之補班及國定假日休假。 【同仁額外福利】 ※ 內部免費英語進修,工作之餘提升英文能力。 ※ 額外提供新人達檻獎勵金鼓勵。 ※ 每月按績效達成門檻額外提供1~3天有薪榮譽假。 ※ 年度績效達標加碼14天有薪榮譽FUN假福利。 ※ 月業績級距抽成獎金。 ※ 不定期Extra加碼獎金。 ※ 免費全自動咖啡機無限暢飲、愛心冷飲櫃供同仁享用。 ※ 免費健身房/按摩椅/健身中心 提供使用。 ※ 定期舉辦年度電影日、運動會。 FUNDAY官網:http://funday.asia FB粉絲團 : https://www.facebook.com/funday.asia/〝
  • 月薪30000~100000元 台北市中山區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    [Job Description] 1. Contact with potential customers who are interested in language learning with the leads list provided. 2. Introducing the most integrated program, extensively adopted by the universities and corporations in Taiwan. 3. Explaining the curriculum and matching the packages with the customers as a back office job. No field sales. 【工作內容】 1. 服務對語言學習有興趣,主動留下資訊的客戶,由公司提供大量用戶輔導名單 2. 介紹業界最完整的產品服務,以及產學合作最廣泛品牌 3. 內勤型態業務工作,解釋課程內容,幫助客戶打造客製化方案,無需外出拜訪 4. 團隊作業分工及分享,與同仁相互協助及完成團隊作業績效 5. 美式管理文化、重視工作氛圍及培養員工高自我管理意識 【Funday優於業界福利】 1. 雙薪制:保障底薪加業績獎金(額外提供新人達檻獎勵金) 2. 客源多:公司提供資源無需陌生開發,服務客群8~80歲 3. 高收入:平均收入可達70,000至200,000, 不定期加碼競賽獎金或激勵獎金、達標獎金 4. 福利完善:享勞健保及團保、優於勞基法年假以及榮譽假 5. 上班固定:週一至週五13:30~23:00(下班福利時間22:00), 晚間用餐休息1.5小時、無須輪班 6. 完善升遷制度 : 升遷管道透明,讓您有清晰的職涯發展藍圖 品牌電視廣告連結 https://reurl.cc/zWxKXy〝
  • 時薪210~240元 桃園市大園區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    【跨國零售巨頭,加入酷澎!入職滿6個月最高可再領15K獎勵金 ~】 不論您想要彈性的工作安排,或是長期穩定的就業機會,酷澎都能滿足您的需求。 應徵流程: 1. 請透過1111投遞履歷應徵! 2. 表單填寫:https://coupa.ng/ceQTpr 3.<Line 應徵諮詢服務> https://lin.ee/p3rODR5 (透過行動條碼加入Coupnag FC招聘組 LINE好友) 於Line之聊天視窗留下姓名/電話與欲詢問的內容,我們會於服務時間內回覆您。 (服務時間: 週一至週五 11:00~20:00) 主要職責: · 從事物品、貨物、常溫食品等各類物品的搬運、打包與裝卸工作 · 貨物品質管理 · 進貨、出貨、退貨、庫存管理不同部門相關倉庫作業 基本條件: · 臨時人力班別彈性,長期兼職時間詳談 · 積極主動,注意細節 · 認真、積極、負責 · 工作容易適應 · 情緒管控與態度良好,且無主動報名後無故未到或其他不良的紀錄者。 上班時間: ★長期班表時間分為: · 日班 08:00~17:00,目前為排班制,休假日不一定在週末 · 夜班 17:00~02:00,目前為排班制,休假日不一定在週末 交通車資訊: https://forms.office.com/r/p8ECMPGJbb 【我們給予各位辛苦的正職人員額外的貼心福利】 1. 溫馨午晚餐折扣10元 2. 專屬於您的置物櫃 3. 免費機車停車位 4. 和白領上班族一樣有頭貼的識別證 5. Coupang 專屬制服 6. 升遷發展機會,能夠讓您在工作上時時刻刻都備有挑戰性 歡迎大家加入韓國最大電商,挑戰自己,突破未來! 我們給予各位辛苦的正職人員協助 假別處理,班表協助,身心靈諮詢服務 只要有任何問題,我們都會盡全力去幫助大家 。 <加入獎金> 滿1個月可領新台幣3,000元 滿3個月可領新台幣5,000元 滿6個月可再領新台幣7,000元 總共實際可以領到新台幣15,000元整! 建議把握機會加入我們的行列! 我們存在的意義,是要給顧客WOW的體驗。每當顧客說,「沒有Coupang我們怎麼過活?」我們就知道走對路了。Coupang創立的初衷是渴望把購物、飲食和生活變得無比簡單。秉持初心,我們正在從根本顛覆數十億元的電子商務產業。電子商務公司當中,我們的成長速度數一數二,並且具備優異名聲,成為韓國商務市場主要可靠的存在。 我們的使命是打造電子商務的未來,絕無虛假。我們挑戰解決問題的極限,打破傳統取捨的限制。現在就加入Coupang,在永不關機、緊密連接的高科技世界,創造驚人的體驗吧。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 3年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang?〝 What You Will Do: • Act as the main point of contact for day-to-day HR inquiries from employees, providing advice and guidance on topics such as policies and procedures, employee relations, and performance management. • Collaborate with managers to address employee relations matters, including but not limited to performance issues, conflict resolution, and disciplinary actions; ensure compliance with relevant employment laws and regulations. • Coordinate the onboarding process for new hires, scheduling orientations, coordinating necessary paperwork, and facilitating a smooth transition into the organization. • Support the maintenance and improvement of HR policies and procedures, keeping abreast of relevant laws and regulations and ensuring compliance with both internal and external requirements. • Maintain accurate and up-to-date employee records, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. Manage the time & attendance, and dispatched agencies. Qualifications: • Bachelor‘s degree in Human Resources Management or related field. • Minimum of 3 years of HR experience. • Strong knowledge of HR principles and practices, including employment laws and regulations. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to build effective relationships at all levels of the organization. • Proven problem-solving skill, with a high level of integrity and confidentiality. • Detail-oriented with excellent organizational and multitasking skills, able to prioritize and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 7年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Position : Principal, AML Compliance Compliance organization develops minimum policies and standards, provides appropriate guidance, and helps to implement and monitor controls to identify and mitigate compliance risks across the entire Coupang organization. The team partners with business lines and shared services functions to design products, services and controls which reduce compliance vulnerabilities, and govern the process for measuring, monitoring, and reporting compliance risks. The team is growing and works on novel compliance issues across an expanding group of Coupang products and services. What will you do? Risk assessment framework – Conduct periodic risk assessments (entity and product