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  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞韓國 1年工作經驗 4天前更新
    1.櫃檯註冊新會員維護現有帳戶 2.回答客人關於俱樂部和度假村的相關問題 3.執行會員福利兌換,根據俱樂部政策和程序發放免費禮品,告知會員他們的福利 4.在系統中輸入和更新成員的信息 5.執行會員福利兌換以及發放免費物品和促銷優惠 6.了解並了解度假村的所有設施和服務 7.協助並履行主管指派的職責 8.日文中等以上優先 申請者須符合韓國專業工簽申請要求: ※韓國專業工簽要求: 1. 碩士學位 2. 相關大學科系+1年相關工作經驗 3. 不相關大學科系+3年相關工作經驗 4. 非大學學歷+5年相關工作經驗 相關科系: Marketing/Business Administration/Public Relations, etc.) 相關工作經驗: Marketing related/Hotel Guest Service related/Front Desk Officer/Reservation Department/ Welcome Ambassador/ Hotel Butler etc.)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞韓國 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1. 負責所有前堂相關的職能,包括為客人登記入住及辦理退房手續、預訂房間及修改資料、提供城市活動及餐廳的資訊、景點的方向指引、檢查客房的狀態及解決客人的問題 2. 須注意所有細節,瞭解酒店每天的最新情況,為客人提供報價及推廣建議。熟識客房位置、客房種類、客房價格、優惠、酒店設施、營業時間、特別推廣、宴會及活動等 3. 幫助協調客人的相關事宜,包括行李服務、轎車服務、工程部、客房部及餐飲部 4. 確保妥善地為客人預訂房間、登記入住、安排房間、準備門匙及歡迎禮包、收款及歡迎每位客人 5. 接受及處理客人付款的程式及退房的手續。 6. 會籍資料 KEY IN 7. 與客人介紹酒店內部環境
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞韓國 5年工作經驗 407天前更新
    職責要求 1.測量儀器銷售網分析、按產品特徵掌握需求顧客、調查競爭公司、感知產業變化等營銷活動 2.代理店分析、營業計劃制定及進行相關報告、發掘新代理店等渠道銷售活動 3.產品說明及演示、新產品介紹、客戶公司會議、解決問題等直接銷售活動 4.韓國分公司 - 參加臺灣總公司之間的每週、每月、主題會議並發表(英文報告書製作、英文發表) 5.負責業務的團隊合作能力和領導能力 任職資格 1.大學以上 2.經歷5年以上 3.電子/電氣知識及說明能力 4.韓文精通+中或英文其中一項精通 5.專業:機械.機械機械.機器人、汽車工程、能源工程、電子/電氣工程、控制計量、計算機工程
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 5年工作經驗 423天前更新
    職責要求 1. Assist and advise Installation, Service and / or Operational Managers with the completion of hazard identification, risk (management) assessments & method statements as required. 2. Assist and advise Management in the planning, implementation, monitoring (follow-ups) & reviewing of H&S ‘Standards’ / local management systems. 3. Work with the local Management to satisfy the needs of customers. 4. Travel to locations / sites and customer premises throughout the country to ensure national / our H&S ‘Standards’ are being complied with. 5. Conduct location / site visits and inspections as per annual, local H&S (action) plans / local work schedules / as required. 6. Support the local Management in ensuring compliance with country laws and legislation. 7. Investigate & report incidents to the reporting chain and the relevant national authorities (where applicable) who must be informed. 8. Assist and advise the local Management in any perceived failings (i.e. non-conformities) in any H&S ‘Standards’ and / or management systems. 9. Assist and advise the local management on failings of employees and provide written re-ports when required. 10. Respond to / act upon any reasonable request made from the local Management. 11. Assist in creating H&S minutes of meetings (MOM) for Management. 12. Promote H&S using Global HSE and local ‘safety-creating’ awareness programs and initiatives. 13. Ensure regular (progress) communication with the HSE Director for all matters related to H&S for their country. 14. Ensure Monthly Reports are completed and distributed to the HSE Director and Country Managing Director. 15. Ensure a hand-over / take-over (HO/TO) of work has taken place and HSE Director and local Management fully informed prior to any absence. 16. Liaise with other functions / departments within as well as any HSE consultancies (if applicable) to ensure compliance with national H&S laws and legislation / our standards. 17. Development of existing policies and procedures when necessary and in line with national H&S laws and legislation / our standards. 18. Work with other international functions (i.e. the reporting chain in the first instance) as required ensuring that our H&S ‘Standards’ are being met and promoted. 19. If the requirement has been foreseen, cooperate with H&S colleagues in other countries on H&S matters. 20. Participate in specific training so the HSO can competently fulfil their roles, responsibilities and obligations 任職資格 1.5年以上日本當地經驗
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 5年工作經驗 423天前更新
