• 月薪30000~35000元 台北市萬華區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    無經驗者公司提供為期2周完整教育訓練培訓 通過考核、表現良好者可爭取轉正機會 工作內容: 1.接聽專線電話,協助客戶端處理信用卡相關事務 2.偶爾推廣專案商品(無任何業績壓力) 工作時間: 1.培訓期約1~2個月;固定上下班時間09:00 ~ 18:00 / 周休六日 2.通過培訓期需開始配合輪班;輪班皆有輪班津貼 輪班時段分為早班、中班、晚班、大夜班;每月為固定班別,不會讓同仁不好適應 ***大夜班基本上不會輪到,因有固定同仁進行輪值;滿一年才有可能輪到*** ***輪班後為排班制,每月可先預排8~11天休假*** 薪資制度: 1.底薪$30,000 / 未包含各項津貼 2.輪班津貼 / 交通津貼 / 加班津貼 3.適當月名額通過考核者可享轉正福利;薪資可再往上成長 你覺得你是一位細心、講話口齒清晰、對於客戶的問題可以很快掌握重點的人才 並且對於新的事物保有積極、主動學習的熱忱 觀迎主動應徵,一起加入我們的大家庭
  • 月薪32000~35000元 台北市萬華區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    剛畢業擔心沒有經驗工作 ? 或 對找新工作沒方向 ? 別擔心~美商公司擁有完整教育訓練,新人期長達6個月可以讓你慢慢學 【工作內容】 主動電話致電關懷銀行VIP客戶 提供市場專業金融知識 【工作時間】 周一 ~ 周五09:30 ~ 18:30 / 見紅就休 【薪資架構】 底薪$26,400 ~ $27,000 前6個月成交達標加碼$5,000大紅包 每筆案件皆有成交獎金 【美商福利】 入職即享有特休10天 全薪病假15天福利 年終保障2個月 海內外獎勵旅遊 員工旅遊 年終尾牙 免費按摩服務 每年一次免費健康檢查 勞健保加保 退休金提撥 三節獎金 生日禮金
  • 月薪28000~45000元 桃園市中壢區 工作經歷不拘 79天前更新
    ❤❤❤艾肯國際強力徵才❤❤❤ ✔✔✔專業招募團隊✔✔✔ ▬▬▬▬▬▬【有業績壓力/需要具有挑戰性的你加入】▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❤【上班時間】:08:30-17:30 ❤【休假方式】:週休二日 ❤【薪資結構】:28000元up-45000元 ❤【工作內容】: 1.求職者媒合角色 2.電話行銷客服 3.門市接待 4.資料建檔 5.員工教育訓練 ❤【員工福利】: 1.享勞健保、團保、6%勞退 2.三節禮金、年終獎金、績效獎金 3.升遷完善 4.完整教育訓練培訓 5.一年一次國內外旅遊 6.生日禮金 7.員工制服 8.伙食津貼 9.車資補助 10.季研討會 ▬▬▬▬▬▬【歡迎詢問,預約面試,電話未接聽可傳簡訊】▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☎️ 0975-577-880 陳小姐預約(未接聽請傳簡訊姓名+電話+職缺名稱) ☎️ 加入【Line:ican577】截圖詢問,找工作其實可以很快很簡單 ☎️ mail履歷 : apple@i-can.tw
  • 月薪30000~45000元 新北市三重區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    ❤歡迎+LINE詢問➜ID: a0935728658 (請截圖+姓名+188客服)會立即回覆喔! ❤請先線上幫我投遞履歷,謝謝您~ ☛正職/正職/正職 ☛保障底薪$30000-35000(學歷敘薪) ☛提供完整在職教育訓練(訓練期間有薪) ☛享有公司集團福利 ☛享值班津貼/享三節獎金/享績效年終獎金 ▃▃▃▼ 職缺重點 ▼▃▃▃ 【工作薪資】 月均薪 30000-45000(加班費依勞基法計) 【工作內容】 ▶接聽台哥大 188客戶服務專線 ▶協助解決來電客戶問題 【工作需求】 ☛口齒流利清晰,表達溝通能力佳。 ☛OFFICE基本操作、中英打字30字/分鐘 ☛具服務熱誠及學習精神、抗壓力強 【工作時間】 ☛輪班制AM9:00 –PM01:00 (多種班別) (正常工時8小時+1小時休息時間) ☛排休(月休8-10天) 【福利制度】 ✤享勞健團保/6%退休金、三節禮品/券、生日禮券、年終獎金等 ✤教育養成期滿可申請公務門號 ✤完整教育訓練 ▃▃▃▼快速預約▼▃▃▃ ✦加好友Line ID收尋:a0935728658 告知 姓名 (請截圖詢問喔) ☎掌握機會專線 0935-728-658 黃姐 預約面試 ✨點選表單[我要應徵]投遞履歷 黃姐 協助預約面試 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
  • 月薪30000~45000元 台中市南屯區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    ❤歡迎+LINE詢問➜ID: a0935728658 (請截圖+姓名+188客服)會立即回覆喔! ❤面試免出門、採線上視訊面試喔~ ☛正職/正職/正職 ☛保障底薪$30000-35000(學歷敘薪) ▃▃▃▼ 職缺重點 ▼▃▃▃ 【工作薪資】 月均薪 30000-45000(加班費依勞基法計) 【工作內容】 ▶接聽台哥大 188客戶服務專線 ▶協助解決來電客戶問題 ▶提醒續約 ▶加值服務推廣 【工作需求】 ☛口齒流利清晰,表達溝通能力佳。 ☛OFFICE基本操作、中英打字30字/分鐘 ☛具服務熱誠及學習精神、抗壓力強 【工作時間】 ☛輪班制AM7:00 –PM01:00 (多種班別) (正常工時8小時+1小時休息時間) ☛排休(月休8-10天) 【福利制度】 ✤績效/年終獎金/三節禮金/生日禮金 ✤勞保/健保/6%退休金/員工團保/意外險/職災保險 ✤結婚、生育、住院、喪殯、進修、旅遊補助等多項福利 ✤完整教育訓練 ▃▃▃▼快速預約▼▃▃▃ ✦加好友Line ID收尋:a0935728658 告知 姓名 (請截圖詢問喔) ☎掌握機會專線 0935-728-658 黃姐 預約面試 ✨點選表單[我要應徵]投遞履歷 黃姐 協助預約面試 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中山區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    日本上市金融科技,擴編招募優秀Business Development 人員! 【工作內容】 ・後支付服務的台灣市場開拓(包含線上/線下) ・各種業種合作與行銷專案、PR等的推進 ・作為PM與相關部門聯繫,協助專案的進行。 針對台灣的購物公司提供本公司付款服務的導入諮詢。 透過與知名市場、EC系統等服務的合作,來推動銷售策略規劃/團隊建立 【公司的未來性】 除了支付系統的拓展外,透過付款服務累積信用情報、購買紀錄等數據,有助於今後商業的發展,以這些大數據做為起點,實現新的價值。 【法定項目】 ・勞健保 ・加班費 ・各種休假(特別休假、婚假、喪假、生理假、產檢假、陪產假、產假、育嬰假) ・退休金 【公司福利】 ・年終:一年兩次(依績效而定) ・⼀次一年兩次人事考核 ・優於勞基法的特休⽇,暑假另給三天特休 ・每⽉遠距上班4天 ・彈性上下班:9:00~9:30
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市麻豆區 10年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1.業務部門KPI執行與推動 2.市場推廣計畫、中長期行銷策略及目標制定與追蹤執行 3.銷售計畫制定、執行與管理 4.市場調查與動態分析 5.產品目標規劃與執行整合 任職資格 1.大學以上 2.人格特質:抗壓性、社交性、企圖心、領導性、堅毅性 3.國內外業務與管理經驗10年以上 4.英文精通