level) for financial crime specific risks. Policies and procedures - Establish internal controls from AML & Sanctions perspective by developing, improving and updating necessary systems, policies and procedures. Onboarding controls - Responsible for administration and review of customer (including Buyer/Sellers) identification and verification, name screening and customer risk assessment. Monitoring compliance - Maintain and update knowledge of anti-money laundering compliance rules, regulations, laws, and best practices. Ensure systems, policies and procedures put in place are working effectively and in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. Management Reporting - Review, address, and escalate significant AML and Sanctions issues and activities to senior management. Suspicious transactions review - Review and reporting to government agencies of suspicious transactions as required by Coupang’s AML & Sanctions policy and applicable laws. Training and awareness – Conduct trainings, provide advice/guidance and work with business team on possible ML,TF and Sanctions risks Essential Qualifications: 10+ years of experience as Compliance Analyst or Compliance Manager with a focus on Financial Crime Compliance Transaction Monitoring, Customer Due Diligence, Sanctions Screening and Third Party Risk Management experience would be an asset Knowledge of a risk-based approach, and interest/understanding of risks posed inside and outside of Taiwan Chinese and English communication and writing skills Preferred Qualifications: Self-starter, ambitious and flexible Highly organized and detail-oriented Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced organization CAMS and/or CGSS Certification Advance SQL (customized queries, automating scripts, ensuring job completion, resolving errors)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 7年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang? Position: Principal, Infosec & Privacy Compliance The Privacy Compliance team have mission identifying non-compliance by monitoring and assessing whether the employees and services across business for all geographies that handling confidential information such as sensitive information and personal information are complying with the regulations, certifications requirements and supporting the prompt remediate of identified risk factors. Responsibilities: Business reviews and advice based on privacy laws Establishment and implementation of privacy compliance framework Explain privacy laws to developers or users and make practical recommendations. Responding to personal information leakage, exposure, infringement incidents, and institutional inspections Evaluate privacy compliance risks and prioritize them based on risk level Supporting to mitigate or remediate the privacy compliance risks Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree with 10+ years of privacy compliance review and advisory experience High level understanding of privacy compliance law and regulation requirements High level understanding of privacy related certification requirements Understanding and advisory experience on consignment related to data controllers and data processors or provision to third parties High-level technical experience and understanding of IT infrastructure, service and cloud environment, and micro service architecture Cloud service-based review and advisory experience Ability to high quality create reports Strong communication skill with experience of compliance response Preferred Qualifications: Business English Conversation Skills Understanding and long experience in e-commerce High level of experience and understanding of the AWS environment Ability to review business process and identify and improve issues Experience with privacy compliance risk management Understanding and experience of Taiwan law related to e-commerce business such as customers, sellers, and employees Security certificate holders (CISA, CISSP, ISO27001, ISO27701, and Other)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 7年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Position : Senior Manager, Trust and Safety Compliance Trust and Safety will be fully accountable for defining and delivering our Trust and Safety strategy, leveraging people, process and technology, to mitigate risks across all areas of our business. The role will play a key part in enabling the business to meet its growth objectives, managing risk through a process of continuous monitoring and remediation. Demonstrating the ability to switch between big picture strategic thinking and granular execution, the Senior Manager for Trust and Safety will be a forward-thinking self-starter, comfortable working with a