    職責要求 1. Assist and advise Installation, Service and / or Operational Managers with the completion of hazard identification, risk (management) assessments & method statements as required. 2. Assist and advise Management in the planning, implementation, monitoring (follow-ups) & reviewing of H&S ‘Standards’ / local management systems. 3. Work with the local Management to satisfy the needs of customers. 4. Travel to locations / sites and customer premises throughout the country to ensure national / our H&S ‘Standards’ are being complied with. 5. Conduct location / site visits and inspections as per annual, local H&S (action) plans / local work schedules / as required. 6. Support the local Management in ensuring compliance with country laws and legislation. 7. Investigate & report incidents to the reporting chain and the relevant national authorities (where applicable) who must be informed. 8. Assist and advise the local Management in any perceived failings (i.e. non-conformities) in any H&S ‘Standards’ and / or management systems. 9. Assist and advise the local management on failings of employees and provide written re-ports when required. 10. Respond to / act upon any reasonable request made from the local Management. 11. Assist in creating H&S minutes of meetings (MOM) for Management. 12. Promote H&S using Global HSE and local ‘safety-creating’ awareness programs and initiatives. 13. Ensure regular (progress) communication with the HSE Director for all matters related to H&S for their country. 14. Ensure Monthly Reports are completed and distributed to the HSE Director and Country Managing Director. 15. Ensure a hand-over / take-over (HO/TO) of work has taken place and HSE Director and local Management fully informed prior to any absence. 16. Liaise with other functions / departments within as well as any HSE consultancies (if applicable) to ensure compliance with national H&S laws and legislation / our standards. 17. Development of existing policies and procedures when necessary and in line with national H&S laws and legislation / our standards. 18. Work with other international functions (i.e. the reporting chain in the first instance) as required ensuring that our H&S ‘Standards’ are being met and promoted. 19. If the requirement has been foreseen, cooperate with H&S colleagues in other countries on H&S matters. 20. Participate in specific training so the HSO can competently fulfil their roles, responsibilities and obligations 任職資格 1.5年以上日本當地經驗
  • 月薪70000元 東北亞澳門 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    ■工作內容: 1. 高效並準確的完成工作 2. 於VIP客戶抵達前做好相關準備,並於現場跟進提供服務 3. 於VIP客戶到達之前確認好客戶相關訂房與車輛安排事宜 4. 每日在當班結束前跟進任何未完成的任務 5. 系統操作,並且與直屬主管做主管會報 6. 進行和協助VIP客戶結算 ■職缺條件: - 有服務業相關經驗者佳 - 可久站 - 具有高度客戶服務意識
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    負責服務國內外旅客,包括機場接送、觀光導覽和商務陪同服務。結合旅行業和派車業,滿足客戶的各種需求! 在觀光方面,您將負責了解客戶的喜好和需求,規劃精心策劃的觀光行程,以確保客戶的滿意度達到最大化。這需要持續保持客戶導向的態度,並具備創意思維,以確保提供讓客戶愉快的經歷。 同時,您還需要處理豪華轎車的接送服務,與高層管理人員等溝通,因此需要具備良好的溝通能力和協調能力。 這個職位將為您提供一個多元化且具有挑戰性的工作環境,讓您能夠展現您的才華並為客戶提供卓越的服務體驗! 【福利制度】 ・完整社會保險(健康保險、雇用保險、勞災保險、厚生年金保險) ・資格獎勵金制度、員工折扣制度(使用公司的租車服務時有折扣) ・禮儀研修 ・電話應對研修 ・簽證申請費用:企業全額支付 ・搬家費用:從機場到搬家地點的移動花費由公司支付 【更多職缺】 https://www.reeracoen.tw/zh-tw/jobs/search
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞韓國 3年工作經驗 758天前更新
    職責要求 1.學歷:大專以上學歷,機械/化工及相關的工科專業 2.工作經驗: 3年以上塑膠相關設備的銷售工作經驗,或者5年以上自動化設備銷售經驗 任職資格 1.獨立分析能力和解決問題的能力 2.出色的溝通技巧和說服能力 3.較強的社會公關能力 4.具備英語的聽說讀寫能力
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 5年工作經驗 758天前更新
    職責要求 1.曾任國內、外鋼廠業務/貿易/採購 經理級主管5年以上經驗 2.曾任國內、外商社業務/貿易/採購 經理級主管5年以上經驗 任職資格 1.大學以上 2.精通日文, 具備中文 及英文溝通能力
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 半年工作經驗 5天前更新
    【工作内容】 ・土木施工管理(品質管理・工程管理・安全管理・原價管理) 【魅力】 ・有員工宿舍! ・主要負責公家機關的建設,安穩的工作環境! ・維護街道安全・安心的工作! 【法定項目】 ※依照日本法律規定 ・社會保險(健康保險、僱用保險、勞災保險、厚生年金保險) 【企業福利】 ・宿舍/住宿津貼 ・現場津貼 ・證照津貼 ・家族津貼 ・職位津貼
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞韓國 2年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1. 協助國內外業務接洽及推廣.拓展市場 2. 客戶關係維護,對應客戶問題處理 3. 負責報價、訂單及帳款處理 4. 參與業務部門訂定及達成目標 5. 主管交辦事宜
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 5年工作經驗 758天前更新
    1. Responsible 5G new business development in Japan. 2. Propose sales strategies based on local market in Japan , market information collection, customer. 3. Implement company decisions and achieve goals for sales performance.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞韓國 4年工作經驗 758天前更新
    職責要求 1.Receive, inventory and configure new equipment. 2.Design, install and deploy network infrastructure, wireless infrastructure and route/switch. 3.Oversee/perform new and existing equipment, hardware and software upgrades. 4.Responsible for installation, integration, support and configuration of the products and technologies. 5.SAP ERP system data import/export and troubleshooting. 任職資格 1.Familiar with SAP Business One. 2.Experience in SAP Support environment. 3.Can communicate in Chinese. 4.學歷:專科以上 5.語言:韓文中等以上, 中文中等以上 6.工作經歷4-5年
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.直/間接人員招募與面談作業。 2.各項招募管道建立與執行追蹤。 3.招募報表製作與彙整。 4.職缺管理。 5.總體招募策略規劃。
  • 幸福企業