
  • 月薪28000~35000元 台南市仁德區 工作經歷不拘 今天
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 59天前
    1.具多項能力優先錄用 2.熟資料取得技術(ETL)-爬蟲技術/SQL語法/其他Python Library 3.熟資料預處理技術(EDA)-熟Python程式語言 4.資料視覺化(Data Visualization) 5.熟特徵工程(Feature Engineering)技術
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 24天前
    1.熟悉Java(有使用Kotlin開發尤佳) 2.有使用git相關經驗者 3.有串接web API經驗者 4.具有獨立解決問題能力及良好團隊溝通能力 5.具APP上架經驗者尤佳 6.具備作品集尤佳
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 59天前
    【您將負責的工作內容】 1. 配合前後端分離架構,使用後端技術開發各項服務 2. 配合專案經理進行需求討論與分析 3. 能理解使用者需求,提供最佳的解決方案 4. 優化資訊架構系統,確保資料安全與穩定 5. 進行功能測試與單元測試 【本公司技術棧(本職務以PHP為主)】 -Language: PHP, Python, NodeJS -Framework: Laravel 9 -Database: Cloud SQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, GraphQL -DevOps: Azure DevOps -Container: GCP, K8S
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 100天前
    1.管理決策公司法律事項及提供法律意見 2.民事、刑事或行政救濟案件之策略擬定與書狀撰寫、開庭 3.規劃年度法治教育訓練及擔任講師 4.撰擬及審閱中英文合約及其他法律文件 5.熟悉勞動相關法令、個人資料保護法、行政程序法及智慧財產權法令及運用 6.與外部合作律師、顧問溝通與監督
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 17天前
    1.中英文合約審閱、擬定與修正 2.建立與維護合約、商標等資料庫 3.熟悉勞動相關法令、個人資料保護法及智慧財產權法令及運用 4.法規資料蒐集整理,提供法律意見與案件撰狀及出庭 5.協助處理法律相關問題 6.與外部合作律師、顧問溝通
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東南亞新加坡 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    工作職責: 向技術總監匯報,負責支持本公司的產品及解決方案。要求實際操作能力強,提供現場支持。 本公司客戶主要是分佈於東亞及東南亞各個國家的企業客戶。需要根據工作和項目安排,前往客戶現場進行交流和支持。 了解客戶有線和無線網絡、安全等相關產品;對關鍵問題進行電話支持,維持良好客戶關係,挖掘客戶對服務的新需求。 語言要求:英語口語流利,能夠閱讀並撰寫專業文檔 職位要求: 計算機、通信、電子等相關專業本科或碩士。有志於從事網絡特別是方興未艾的無線領域的諮詢、設計、優化等專業工作。 了解計算機體系結構、網絡、無線、操作系統的專業知識。具備一定編程基礎。 學習能力強,能夠迅速掌握新技術。 能夠適應較多出差要求的工作節奏。 工作主動積極,不推諉,認真負責。 以下是對具有工作經驗人士的要求: • 熟悉網絡基礎協議和標準 • 熟悉無線網絡方案和標準 • 熟悉業內知名企業例如Cisco、Juniper、HPE/Aruba、Huawei、Cradlepoint、Fortinet的產品和方案 • 熟悉網絡監測/網絡分析相關知識 • 具備行業內專業中級認證以上者優先
  • 1111南台灣職場小語


  • 月薪30000~35000元 桃園市桃園區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.拜訪社區與客戶 2.電話客服的延伸與銷售 備註:有高額獎金
  • 月薪30000~35000元 台北市大同區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.拜訪社區與客戶 2.電話客服的延伸與銷售 備註:有高額獎金
  • 時薪210~240元 桃園市大園區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    【跨國零售巨頭,加入酷澎!入職滿6個月最高可再領15K獎勵金 ~】 不論您想要彈性的工作安排,或是長期穩定的就業機會,酷澎都能滿足您的需求。 應徵流程: 1. 請透過1111投遞履歷應徵! 2. 表單填寫:https://coupa.ng/ceQTpr 3.<Line 應徵諮詢服務> https://lin.ee/p3rODR5 (透過行動條碼加入Coupnag FC招聘組 LINE好友) 於Line之聊天視窗留下姓名/電話與欲詢問的內容,我們會於服務時間內回覆您。 (服務時間: 週一至週五 11:00~20:00) 主要職責: · 從事物品、貨物、常溫食品等各類物品的搬運、打包與裝卸工作 · 貨物品質管理 · 進貨、出貨、退貨、庫存管理不同部門相關倉庫作業 基本條件: · 臨時人力班別彈性,長期兼職時間詳談 · 積極主動,注意細節 · 認真、積極、負責 · 工作容易適應 · 情緒管控與態度良好,且無主動報名後無故未到或其他不良的紀錄者。 上班時間: ★長期班表時間分為: · 日班 08:00~17:00,目前為排班制,休假日不一定在週末 · 夜班 17:00~02:00,目前為排班制,休假日不一定在週末 交通車資訊: https://forms.office.com/r/p8ECMPGJbb 【我們給予各位辛苦的正職人員額外的貼心福利】 1. 溫馨午晚餐折扣10元 2. 專屬於您的置物櫃 3. 免費機車停車位 4. 和白領上班族一樣有頭貼的識別證 5. Coupang 專屬制服 6. 升遷發展機會,能夠讓您在工作上時時刻刻都備有挑戰性 歡迎大家加入韓國最大電商,挑戰自己,突破未來! 我們給予各位辛苦的正職人員協助 假別處理,班表協助,身心靈諮詢服務 只要有任何問題,我們都會盡全力去幫助大家 。 <加入獎金> 滿1個月可領新台幣3,000元 滿3個月可領新台幣5,000元 滿6個月可再領新台幣7,000元 總共實際可以領到新台幣15,000元整! 建議把握機會加入我們的行列! 我們存在的意義,是要給顧客WOW的體驗。每當顧客說,「沒有Coupang我們怎麼過活?」我們就知道走對路了。Coupang創立的初衷是渴望把購物、飲食和生活變得無比簡單。秉持初心,我們正在從根本顛覆數十億元的電子商務產業。電子商務公司當中,我們的成長速度數一數二,並且具備優異名聲,成為韓國商務市場主要可靠的存在。 我們的使命是打造電子商務的未來,絕無虛假。我們挑戰解決問題的極限,打破傳統取捨的限制。現在就加入Coupang,在永不關機、緊密連接的高科技世界,創造驚人的體驗吧。