high level of autonomy in a fast-paced environment. What will you do? -Third Party compliance with Taiwan Intellectual Property regulations, other applicable laws and Coupang Policies. Enforcement of such regulations, laws & policies across the Coupang marketplace, with a focus on third party sellers. -Risk assessment of all third-party sellers, mitigating bad debt, transaction losses and negative customer experiences on the platform from fraud, poor seller performance, product and abuse-related risk -Own data gathering and analysis, research and implement best practices, develop and recommend alternative solutions -Influence others without authority in the development of new systems and tools to enable automation and scalability -Manage all Trust & Safety teams, including Seller Gating, Intellectual Property report handling, Seller Abuse, return abuse Fraud, Counterfeit monitoring developing best practices across the business -Develop performance metrics, monitor post-process improvement performance, and obtain leadership and stakeholder agreement -Provide adaptable business solutions which are aligned to meet internal and external customer expectations -Work with product managers to develop technology-based solutions to mitigate risk and balance operational load. -Collaborate with legal teams to develop enforcement policies and standard operating procedures for operational enforcement. -Spot areas of risk and report them to Chief Compliance Officer with a suggested plan of action. -Advocate for Trust and Safety and improve awareness of the team’s functions with business teams and leaders. -Report regularly to senior leaders on progress and risks. Essential Qualifications: -Significant experience (10Y+) in compliance and risk management roles with increasing responsibility -Experienced in building technology-led solutions -Deep understanding of the risks associated with operating an e-commerce business, with a process-driven approach to maintaining service levels -Results-driven, with a huge customer-focus. Should demonstrate internal (team) and external (customer) is at the beginning and end of every decision and action. -Team player with a can-do attitude -Excellent organizational skills; able to work calmly under pressure with minimal supervision across a number of workstreams -Analytical thinker -Shows resilience and integrity, and has a humble approach -Excellent oral and written communication skills, with high EQ -Ability to develop effective business and working relationships
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市大園區 3年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang? Job responsibilities: · Translate messages, live talks, recordings, and documents between languages, paying close attention to delivering the proper context, meaning, and tone while using professional jargons. · Collaborate with colleagues to compile useful information (vocabularies, definition, etc.) into glossaries to be regularly referenced during translation. · Follow existing ethical rules to make sure sensitive confidential information is protected and safe. · Find phrases and vocabularies with conflicting meanings and determine replacements that are clear in meaning and can also reflect the original message. · Check, revise, and edit translations to amend discrepancies in professional jargons used to ensure consistency between the final output and the original document. · Consult dictionaries, encyclopedia, and terminologies to keep learning and updating the meaning of vocabularies. · Analyze meeting participants and participate in meeting briefings to understand the contents to be interpreted and evaluate the optimal interpreting method. · Record changes made to translated documents, and orderly file the change records to facilitate future reference. Required qualifications : · Master degree and relevant qualification in English or translation/interpretation · Fluent in English and Mandarin · Good interpersonal skills. Excellent understanding of written and oral communication · Can work in a fast-paced environment · Team leading experience is highly advantageous · Familiar with machine assisted translation
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 2年工作經驗 2天前更新
