• 月薪57750~149100元 台中市西屯區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Develop and operate backend systems related to data collection and data processing. • Responsible for workflow automation , process optimization and performance tuning. • Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. • Continuously learn and improve skills. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Design and implement software systems and tools for internal process automation based on data mining and machine learning techniques. • Design, implement, and operate data analytics platforms for business intelligence analysis. • Provide data insights and develop data intelligence solutions/reports for business decisions. • Work with other teams to assist with data-related technical issues and support their data infrastructure needs. • Evaluate and identify the use of new or existing software products and technologies. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Discover insights from a wide variety of data sources for potential business decisions. • Collaborate across marketing, business operations, and business leaders to understand business questions. • Create detailed report based on data mining and data visualization for business requirement. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Perform feature engineering, building and optimizing classifiers using machine learning techniques. • Data mining using state-of-the-art methods. • Design and implement software systems and tools for internal process automation based on data mining and machine learning techniques. • Design, implement, and operate data analytics platforms for business intelligence analysis. • Provide data insights and develop data intelligence solutions/reports for business decisions. • Work with other teams to assist with data-related technical issues and support their data infrastructure needs. • Evaluate and identify the use of new or existing software products and technologies. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Develop and operate backend systems related to data collection and data processing. • Responsible for workflow automation , process optimization and performance tuning. • Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. • Continuously learn and improve skills. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 新竹市東區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Designing, coding, and debugging web applications and services. • Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. • Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. • Support, maintain, and document software functionality. • Continuously learn and improve skills. • Perform other duties as necessary. • Can communicate fluently in the following languages: English, Japanese and Vietnamese is a plus.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 新竹市東區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Designing, coding, and debugging Android (iOS) mobile apps. • Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. • Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. • Support, maintain, and document software functionality. • Continuously learn and improve skills. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~84800元 台中市西屯區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    『 我們要的不只是寫程式的人 』 你做的是閱讀規格書、完成PM交付的工作嗎? 對我們而言,開發是分析使用情境和目的、評估效能和安全性、考量資源和效益 寫程式只是工作的一部分,我們真正在做的是 將公司宏偉的藍圖、客戶天馬行空的需求和同仁嘔心瀝血的想法透過程式語言轉化成產品 我們要的是能夠互補、願意互相學習、值得互相依靠的隊友 - Designing, coding, and debugging web applications and services. - Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. - Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. - Support, maintain, and document software functionality. - Continuously learn and improve skills. - Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 月薪57750~149100元 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    • Designing, coding, and debugging web applications and services. • Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. • Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. • Support, maintain, and document software functionality. • Continuously learn and improve skills. • Perform other duties as necessary.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市鼓山區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    【好想燒肉】 !徵才!徵才!徵才! 對於餐飲服務 你有滿腔熱血、你有抱負理想、你有管理實力 卻苦無一個讓你發揮的舞台嗎? 我們需要的 就!是!你! 趕緊投遞履歷參加面試 我們一起攜手共創餐飲的精彩未來 你發光發熱的時刻來啦~ 註:需有廚房內場經驗,若具有修整肉品經驗為優先考慮。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市板橋區 2年工作經驗 10天前更新
    1.負責國內企業授信風險相關審查作業,並撰寫風險評估報告。 2.覆審案件,並出具覆審評估報告。 3.其它交辦事項。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1. 與業務單位進行有效溝通,審閱、修改及撰擬中英文船舶/航空器契約文件,以達公司與客戶雙贏局面。 2. 擔任部門內的知識分享者,依據不同產品別在案件中所聚焦的要點,清楚描繪並簡報予夥伴。 3. 主要負責公司的非訟事務,必要時,須偕同業務到海外出差,並擔任海外律師窗口。 ∥最重視團隊合作、友善工作氣氛與持續學習的法諮team就在中租!!!∥
  • 月薪40000~55000元 桃園市桃園區 2年工作經驗 3天前更新
    本公司為環境維護清潔公司。 招募優秀人員加入團隊,協助公司營運、人員招募、配合臨時勤務、薪資福利佳,歡迎洽談。 歡迎優秀的您加入。
  • 月薪40000~50000元 新竹縣竹東鎮 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    1.與施工者協商,確定施工計畫、水準及程序 2.在施工期間,進行實際檢核及測試,並監督工程使其符合設計規格及工料標準 3.向業主報告進度及施工狀況 4.轉達施工要領,矯正不良施工,並協助解釋施工規範問題 5.協助公司辦理廠商計價、業主計價,回報公司工地狀況 6.工程現場管理與規劃、負責工地監工、人員調派、工程分包安排及業務處理。 7.工程估算並監督產線設備運作順暢,及工程正確進行流程,以使產品規格品質符合需求 8.協助公共工程相關送審、查驗資料統整、結算資料統整、填寫工程日報表 9.協助現場作業品質、進度督導、施工品質之查驗與驗收、整合工作。 10.現場進度與勞工安全衛生管理。
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會