  • 月薪32000~35000元 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    我們存在的意義,是要給顧客WOW的體驗。每當顧客說,「沒有Coupang我們怎麼過活?」我們就知道走對路了。Coupang創立的初衷是渴望把購物、飲食和生活變得無比簡單。秉持初心,我們正在從根本顛覆數十億元的電子商務產業。電子商務公司當中,我們的成長速度數一數二,並且具備優異名聲,成為韓國商務市場主要可靠的存在。 我們自豪兼具兩種公司的優勢─新創公司的文化,配上大型全球上市公司的資源。我們因而得以持續成長,依照公司創立以來的速度推出新服務。我們都是創業家,手邊充滿機會,能推動新想法和創意。公司核心由野心大膽的員工組成,我們樂於親力親為,直接造成影響。在Coupang,每天您都能看到自己、同事、團隊和公司成長。 我們的使命是打造電子商務的未來,絕無虛假。我們挑戰解決問題的極限,打破傳統取捨的限制。現在就加入Coupang,在永不關機、緊密連接的高科技世界,創造驚人的體驗吧。 主要職責: · 產品價格相關專案管理(規劃、執行、統籌、追蹤進度...等) · 使用系統進行產品價格核對、查詢及管理作業 · 維護、更新、管理各類文件檔案 · 主管交辦事項 基本條件: · 文書作業處理 (熟悉word,excel,outlook) · 英文讀寫能力基本 (可進行基本信件及訊息英文溝通) · 需要細心、耐心、積極主動、有獨立思考能力、靈活度高、對數字敏銳 上班時間: 09:00~18:00 周休二日
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市大園區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    Coupang酷澎是世界上成長最快、最創新的公司之一,並達成美國史上科技業第五大的首次公開募股。我們擁有卓越的端到端電子商務及物流網絡,極力擁抱客戶為重的文化,並創下領先全球的創新紀錄。 酷澎打破傳統電子商務的權衡限制,讓顧客能享受閃電般迅速的運輸服務,以最低的價格,購得數百萬種商品。酷澎在韓國、美國和中國皆有辦公室,新創人才在這裡可以把握新機會,採取主動,發光發熱。 現在,酷澎首次要在台灣招募創始團隊了。 主要職責: • 職業安全衛生管理計畫之擬訂、規劃、推動及執行 • 協助建立公司內部管理流程、規章、指引等文件。 • EHS相關教育訓練執行 • 建立公司安全文化,推動EHS政策 • 現場作業環境巡檢、缺失項目改善及追蹤 • 防護具及應變器材管理 • 異常事件記錄、調查、追蹤改善成果 • 其他主管交辦事項 加分條件: • 具ISO14001經驗 • 具備消防系統建置經驗 • 英文能力 • 相關工作經驗一年以上,能獨立作業 • 具有乙級職業安全衛生管理員或甲級安全/衛生證照
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    Customer Service Operation Manager We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what‘s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Customer Service Operation Manager. Responsibilities: - Responsible for managing the CS Escalation team and ensuring the efficient operation of our customer service team. - Manage the CS Escalation team, including support to other departments, issue and incident management, complaint handling, and resolution of complex customer inquiries. - Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistency and efficiency in our customer service operations. - Monitor and analyze CS operational metrics and other relevant KPIs, to identify areas for improvement and drive changes to improve customer satisfaction. - Provide guidance to communicate with customers to resolve issues, handle complaints, and provide exceptional customer service. Requirements: - Fluent in Korean (At least TOPIK level 6) and Mandarin, working level proficiency in English - Minimum of 5 years of experience in customer service operations management. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to use data to drive decisions and optimize processes. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with both customers and internal stakeholders. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Highly motivated and experienced customer service operations professional with a passion for driving customer satisfaction. Recruitment Process Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    Customer Service Operation Manager We exist to wow our customers. We know we’re doing the right thing when we hear our customers say, “How did we ever live without Coupang?” Born out of an obsession to make shopping, eating, and living easier than ever, we’re collectively disrupting the multi-billion-dollar e-commerce industry from the ground