• 月薪39000~39000元 新北市板橋區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.負責門禁管制 2.車輛出入指揮 3.收發信件、包裹 4.針對特定處所進行監視 5.負責社區安全維護管理
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 南投縣南投市 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    熟台灣傳統產業市場動態及趨勢(運動器材、汽車產業、醫療器材…生產或代工) 1. 開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2. 定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3. 負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4. 負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5. 提供售後服務,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。
  • 月薪32000元 新竹縣竹東鎮 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 執行功率模組封裝製程(die attach/ wire bond / molding) 2. 執行功率模組封裝技術開發 3. 執行功率模組封裝設備評估
  • 月薪30000~32000元 台中市梧棲區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.接受顧客詢問或主動提供諮商建議給顧客 2.陳列商品、清潔櫥窗、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 3.向顧客說明貨品的性質、特徵、品質與價格 4.向客戶示範操作方法,顯示商品的優點,以協助顧客選擇 5.在成交後,包裝商品、收取款項、交付商品、開發票或收據,完成交易手續
  • 月薪27470元 台北市文山區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.眼科櫃檯報到.病患分流 2.協助檢查室.診間病患檢查及就診 3.病歷處理及相關後勤行政業務
  • 月薪29000元 彰化縣和美鎮 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.操作機器進行模具產品外觀拋光作業 2.機台操作及例行性機台清機保養 3.需搬重物
  • 月薪35200~40200元 台北市文山區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.細胞實驗 2.分生實驗 3.動物實驗 4.實驗數據分析 5.計畫經費核銷 6.實驗室行政業務 *此職缺為研究助理,非專任員工職缺。所享有之公司福利沒有包含員工互助金與三節禮金,求職前請詳知。 *聘任機構依計畫核定辦理。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 南投縣南投市 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    熟台灣傳統產業市場動態及趨勢(運動器材、汽車產業、醫療器材…生產或代工) 1. 市場調查規劃與執行 2. 市場情報蒐集及分析能力 3. 市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市新莊區 2年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    本公司虔誠歡迎有志一同/為公司共同打拼的有為青年(具工作熱忱、具綜管幹部實務經驗、具領導統御能力)加入團隊!工作職掌如下… 1.協助上級主管並完成公司交辦事項和任務需求. 2.傳達上級命令暨達成工作目標並指導基層員工完成各項勤務作為. 3.督導/指導/輔助/關心基層同仁在現場的各項工作執行情形. 4.教導基層員工專業知識/常識並實施教育訓練予基層員工瞭解和任務需要. 5.現場任何處理結果-務必回公司報告並填寫在工作日誌. 6.參與公司各項活動/區權會支援工作/每月參與公司事務會報和成果分享.
  • 月薪35200~40200元 台北市文山區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 管理及追蹤研究進度時程,確保每個環節如期進行 2. 實驗數據上傳及存檔 3. 跨部門溝通協調,確保各專案符合進度規劃 4. 協助IRB申請 5. 研究計畫之報告書相關內容撰寫 6. 參與研究專案例會並製作會議紀錄 7. 協助研究項目相關人員聯絡、溝通事宜 8. 主管交辦事務 *此職缺為研究助理,非專任員工職缺。所享有之公司福利沒有包含員工互助金與三節禮金,求職前請詳知。 *聘任機構依計畫核定辦理。
  • 月薪35000~50000元 桃園市桃園區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.現場監工及施工進度紀錄、案場環境維護管理 2.核對廠商合約數量、單價及現場勘查、工作進度安排,上下游廠商聯絡等事務 3.完成設計師交辦事項,依工程進度安排現場施工作業及狀況處理 4.工程相關申請手續辦理 5.相關經驗者尤佳
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 5年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi Citi‘s Global Legal Affairs and Compliance (GLAC) empowers and protects Citi by providing legal, compliance, investigative, and security services to our firm. We manage compliance risk, provide legal analysis and advice, protect Citi’s people and businesses, advocate for legal and regulatory outcomes that benefit our firm and our clients, and ultimately promote behavior that is consistent with Citi‘s mission and culture. We‘re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Assistant Vice President, Business Associate, Taiwan - Hybrid (Internal Job Title: Business Associate - C12) based in Taipei, Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we‘ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. For instance: • Citi provides programs and services for your physical and mental well-being including access to telehealth options, health advocates, confidential counseling and more. Coverage varies by country. • We believe all parents deserve time to adjust to parenthood and bond with the newest members of their families. That’s why in early 2020 we began rolling out our expanded Paid Parental Leave Policy to include Citi employees around the world. • We empower our employees to manage their financial well-being and help them plan for the future. • Citi provides access to an array of learning and development resources to help broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge as your career progresses. • We have a variety of programs that help employees balance their work and life, including generous paid time off packages. • We offer our employees resources and tools to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. In 2019, Citi employee volunteers contributed more than 1 million volunteer hours around the world. In this role, you‘re expected to: • Interface with centralized staffing office on contractor hiring requirements and partner with business managers to forecast monthly headcount • Consolidate bi-weekly Resource Justification submission requests for ‘time and materials’ and ‘fixed price’ resources globally • Interface with global Relationship Managers to ensure suppliers are consistent with resource and location strategy • Submit approval/disapproval of funds requests for budget reports and analyze monthly department reports to maintain expenditure controls • Examine budget estimates for completeness, accuracy, and conformance with procedures and regulations • Complete compliance related activities and reporting • Assist with real estate analytics and reporting • Provide advice and technical assistance with cost analysis, fiscal allocation, and budget preparation • Review data for accuracy and create required reporting to manage the data • Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 月薪31920元 台北市南港區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    職稱: 實驗動物飼育管理人員 工作內容: 1. 實驗小鼠飼育管理: 含每日照護, 異常通報, 例行巡視 2. 實驗動物設施日常維護作業 3. 實驗動物籠舍清潔 4. 其他主管交辦事項 應徵資格: 1. 學歷: 高中職以上 2. 可配合假日輪班者優 3. 具耐心與觀察力 4. 善與人員溝通與相處 工作地點: 台北市南港區研究院路二段128號 中研院細胞與個體生物學研究所 工作待遇: 依中央研究院約聘僱人員薪資標準支薪,專科級月薪31,920元起,學士級月薪37,240元起 應備文件與應徵方式 一份含自我介紹的簡歷(或自述)及聯絡方式,以Email寄送至李朝欽設施主任: jasper15@gate.sinica.edu.tw,將邀合適者面談與認識工作環境,不合者恕不回覆。 徵才日期: 即日起至職缺補滿為止。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 彰化縣花壇鄉 2年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.工地品管作業規劃。 2.施工材料進場取樣及檢驗。 3.檢試驗資料整理。 4.工地文件管理,品質異常調查與改善對策追蹤。 5.工地工程稽核與驗收、施工查驗與監督管理。 6.工程圖面修編 7.主管交辦事項。 (具施工管理經驗及土木或建築相關科系畢)。
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會