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  • 時薪600元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 36天前更新
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 36天前更新
    1. 高中化學授課 2. 需試教面談
  • 時薪600元 高雄市苓雅區 工作經歷不拘 36天前更新
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市苓雅區 工作經歷不拘 36天前更新
    1. 高中化學授課 2. 需試教面談
  • 時薪575元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    一、職位名稱: 國際處華語文中心兼任華語文教師 二、工作內容: 1. 外國學生華語文教學《時代華語》 2. 輔導學生通過華測認證(上學期學生須通過華測A1;下學期通過華測A2。) 3. 其他課程交辦事項 三、工作地點: 輔英科技大學(高雄市大寮區進學路151號) 四、徵求條件:符合下列三項資格其中之一即可。 1. 具備碩士或博士學位,並具有教育部對外華語教學能力證書。 2. 具備「應用華語文學系」、「華語文學系」或「華語文教學學系」碩士或博士學位。 3. 具備中國語文學及臺灣文學相關系所碩士或博士學位,並取得國內外大學對外華語教學師資培訓班研習課程120個小時以上之證明文件。 4. 具備態度親切、服務熱忱、溝通能力佳 五、待遇:575元/時 六、到職日:113年9月1日。 七、聯絡人:林先生CLC@fy.edu.tw
  • 月薪33700~40000元 高雄市旗山區 工作經歷不拘 7天前更新
    1.服務對象生活照顧 2.協助執行個別化服務計畫 3.環境清潔 4.主管交辦事項
  • 月薪37700~42000元 高雄市旗山區 工作經歷不拘 7天前更新
    1.個別服務計劃執行及定期評估 2.個案記錄撰寫及服務對象權益與安全維護 3.訓練服務對象獨立生活之自理能力 4.課程與活動安排帶領及與家屬進行溝通
  • 時薪575元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    輔英科技大學應用外語系誠徵日文及文書處理兼任老師各1名公告於113年06月30日前(郵戳為憑) 一、應徵資格: (一)學歷:具國內外日語、電腦相關領域具碩士學位者。 (二)專長或條件: 1.應聘教師應具備一年以上與所任教領域相關且有助於教學之業界實務工作經驗。 二、任教及教學研究方向: 歡迎具主修日語、具資訊技術、資訊管理、文書處理或電子商務等相關學術或產業實務專長者。 三、應徵資料: (一)應徵教師個人資料表。 (二)個人簡歷、自傳表。 (三)最高學歷證書影本、成績單影本(持國外學歷者,請將學位證書及成績單送至駐外單位辦理認證及身分證等影本)。 (四)身分證正反面影本(外籍人士附護照基本資料頁影本)。 (五)個人經歷證明影本:如相關服務證明、離職證明、聘書(國外任職證明須附中文譯本並經我國駐外單位驗證)。 (六)教師證書影本;若尚未取得可檢附與應徵職務相關之證照影本。 (七)其他有助於審查之資料,如研究、推薦函、產學、專利、計畫、獲獎等。 四、收件截止日: 113年06月30日前(郵戳為憑)將上述相關證件資料(請註明應徵應外系兼任教師) 寄至:83102高雄市大寮區進學路151號 輔英科技大學人事室。 五、本案聯絡人:許麗秋小姐(e-mail:dfl@fy.edu.tw);聯絡電話:(07)7811151分機6440。 六、請至本校人事室徵才網站登入應徵資料:首次使用請先註冊,填入資料後需再重新點送應徵本校職缺),應徵資料保留一年(自註冊日起計)利於本人查閱及應徵該校其他職缺。 講師鐘點費:575元/小時
  • 月薪30000~32000元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1.提供嬰幼兒日常生活(如:飲食、大小便等)的照顧,並保護其安全 2.教導嬰幼兒良好的基本生活習慣,包含自理飲食、衛生習慣等基礎生活技能 3.嬰幼兒發展階段學習活動安排及陪伴 4.告知並與家長共同討論嬰幼兒的需求與發展 5.保持整理中心環境整潔,並為嬰幼兒善後
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市左營區 1年工作經驗 3天前更新
    The Future Leaders Program Coordinator (FLPC) reports directly to the Director of Internships and Partnerships (DIP) and provides essential support to the DIP in developing, implementing, and managing the internship program. The FLP Coordinator is instrumental in facilitating student engagement, coordinating internships placements, and assisting with administrative tasks to ensure the success of the program. The mission of the Future Leaders Program is to support the growth, development, and maturation of current KAS students in three major domains – mentorship, career exploration, and connections/networking/references. Key Responsibilities for the Future Leaders Program Coordinator: ● Meet weekly or biweekly with FLP team ● Manage student schedules and be the main contact for mentor associations ● Troubleshoot student challenges and mentor questions ● Manage student experience, student homework, student reflections for assigned program partnerships ● Assist the Director in the planning of MOU signing events. ● Meet with student groups for info sessions. ● Contact parents as part of planning and communication ● Follow up with students who have not turned in paperwork/homework. ● Conduct student interviews for the assignment process. ● Meet with students during BIG /Advisory, break/lunch, or afterschool as needed. ● Post student reflections on Google classrooms and Flipgrid to observe student internship progression and development. ● Draft and compose necessary documents in English and/or Chinese to facilitate communication and commitment between sponsors and students. ● Check and assess student reflections on Google classroom and Flipgrid and provide timely feedback. ● Monitor student internship through in person (at internship site), ex-situ observation, and/or student surveys to evaluate internship effectiveness. ● Assist the Director in distributing necessary materials to students and/or sponsor organizations. ● Schedule meetings with mentors and students (either prior to orientation or after internship) to provide profession-related assistance. ● Help plan, set up, execute, and clean up MOU ceremonies and other FLP-dedicated events. ● Promote and advocate for leadership and internship opportunities to interested students within the student population at KAS (including students who may not speak Mandarin). ● Support the Director in communicating program updates, opportunities, and successes through various channels such at the KAS parent Newsletter or KAS social media. Preferred qualifications include: ● A Bachelor‘s degree in education, business, or a related field ● Fluency in Mandarin and English. ● Previous experience in internship program coordination, student advising, or a related field preferred ● Effective interpersonal and communication skills in writing, speaking and presenting. ● Ability to work collaboratively with stakeholders, including students, parents, and faculty. ● Demonstrated strengths as a self-starter who can contribute to a growing, innovative program. ● Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in educational programming. ● Has life experiences that demonstrate, among other things, a growth mindset, versatility, adaptability and resilience. Mission KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individuals, independent learners, and global citizens. Vision KAS brings global opportunities to Kaohsiung and southern Taiwan, by inspiring excellent holistic learning in a nurturing environment. We embrace collaboration, creativity and professionalism as we model a balanced learning environment. KAS Dragon Learners are… Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open minded Caring Risk Takers Balanced Reflective