    We are one of the fastest growing, most innovative companies in the world. Powered by an outstanding end-to-end e-commerce and logistics network, we are the 5th largest US tech IPO of all time with a fanatical culture of customer centricity, and a track record of world leading innovation. Coupang has broken traditional ecommerce tradeoffs, bringing customers lightning-fast delivery on millions of items at the lowest prices. With offices around the world including the US, China and Korea, Coupang is where talented entrepreneurs can seize new opportunities and take the initiative. Qualifications • 3 to 10 years of accounting-related work experience, such as financial accounting • Those who have experience and ability to use SAP • Those who have proficient MS-Office skills • Those who have a tendency to think about, find, and execute the work they need to do rather than waiting for it. • Those who can work independently and have a tendency to communicate smoothly with people in various occupations • Those who have a tendency to persistently dig into the root cause and solve the problem Preferential treatment • Those who have AICPA certification • Ability to read and write in English • Those who have experience working at a global accounting firm • Those who have experience in accounting work in fast-changing IT startups or similar industries • Those who have experience in establishing an accounting process for a new business and various accounting analyses. Business information • Preparation of financial statements and related accounting reports • Review business-specific accounts and operating expenses in accordance with accounting standards. • Review of accounting treatment for new business transactions and establishment of system design and process for this • Resolve accounting/financial issues related to assets/liabilities/profits/expenses through data analysis or reading or searching specialized books • Review of adequacy of accounting treatment through analysis of accounting standards; Response to external audit • After reviewing the current data collection method and accounting process, continuously propose and implement improvement measures • Governance and control over management of business-specific reports, creation and management of related accounts. • Compilation of financial statements and preparation/submission of consolidated financial statements according to the settlement schedule and deadlines • Ad-hoc support for accounting within the organization
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 5年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang’s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang? 〝 Position: Senior Network Engineer What You Will Do: • Design, plan and implement network infrastructure (LAN, WLAN, WAN) of Fulfillment Center, Office, and Data Center. • Configure and install software, firewalls, routers and other network devices/appliances • Identify appropriate network providers • Ensuring the local network is responsive to user demands • Scaling network services to serve growing businesses • Troubleshooting issues which arise • Create, oversee and test security measures (e.g. access authentication and disaster recovery) • Monitor network performance and integrity • Communicate with users when needed • Ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and guidelines • Ensuring operating environments stay safe and secure. • Experience working in a high-pressured environment with 24x7 on-call responsibilities Qualifications: • 5+ years of industry-related experience as a Senior Network Engineer or Network Administrator • Professional certification (e.g. CCNP, CCDP) • Solid background in network administration and architecture • In-depth understanding of communication protocols (mainly TCP/IP), routing protocols (e.g. BGP, OSPF), switching, • Familiarity with access control models and network security • Experience with network diagnostic, monitoring and analysis tools (e.g. NetScout network tools) • Solid understanding of network operating systems • Sharp troubleshooting skills • Ability to work independently • Capable of training Help Desk staff on new technologies implemented • Delegating tasks to other Facilities in-charge. • BSc/BA in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field Preferred Qualifications: • Knowledge of coding languages for scripting (e.g Python, Perl) • Palo Alto - IPSec VPN, GlobalProtect, General Firewall rules • Cisco ISE – Basic TACACS+ and Radius knowledge • Organizational and mentoring skills • Experience working in startups, ecommerce  • Outstanding experience of working on AV designs and IPT network designs. • Excellent knowledge of project management principles. • Data Center technical knowledge and experience in IDC, Rack, UPS/Battery, Cooling (CRAC/CRAH), Electric power, and ICT Infra facilities. • Business-level Taiwanese / English / Korean communication
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 5年工作經驗 2天前更新
