• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    We are seeking a Consumer Insight Senior Specialist to understand shoppers’ perception of our brand, ensure customer satisfaction, and support marketing strategies. This role involves conducting quali and quanti research, social listening, and analyzing market share for valuable consumer insights. Main Responsibilities: 1.Consumer Perception and Satisfaction: Design and execute survey to gain insights into shoppers’ perception of our brand and services. Analyze data to assess customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. 2.Social Listening and Trend Analysis: Monitor social media platforms and online discussions to understand consumer sentiment, trends, and preferences related to our brand. Provide insights and recommendations based on social listening findings. 3.Market Share Analysis: Support category and product market share analysis by collecting and analyzing market data, including sales figures, competitor performance, and consumer preferences. 4.Insight Reporting: Prepare concise reports and presentations summarizing consumer insights, satisfaction levels, market share analysis, and recommendations for marketing strategies. 5.Collaboration: Collaborate with agency and cross-functional teams, including marketing, product development, and sales, to provide consumer insights that inform business strategies and decision-making.
  • 月薪40000~50000元 新北市板橋區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.進行血液、體液、排泄或分泌物之細菌培養檢查 2.記錄檢驗結果 3.綜合學理擬具報告以供醫師診斷參考 如有細菌檢驗工作經驗優先安排面試 需具備醫檢師執照
  • 時薪183元 新北市中和區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    你擁有機車駕照 但沒有機車可以騎 你想要找個薪資福利穩定收入的工作 但四處碰壁 你擔心萬一遇到了問題 沒有勞健保可以幫忙 你想要有更多的額外福利 但發現找到的工作都只有基本工資 在這裡~ #我們提供完善的教育訓練及彈性的排班 讓你兼顧課業及正職工作 #我們提供優質的津貼福利 讓你工作與生活一樣幸福 〔工作內容/工作時段﹞ 。依據訓練標準程序製作餐點;櫃台/外送服務、門市環境清維護(騎乘公司提供之外送車) 。可於各班別中任選4-6小時彈性排班(班別依據面試餐廳需求為主) ﹝薪資福利﹞ ★ 基本時薪:$183 〝起〝 ★ 津貼福利 ◆ 外送:$10-12/每趟次;外送趟次越多賺越多~~ ◆ 值班津貼:每小時15元(晉升組長後) ◆ 早、晚班津貼:23:00-07:00(每小時享有50-80元津貼) ◆ 健檢:任職滿一年起,公司提供年度健檢照顧你的健康 ◆ 保險:除勞、健、勞退外,公司更為你投保團保維護你的安全 ◆ 員工用餐折扣:兼職夥伴當日任職滿4小時,即享有85折員購折扣;組長當日任職每四小時享有乙餐員餐 ◆ 生日/節慶禮卷: 你生日我慶祝,生日當月我們提供你品牌禮卷 讓生日更有溫度 你過節我共歡,重要節慶我們提供你福利禮券 好好與家人歡慶 你旅遊我贊助,每年職福會提供你旅遊津貼 好好享受幸福人生
  • 月薪36000元 新北市中和區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.負責門禁管制、防竊作業及竊盜處理工作等安全維護工作 2.收發文件 3.監督及參與建築及設備之清潔、修理及維護 4.針對特定處所進行監視,維持公共安全,減少火災、竊盜或其他危險 5.控制照明、取暖、空氣調節及通風等設備 6.社區安全維護管理、保障客戶生命和財產安全
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.Social Media Strategy Plan •Work with the agency for communication strategy and content 2.Promotional/NPD Communication 3.IG Management •In-house content creation (including Film Shooting and Editing) •Schedule management •Performance tracking •Supplier management: Lead and work with the agency for communication strategy and content creation with quality control •Work with in-house artwork team and the agency in terms of creative material development and quality control. •Regional content material preview and integrated with local social plan and calendar. •Weekly & monthly social performance tracking report. 4.Cross team social support Support different functional teams (Trading, Marketing, eCommerce) in terms of social & on-site event execution. 5.Social Media advertising management •Work with O+O team for promotion AD exposure •Creative content advertising •Result tracking 6.YT Management •Video posting •Video categorizing 7.Video/Photo Creation/Editing •Content video/photo creation for promotion/own brands/brand campaign •Corporate video editing 8.Social Listening 9.On-site event support
  • 月薪27470~28000元 嘉義縣中埔鄉 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 負責早餐烹煮 2. 維護餐廳整潔
