
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    Introduction to the job There are average 4 learning programs running in parallel per week throughout a year. Each program is ranging from 1 day to 4 days with many administrative work before, during and after the programs A few key initiatives during 2HY 2024 such as establishment of Learning Shared Service-Asia and Learning Community shall produce additional admin work
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    Role and responsibilities 1. Provide administrative support to the recruitment function. 2. Input/maintain employee/candidate personal data into human resources information computer system database. 3. Manage job posting on different platform (e.g. 104 Job Board; ASML career website), send interview invitation to both candidates and hiring managers 4 .Search for potential candidates in the company databases and public job board 5. Manage pre-screening interview in Mandarin and English as well 6. Perform as functional system expertise 7. Deliver recruitment project support
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市永康區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    1.維護太陽能系統設備 2.提供太陽能系統維修報告 3.解決客戶太陽能設備系統相關問題
  • 時薪183元 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    Job Description 1. Working with operation excellence teams, management and/or data scientists to set goals 2. Organize data from primary and secondary sources 3. Cleaning and dissecting data to get rid of irrelevant information 4. Analyzing and interpreting results using statistical tools and techniques 5. Pinpointing trends and patterns in data sets 6. Identifying new opportunities for process improvement , and build the regression model for prediction 7. Event planning, design and production while managing all project delivery elements within time limits 8. Supporting operation excellence team in organizing promotional events
  • 時薪183~200元 新北市三重區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    1.櫃檯接待 2.出、退、換貨作業事宜 3.相關協助作業處理
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    ole and responsibilities 1. MBI project Intern Pick up daily operation which need to be executed. Increase control on proto parts logistic activities. JIT issue feedback to link with demand 2. Inventory project Intern Provide analytics ability to PL. Follow up actions tracing. 3. Master plan control Intern Increase module w/o output overview. Improve data quality for weekly MRP run. Increase information sharing within the team.
  • 時薪183元 桃園市龜山區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    To support LK PLM administrative & handy operational tasks, details as followings: DE Special Part Request, DHL Priority GR Ticket, DHL Move Sloc Ticket, Intercompany PO (ICYPO), Factory Support Form (FSF), Monthly Declaration PR/PO convert, GRT Ticket and Scrap Form, DHL Move Stock Check, Demand Date Comparison, Intern Tasks Weekly Report, Demand Pre-Alert (Reservation), IRR Status Report, WH Tickets Report and other miscellaneous Tasks e.g. happy hour & brown bag lunch support, team and 1-1 meeting, workshop preparation.
  • 1111南台灣職場小語


  • 時薪183~200元 新北市板橋區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    本職缺固定上禮拜六日,時薪183元。 若當月每個禮拜六日都有上班沒有請假遲到曠職,時薪調升為200元。 本職缺可能會需要協助外送,需備有機車及駕照。 1.食材準備與簡易烹煮 2.飯盒製作 3.櫃檯收銀與出餐 4.油炸烹煮食材 5.需協助外送(需自備機車有外送獎金補貼) 6.環境清潔與維護。 上班時間: 10:00-20:30(排班8小時,下午會休息2.5小時) 若平日可偶爾支援半天早上或晚班者更佳。 廚房內備有冷氣不會過於悶熱。 員工用餐享半價優惠。 有勞保、健保、勞退。
  • 月薪40000元 新北市板橋區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    本職缺需配合外送,需備有機車及駕照,每趟會有額外外送油資補貼獎金。 1.食材準備與簡易烹煮 2.飯盒製作 3.櫃檯收銀與出餐 4.油炸烹煮食材 5.值班外送(需自備機車有外送獎金補貼) 6.環境清潔與維護。 上班時間: 08:00-20:00(下午休息2.5小時) 09:00-20:30(下午休息2小時) 依工作站區應有所調整。 月休8天 起薪40000+1000全勤獎金 享勞保.勞退.健保.團保。 有尾牙活動.三節獎金。 廚房內備有冷氣不會過於悶熱。 員工用餐享半價優惠。
  • 月薪40000元 新北市板橋區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    本職缺需配合外送,需備有機車及駕照,每趟會有額外外送油資補貼獎金。 1.食材準備與簡易烹煮 2.飯盒製作 3.櫃檯收銀與出餐 4.油炸烹煮食材 5.值班外送(需自備機車有外送獎金補貼) 6.環境清潔與維護。 上班時間: 08:00-20:00(下午休息2.5小時) 09:00-20:30(下午休息2小時) 依工作站區應有所調整。 月休8天 起薪40000+1000全勤獎金 享勞保.勞退.健保.團保。 有尾牙活動.三節獎金。 廚房內備有冷氣不會過於悶熱。 員工用餐享半價優惠。
  • 月薪30000~32000元 高雄市新興區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    工作內容: ※行政文書處理 ※客戶資料管理 ※電話接聽與人員接待服務 ※主管交辦事項處 ※擁有熱忱正向的心 ※人員招募任用 ●不定期舉辦聚餐、活動等。
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    Introduction to the job As an Intern, you are expected to support the process of accounts payable and VAT-In to ensure financial records are correct and complete creating the basis for a clean audit trail with proper substantiation and specification. Your responsibilities are as follows: 1. Accounts Payable Support to GUI verification or vendor invoice and check the details, solve error when it occurs. Collaborate with Procurement and Treasury for vendor payment. From the financial input perspective to assist in vendor invoice related questions 2. VAT Support Preparation of VAT/GUI filings Tax Refund Support- support to prepare/provide documents to National Tax Authority per request, communicate and co-work with stakeholders for information alignment. Assisting management as required on any tasks and projects
  • 月薪28000~32000元 新北市永和區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    1.定期清點物料,並將物料標示並放於正確位置,必要對相關人員解說,使其容易使用 2.定期追蹤複查庫存與紀錄是否相輔有無損壞,如不符合找出原因 3.定期清潔庫存、工具、設備或貯藏室,以確保符合安全規章及存貨安全 4.倉庫物品、物料進出管理品,與請購單、發票及其他憑證是否相符 5.機動外出支援 6.細心負責、態度積極並能自發上進者尤佳
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    Job Description 1. Working with operation excellence teams, management and/or data scientists to set goals 2. Organize data from primary and secondary sources 3. Cleaning and dissecting data to get rid of irrelevant information 4. Analyzing and interpreting results using statistical tools and techniques 5. Pinpointing trends and patterns in data sets 6. Identifying new opportunities for process improvement , and build the regression model for prediction 7. Event planning, design and production while managing all project delivery elements within time limits 8. Supporting operation excellence team in organizing promotional events
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