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  • 月薪70000~100000元 中南美洲 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.分公司業務開發.督導 2.分公司管理制度規劃. 3.產銷協調 4.分公司人員招募.管理(含行政.業務人員) 5.分公司帳務督導(含流水帳紀錄) 6.須熟西班牙語
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國華盛頓州 工作經歷不拘 33天前更新
    職責要求 1.維持既有客戶跟開發新客戶 2.遠距向台灣工作報告工作進度 任職資格 1.電子業相關背景(PCB 產業相關為佳,有汽車板、手機板等經歷最佳) 2.技術或業務背景
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 中歐波蘭 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    * 外商直銷公司撰稿員, 工作地點: 波蘭華沙 * 人才需求條件: 1. 波蘭當地華人, 中, 英, 波蘭文流利 2, 大學以上畢業,有相關工作經驗佳 3, 擅⻑書寫⽂章:⻑短篇、詩集、報導式⽂章以及公司、產品正規⽂宣 4, 擁有創意思維,時刻為⽂字注⼊活⼒,為讀者帶來新鮮感, 活躍思維,勇於接受新挑戰者優先考慮 5. 擁有良好組織、採訪⼈物的經驗,能夠將⼈物訪問編⼊⽂章 6. 良好校對⽂章能⼒,雜誌、網⾴、⽂宣、影⽚等 7. 對於網絡與社交媒體有基本認識 8. 需兼顧部分⽂案以外的事宜,例如:影⽚拍攝、活動策劃等 9. 擁有良好團隊溝通能⼒,能夠單獨執⾏任務的同時更能夠與同事發揮團隊⼒量。 10. 發揮創意與團隊構思各種創意點⼦ 11. 需要與廠商接洽、溝通
  • 月薪40000~50000元 美國加利福尼亞州 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    鉗工 1、可獨立打孔攻牙 2、設備落位安裝 3、能看懂設備佈局圖 4、熟練使用遊標卡尺,塞尺等鉗工常用測量工具。 電工 1、能看懂電氣原理圖, 2、可以獨立根據圖紙完成電櫃的安裝, 3、獨立排除設備發生的線路問題點, 4、有電氣相關證照佳, 5、熟練使用電工測量工具。 電池安裝 1、電動車電池成產線相關經驗, 2、看得懂電路圖會配電, 3、熟悉SIMATIC PLC控制器佳。 教育訓練在台南東區 此為外派職缺 ,上班地點特斯拉美國加州、德州廠
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國加利福尼亞州 10年工作經驗 78天前更新
    職責要求 1.負責法律、行政、人事、財務、業績、成本以及綜合績效。 2.管會計,人事以及總務。 任職資格 1.工作經驗10年以上(有CEO/COO/業務/行銷經歷優先) 2.中英文雙語
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國加利福尼亞州 工作經歷不拘 93天前更新
    1. 美國子公司 會計帳務、財務報表覆核。 3. 美國子公司 資金調度、現金流量預測及管理。 4. 美國子公司 經營分析、預算編制及財務預測。 5. 美國子公司 內稽內控、營運流程改善及分析。 6. 美國子公司 總公司會計師季度及年度查帳作業準備。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國加利福尼亞州 工作經歷不拘 96天前更新
    職責要求 1. New business development 2. New account development 3. Design in activities 4. New Product Promotion 5. Market study & trend feedback 6. Familiar with connector product or market is better. 任職資格 1.Better familiar with FPC and FFC market, high speed cable
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國加利福尼亞州 10年工作經驗 159天前更新
    職責要求 1. 帶領專案團隊從事服務器零部件產品研發。 2. 規劃RFQ階段產品規格及成本。 3. 執行跨廠區/跨部門溝通協調。 4. 制定並掌握產品開發到量產的時程。 5. 與客戶溝通、理解客戶端的需求。 任職資格 1. 大學含以上學歷,機械/電子/自動化等專業; 2. 10年以上專案管理工作經驗, 具備ODM廠工作經驗尤佳 3. 了解相關服務器零組件的技術(如散熱,風扇,機殼,滑軌); 4. 良好的內外部溝通協調能力,良好的中英文溝通表達能力,能直接與客戶英文口語交流; 多益800以上 5. 良好的團隊精神,具有好的品德和責任心。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國明尼蘇達州 5年工作經驗 8天前更新
    職責要求 1.Develop and create integrated financial dashboards and financial analysis for senior leadership. 2.Take charge of the development and maintenance of tools used for financial analysis; provide guidance and direction in the use of financial systems and ensure the systems provide accurate, timely and value-added data. 3.Develop financial models and analyses to support and drive business strategic initiatives. 4.Partner with the FP&A Director in the roll out of worldwide annual budgeting and semi-annual forecasting process by building and maintaining templates in Prophix system. 5.Act as the super-user and administrator of Prophix system and assist other Prophix system users. 6.Evaluate, analyze, and communicate systems requirements on a continuing basis, maintain systems processes and ensure data integrity in the data warehouse. 7.Proactively and creatively obtain data and knowledge needed for modeling and develops, maintains, and improves complex Excel based and/or other system-based financial models. 8.Performs other projects, work and activities as assigned to deliver consistent internal and external customer service. 任職資格 1.Must have 5 + years of demonstrated financial planning and analysis experience. 2.Minimum desired requirement of a bachelor‘s degree from an accredited college, majoring in either Finance, Accounting, Economics or other related major. 3.A hands-on team player that is not afraid of rolling up their sleeves to achieve the right outcomes. 4.Demonstrated intermediate-to-advanced MS Excel 5.Experience with business intelligence applications (e.g. Prophix or Power BI) preferred 6.Possess sophisticated financial analytical abilities and business acumen 7.Proficiency in presenting business and analytical information to all levels of the organization 8.Multinational company (with different currencies) experience is preferred
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 中南美洲墨西哥 工作經歷不拘 180天前更新
    職責要求 1.Responsible for FP&A, Risk Management and Tax departments of Plant. 2.Monitor and implement plant internal controls(in conjunction with corporate policies) 3.Treasury and cash management knowledge appreciated to follow group strategy. 4.Cost accounting knowledge appreciated to support group quoting strategy. 5.Coordinate and direct the preparation of the budget and financial forecasts and report variances; manage budget and cash flow projections 6.Ensure quality control over financial transactions and financial reporting 7.Prepare monthly management report. 任職資格 1.英文精通,具外派經驗 2.熟悉成本會計、報表合併,瞭解台灣稅法