    We are one of the fastest growing, most innovative companies in the world. Powered by an outstanding end-to-end e-commerce and logistics network, we are the 5th largest US tech IPO of all time with a fanatical culture of customer centricity, and a track record of world leading innovation. Coupang has broken traditional ecommerce tradeoffs, bringing customers lightning-fast delivery on millions of items at the lowest prices. With offices around the world including the US, China and Korea, Coupang is where talented entrepreneurs can seize new opportunities and take the initiative. Position : Executive Assistant Coupang is looking for an Executive Assistant to perform a variety of administrative tasks and support our company‘s executive leader. To be successful in this role, you should be well-organized, have great time management skills and be able to act without guidance. Ultimately, you will contribute to the efficiency of our business by providing timely support to executive members. Key Responsibilities: • Act as the point of contact among executives, employees, clients and other external partners • Manage information flow in a timely and accurate manner • Manage executives’ arrangement and set up meetings • Make and accommodation arrangements • Rack daily and prepare weekly, monthly or quarterly reports • Oversee the performance of other clerical staff • Format information for internal and external communication – memos, emails, presentations, reports • Take minutes during meetings • Screen and direct phone calls and distribute correspondence • Organize and maintain the filing system Requirement: • At least 5 years of experience in executive assistance • Ideally have served C - Level executive previously • Fluent in English and Mandarin • Adaptable, flexible and willing to go extra mile
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市大園區 5年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Coupang is reimagining the shopping experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. We have recently launched our services in Taiwan including Rocket Delivery which offers next-day delivery for a wide selection of items at affordable prices and Rocket Overseas which offers free international delivery on millions of best-selling products from Korea, the U.S., and beyond. We are looking for talents to help us lead Coupang‘s expansion in Taiwan. This is an exceptional opportunity to become a part of Coupang’s growth in Taiwan and create a world where our customers wonder, “How did we ever live without Coupang?〝 Position: Workforce Recruitment Manager What You Will Do: • Ensure the efficient and effective recruitment of workers for our fulfillment center. Working closely with external agencies, internal stakeholders, and business leaders, you will be responsible for driving recruitment strategies, planning, and innovative approaches to meet the growing demand for workers. • Collaborate with external recruitment agencies to develop and execute recruitment strategies for workers, ensuring alignment with business needs and goals. • Act as the main point of contact between the company and recruitment agencies, fostering strong partnerships and clear communication channels. • Analyze workforce requirements and trends to develop proactive recruitment plans that anticipate and address staffing needs effectively. • Leverage market insights and industry best practices to propose innovative ways to attract, engage, and hire workers. • Monitor and track recruitment metrics, providing regular updates and reports to leadership on progress, challenges, and opportunities. • Collaborate with the HR team to streamline onboarding processes and ensure a smooth transition for new workers. • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and changes in labor regulations that could impact the recruitment process. • Foster a positive candidate experience by ensuring clear communication, timely feedback, and a smooth application process. Qualifications: • Bachelor‘s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or related field. • Proven experience in workforce recruitment, preferably in a fast-paced fulfillment or distribution center environment. • Demonstrated success in working with external recruitment agencies and building strong partnerships. • Strong analytical skills to assess workforce needs and develop effective recruitment strategies. • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with internal stakeholders and external partners. • Knowledge of labor laws and regulations related to recruitment and hiring. • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills, with the ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner with all levels of the organization. • Exceptional problem-solving skills, with the ability to think creatively and strategically to develop innovative solutions to complex HR challenges.
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