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市左營區 1年工作經驗 3天前更新
    The Director of Internships and Partnerships (DIP) plays an important role in creating meaningful relationships between KAS and external organizations, facilitating internship opportunities for students, and creating strategic partnerships to enhance our educational programs. The position will manage both the Future Leaders Program Coordinator and the Service Learning Coordinator. The Director of Internships and Partnerships will also be the Director for our Future Leader Program, which is our primary vehicle (currently) for student internships during the school year. The mission of the Future Leaders Program is to support the growth, development, and maturation of current KAS students in three major areas – mentorship, career exploration, and connections/networking/references. Key Responsibilities for the Director of Internships and Partnerships: ● Develop and implement a comprehensive internship program that aligns with the mission and vision of KAS. ● Act as a liaison between the school and external partners, fostering mutually beneficial relationships. ● Identify and partner with a variety of companies and organizations that offer relevant internships throughout the calendar year to high school aged students and recent KAS graduates. ● Guide partnering organizations to develop appropriate, engaging learning experiences for high school or recent high school graduates. ● Review and revise current internship guidelines, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with legal and safety requirements. ● Seek out opportunities for students to showcase their work and accomplishments through events, presentations, or exhibitions. ● Organize an annual function to appreciate and recognize our community partners ● Schedule reflection and task meetings (weekly) with the FLP Coordinator and SL Coordinator to maintain updates and troubleshoot upcoming challenges. ● Plan and execute MOU signing events. ● Lead communications regarding program updates, opportunities, and successes through various channels such at the KAS parent newsletter or KAS social media. ● Approves all paperwork, brochures, and surveys to align with mission and vision. ● Hold students, families, mentors, and Coordinators accountable for all tasks related to success of program execution. ● Be the main contact between Program, Coordinator, and Students and the Head of School and Board members. ● Evaluate (in collaboration with Coordinator) the viability of potential partnership and ongoing evaluation of student-mentor relationships. ● Hold the agenda and planning of student information sessions during the beginning of each semester/session. ● Plan logistics and scheduling for student interviews with the FLP Coordinator. ● Mentor and support the FLP Coordinator in the job of supporting students and working with mentor programs and associations. ● Communicate directly about program planning with board members (for potential partnerships) Preferred qualifications include: ● Fluency in Mandarin and English. ● A Bachelor‘s degree in education, business, or a related field (Master‘s degree preferred). ● Previous experience in program development and management, partnership management, or a related field ● Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in writing, speaking and presenting. ● Strong networking and relationship building skills. ● Ability to work collaboratively with partners, the Senior Leadership Team, and the Board of Directors. ● Demonstrated strengths as a self-starter who can contribute to a growing, innovative program. ● Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in educational programming. ● Has life experiences that demonstrate, among other things, a growth mindset, versatility, adaptability and resilience.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市三民區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
  • 時薪200~250元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1. 指導課業、批改作業。 2. 監考、解題、輔導。 3. 協助講師教學,需配合排班。 4. 有志於補教者,可培訓成為上台講師。
  • 時薪200~250元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1. 指導課業、批改作業。 2. 監考、解題、輔導。 3. 協助講師教學,需配合排班。 4. 有志於補教者,可培訓成為上台講師。
  • 幸福企業