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 工作經歷不拘 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Identify target market, early users, and develop relationships with prospective customers. 2. Develop simple and easy to understand business case pitch to potential customers. 3. Build, manage and prioritize BD pipeline. 4. Identify good-fit potential customers and build / manage relationship. 5. Identify areas for strategic leverage. 6. Represent company well and plan/prepare/conduct external meetings and presentations. 7. Identify customer needs and work with team to incorporate feedback to. 8. Structure win-win relationships and projects, convert into sales. 9. Collaborate with product & ENG teams on product specs and provide customer feedback. 10. Become an expert on products, use cases, and industry. Help us find new markets and opportunities to bring our products to market. 11. Ability to wear multiple hats including BD, sales, and product development. 12. Comfortable with uncertainty and iterative development as we are operating like a startup building new AI businesses. 任職資格 1. High-level communication and stakeholder management skills. 2. Proven ability to negotiate and track record of leading successful B2B sales deals. 3. Experience with design, implementation & iteration of business development strategy. 4. Experience in early-stage startups or new ventures. 5. Background in Business, Marketing or other related fields. 6. Entrepreneurial spirit and self-starter. 7. Executing in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. 8. Experience and understanding of AI/ML/Data Science products. 9. Ability to communicate well in English and Chinese. 10. Ability to travel to meet with potential overseas clients.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 5年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 • Develop APAC PC commercial business considering Distributor, Value Added Reseller (VAR), System Integrator (SI), SMB, Education, Enterprise and Government eco system for APAC region with country teams • Identify trends and market needs, and align with PC Commercial Market Development Strategy to develop opportunities for growth within the APAC Region. • Work with Country team to create potential business deals by analyzing market strategies by SMB, Education vertical…etc, • Coordinate and prioritize necessary market research to validate market sizes, critical market assumptions, key customer/value chain needs, competitor strategies, and brand recognition/positioning with SMB and Education Sector • Assist APAC General Manager and be in charge of regional product portfolio management, work with country teams to optimize P&L results • Define and propose “go to market strategy” by developing and suggesting innovative and pertinent business model, partnerships etc.. • Define market segmentation and clearly articulate/define value propositions to compete and win in targeted market development segments in 3-5 year horizon. • Work with Country teams to develop new concepts that can solve the market and customer needs. Participate in stage gate process for growth projects to commercialize new products. • Work with appropriate product and sales team to drive execution of the plan. • Lead/coordinate global and regional implementation of the global HQ strategy for the market segment in real time and organized matter • Develop regional key account and vendor relationships with value chain end users to develop commercial business 任職資格 • Over 5 year experience in Computer IT/Hardware. Consumer Electronics industry • Experience with International Commercial Business Development, especially familiar with Distributor, Value Added Reseller (VAR), System Integrator (SI), SMB, Education, Enterprise and Government echo system • Think strategically, develop action plans and deliver tangible business development results. • Proactive, able to perform in high pressure and team work • Energetic, passionate about business development. • Demonstrated strong business acumen skills • Outstanding communicator and negotiator. Able to influence at all levels of organizations. • Experience with Emerging Countries in APAC would be preferred • 40% international travel • English fluency is a must