  • 月薪30000元 新北市蘆洲區 2年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.公司內帳處理、郵局往來、信件收發 2.協助報表訂單處理,電話接聽 3.主管交辦事務處理 男女不拘 (據相關經驗)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 4年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.Own Brand skin team- brand & product management 2.Full ownership of brands. Plan and execute brand & biz. Objectives 3.Responsible for biz. Analytics to form plans and optimize execution results 4.Manage product portfolio and implement new product launches 5.Collaborate with related dept., lead projects and deliver results 6.Identify market trends and consumer insights 7.Weekly sales tracking, promotion arrangement, planning and executions 8.Stock management/fcst. And related administration
  • 月薪27470~30470元 嘉義縣中埔鄉 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 代表旅館的門面 2. 負責接待入館客人,向其說明房型與房價 3. 協調房務和結帳,需具備高度的服務熱忱與臨場反應能力
  • 月薪35000元 台北市松山區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.Planning(work with team leader): -Watsons own/exclusive brand annual strategies and monthly campaign. -NPD launch plan. -360 marketing communication planning (BTL, ATL, digital media & social media), PR events and post-performance tracking and analysis. 2.Collaboration: #Internal -Work with cross-functional teams (Marketing, Trading OBE & SCD) to bring success to campaigns -Work with WIOB(Watsons International OB Marketing) in terms of brand marketing material review and integrated with local plan. #External: -Work with POSM supplier for brand POSM design &printing and develop artwork design of crossover project’s product package. -Work with agency (Advertising, PR, &Media Buy) on brand projects quality control to achieve objectives and goals and post-performance tracking. 3.Execution: -Annual strategies &monthly campaign implement. -Relevant POSM process and quality management. -Liaison with WIOB in terms of artwork design of crossover project’s product package and any artwork approval process. -Brand A&P management, monthly Promotion POP and EC banner rotational arrangement and execution. -Daily routine operation.
  • 時薪195元 高雄市新興區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 調製各種冷熱飲料 2. 負責吧台設備以及周遭工作環境 3. 提供顧客諮詢及販售說明 4. 負責結帳與收銀 5. 佈置及清理餐桌 6. 為顧客帶位或安排座位 7. 將菜單遞交顧客,答覆有關餐飲問題,必要時提供建議 8. 上菜並提供有關用餐的服務 9. 遞送帳單,請顧客付款或簽字
  • 月薪27470元 新北市新莊區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.負責工作區域清潔工作。 2.負責資源回收整理及垃圾處理。 3.負責日常清潔保養工作。 4.執行其它清潔相關及主任交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 1年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.Responsible for PR ideation, planning activities in the marketing calendar at all levels (cooperate & category promotion, CSR, local & regional initiatives, store specific campaign, supplier co-op campaign 2.Able to lead and make positive influence across cross-function teams involve marketing teammates Trading, Operation, People & external partner PR & Event agency to ensure each campaign deliver its KPI. 3.Able to take task brief from various sources. 4.Able to debrief to PR /Ad agency or other cross-functional team members with clear directions, timelines, and deliverable after absorbing and alignment of the brief given. 5.Ability to manage the media crisis and aligns Call Center, Operation and Buyers to prevent crisis happens. 6.Ability to do event management. 7.Ability to do media relationship management. 8.Able to manage the detailed and process-oriented logistics. 9.Your day to day management and main area of responsibilities are: (1) Daily Clipping & regular reports (2) Promotional/NPD communication (3) Media/Influencer Communication/Supplier Cooperation/Relationship Management (4) Work with People depart for Employee Branding Execution (5) Social listening and marketing climate tracking in terms of potential crisis, trends catching (6) media crisis management (7) media inquiry management (8) PR calendar management (9) store communication – for media requests (10) Group PR communication – regular reports 10.Work with Supervisor & PR Agency in terms of annual PR strategy
  • 月薪27470~30470元 嘉義縣民雄鄉 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 代表汽車旅館的門面,負責接待入館客人 2. 向其說明房型與房價,協調房務和結帳 3. 需具備高度的服務熱忱與臨場反應能力 ※PS:需輪班
  • 隨薪所欲