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國明尼蘇達州 10年工作經驗 198天前更新
    職責要求 1. Identify opportunities and assess risks associated with IT investments for appropriate and cost-effective investment of financial resources in IT systems and resources, including staffing, sourcing, purchasing, and in-house development. 2. Lead IT strategic and operational planning to achieve business goals by fostering innovation, prioritizing IT initiatives, and coordinating the evaluation, deployment, and management of current and future IT systems across the organization. 3. Assess and make recommendations on the improvement or re-engineering of the IT organization and keep current with trends and issues in the IT industry, including current technologies and prices to advise, counsel, and educate executives and management on their competitive or financial impact. 4. Monitor effectiveness of IT system/employee performance by establishing IT departmental goals, objectives, and operating procedures and by developing and maintaining an appropriate IT organizational structure that supports the needs of the business and ensures continuous optimum delivery of IT services. 5. Develop, track, and control the information technology annual operating and capital budgets including business case justifications and cost/benefit analyses for IT spending and initiatives. 6. Promote and oversee strategic relationships between internal IT resources and external entities, including government, vendors, and partner organizations and management of hardware/software acquisition and maintenance contracts to capitalize on economies of scale and to ensure IT system operation adheres to applicable laws and regulations. 任職資格 1.Bachelor’s degree in computer science, information systems, or business administration. Master’s degree in either of these fields with technology as a core component preferred. 2.10+ years’ experience managing and/or directing an IT operation. 3.Advanced English and Mandarin skills 4.Experience in strategic planning and execution. 5.Considerable knowledge of business theory, business processes, management, budgeting, and business office operations. 6.Substantial exposure to data processing, hardware platforms, enterprise software applications, and outsourced systems
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 中南美洲墨西哥 工作經歷不拘 255天前更新
    職責要求 (1)負責墨西哥廠之建廠專案的規劃與執行,包括專案進度與預算管控 (2)負責管理工廠的製造生產、產品質量、物料、庫存以及廠務統籌 (3)管控工廠的生產排程、交期及產量,達成各項生產目標 (4)導入制度與標準,產線作業規劃與管理,提升產能降低成本 (5)負責所轄人員的工作監督及績效考核 (6)墨西哥廠與台灣總部、以及客戶之間的溝通協調 (7)其他總公司交辦事宜,包括報告、分析和提出改進方案等 任職資格 1)此職缺需長期派駐墨西哥 2)具有海外(墨西哥)建廠規畫、導入制度與標準、以及製造業現場管理500人以上實務經驗 (3)具良好的表達和溝通協調能力 (4)英文聽說寫流利 (5)西班牙文加分
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國俄勒岡州 工作經歷不拘 267天前更新
    職責要求 1. 財務單位日常帳務管理、資金預算、資金運作監督管理。 2. 收入、成本、費用的審核及監督,及時核對應收應付款項及往來帳。 3. 月度、季度、年度財務報表、管理報表、成本報表和相應的報表分析資料。 4. 定期提報子公司營運狀況、預算執行、損益分析及財務績效資料,並針對異常項目進行分析檢討。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。 任職資格 1. 有海外財務工作經驗者。 2. 熟悉美國地區稅法以及相關財會法令者。 3. 具備會計或審計專業知識。 4. 熟稔編制或審閱財務報表。 5. 熟悉操作財會相關作業系統(SAP)。 6. 具傳產製造業、國際貿易相關經驗者尤佳。 7. 多益800分或同等英文檢定以上者佳。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國明尼蘇達州 5年工作經驗 289天前更新
    職責要求 1.Actively participate in the month-end close process, prepare journal entries related to areas of responsibility, including complex transactions and accounting estimates. 2.Prepare monthly financial reports in accordance with policies. 3.Maintain accurate financial records by performing timely and complete reconciliations of assigned general ledger accounts and systems. 4.Research and respond to internal inquiries – providing timely, accurate and easy-to-understand responses. 5.Ensure compliance with IFRS, internal controls and company accounting policies. 6.Support various cross-functional projects and initiatives within the organization. 7.Assist in evaluating, documenting, implementing and monitoring appropriate internal controls/processes. 8.Actively participate in working with internal and external auditors. 9.Participate in continual improvement and quality initiatives, including personal and professional development, to maximize individual, departmental and organizational capacity. 10.Perform other projects, work and activities as assigned to deliver consistent internal and external customer service. 任職資格 1.Excellent organizational skills 2.Strong Microsoft Excel skills 3.Ability to communicate accounting transactions to non-accounting employees 4.Ability to analyze, interpret, and report financial data. 5.Ability to accurately reconcile accounts 6.Understanding of complex accounting principles 7.Collaborative problem solver 8.Results-oriented, self-motivated and takes personal responsibility 9.Ability to work effectively and represent the company’s interest with both internal and external stakeholders 10.Bachelor’s degree in Accounting 11.Minimum 5 years related experience
  • 幸福企業