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 5年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 Optimization of PC business operation including sales forecast, order fulfillment and supply chain management. 任職資格 1. Good at coordination and mechanism built-up between territory sales, BU, strategic key part procurement and supply chain 2. Familiar with business fulfillment operation including ordering pattern and supply chain management in ITC industry 3. Familiar with commercial business operation and demand-supply fulfillment management 4. Proficiency in English and Chinese 5. At least 5~7 years of work experience in Logistics, Demand & Supply Planning ( 10+ years of experienced talents are also welcome)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 6年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Develop strategy and maintain relationships with key customers and help to expand our business with them. 2. Strong ability to analyze market potential and existing resources to develop a “Go to Market” plan. 3. Need to work closely with the market, service and product teams while developing short term and long term plans. 4. Provides support to operations as necessary to ensure customers are receiving appropriate service. 5. This role requires a minimum of 6 years experiences in the industrial PC market or IOT market. 6. Experience with customers in the US, JP and Western EU is preferred. 7. Experienced on business development for private, consortium and public block chain applications. 任職資格 1. 6~15 Years IPC, embedded system, POS system, FAE/PM or Sales experience. 2. Good command of written and spoken English. 3. A strong responsibility person, aggressive and well-organized.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市中和區 5年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1.負責東南亞市場,推廣銷售保健食品(成品/OEM代工)。 2.新通路新客戶市場開發,拓展市場以達成業績目標。 3.參加國內外展會、協助行銷活動及展覽、掌握競業訊息及提供市場銷售分析。 4.與相關部門溝通協調,掌握進度並協助產品開發。 5.須配合不定期國外出差 任職資格 1.大學,英文流利 2.五年以上東南亞保健食品出口、代理商及通路管理經驗 3.保健食品東南亞國家代理商與通路管理經驗 4.配合度及機動性高、溝通協調能力佳並具談判能力
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 5年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Direct engage and develop new business in EMEA/U.S. territory. 2. Manage IPC distributors/channel, help customer to reach their target and revenue growth. 3. Support and collaborating with marketing team to develop, execute and monitor all marketing programs for leads generation and opportunity closing. 4. Independently handle leads qualification and closing orders for identified specific business opportunities. 5. Join exhibition in EMEA/U.S./China, create brand image for IPC products. 任職資格 1. 5+ years of experience in IPC sales/ FAE with IOT/ AI/ e-mobility domain knowledge. 2. Excellent English communication, writing & reading capabilities. 3. Detail oriented, proactive, resilient personality are required. 4. Good problem-solving skills and supportive working attitude are essential.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 8年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. The Country Manager plays the role of managing an assigned market with sales driven and target oriented minds. The role is devoted to grow business against competition through 4P strategy and optimized profits and market share align with BU goal. 2. Being the major window at BU HQ of communicating and aligning strategy between HQ and countries 3. Product portfolio guidance suggestion and review 4. Market research and competition analysis 5. Business target hit-rate management 6. Supply chain pipeline management 7. Support sales activities and needs 8. Coordinate all region related topics 9. Talent development 任職資格 1. Good at communication and coordination 2. 具商用電腦產業相關工作經驗和知識(若工作經驗皆與商用電腦直接相關,工作經驗8年以上;若工作經驗無商用電腦,偏消費性電子產品為主,至少間接經驗13-15年) 3. 具數字敏感度 4. 主動發掘並解決問題的能力 5. 流利英文能力
  • 隨薪所欲