up. We are one of the fastest-growing e-commerce companies that established an unparalleled reputation for being a dominant and reliable force in South Korean commerce. We are proud to have the best of both worlds — a startup culture with the resources of a large global public company. This fuels us to continue our growth and launch new services at the speed we have been since our inception. We are all entrepreneurial surrounded by opportunities to drive new initiatives and innovations. At our core, we are bold and ambitious people that like to get our hands dirty and make a hands-on impact. At Coupang, you will see yourself, your colleagues, your team, and the company grow every day. Our mission to build the future of commerce is real. We push the boundaries of what’s possible to solve problems and break traditional tradeoffs. Join Coupang now to create an epic experience in this always-on, high-tech, and hyper-connected world. As part of our exciting expansion plan, we are hiring for a Customer Service Operation Manager . Responsibilities: - Responsible for managing the CS Escalation team and ensuring the efficient operation of our customer service team. - Manage the CS Escalation team, including support to other departments, issue and incident management, complaint handling, and resolution of complex customer inquiries. - Develop and maintain Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure consistency and efficiency in our customer service operations. - Monitor and analyze CS operational metrics and other relevant KPIs, to identify areas for improvement and drive changes to improve customer satisfaction. - Provide guidance to communicate with customers to resolve issues, handle complaints, and provide exceptional customer service. Requirements: - Fluent in Korean (At least TOPIK level 6) and Mandarin, working level proficiency in English - Minimum of 5 years of experience in customer service operations management. - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to use data to drive decisions and optimize processes. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with both customers and internal stakeholders. - Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Highly motivated and experienced customer service operations professional with a passion for driving customer satisfaction. Recruitment Process -Application Review - Phone Interview - Onsite (or Virtual Onsite) Interview – Offer -The exact nature of the recruitment process may vary according to the specific job and may be changed due to scheduling or other circumstances. - Interview schedules and the results will be informed to the applicant via the e-mail address submitted at the application stage. Things to Consider -This job posting may be closed prior to the stated end date for application if all openings are filled. -Coupang has the right to rescind an offer of employment if a candidate is found to have submitted false information as part of the application process. -Coupang does not discriminate against disabled applicants or those with veteran status. We are proud to offer equal opportunities for all applicants.
  • 2021知名大學 聯合校徵開跑啦!