• 月薪30000~33000元 新北市汐止區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.量測儀器校正管理 2.相關報表製作 3.協助製程問題分析與改善 4.主管交辦事項
  • 月薪44280~44280元 台北市大安區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.蒐集與研析國內外農業人力培育、農業移工引進等國內外農業勞動力補充措施。 2.辦理農業人力調派機構實地評鑑作業,彙整評鑑與相關會議資料。 3.實地訪談資料蒐集與整理,並撰寫訪談紀錄。 4.協助辦理委託勞務辦理及計畫管理相關作業。 5.撰寫計畫執行成果報告。 6.執行計畫其他交辦事項。 國內外不限系所碩士(含)以上畢業。 (依法進用保障名額,具原住民身分尤佳) (薪資待遇:碩士畢業44,280元) 經歷要求: 具執行政府計畫經驗者尤佳。 職能條件: 1.英文相關能力鑑定達(或等同)多益750分以上或具備日語能力或其他語言能力尤佳。 應徵方式: (一)請利用人力銀行投擲履歷或E-mail:hr@mail.atri.org.tw (合者約談,不合者恕不另行通知) (二)面談時請攜帶下列表件: 1.履歷自傳表。 2.國民身分證正本及影本。 3.最高學歷證件正本及影本。(持外國學歷應加附中文翻譯本及駐外單位驗證之證明)
  • 月薪44280~44280元 台北市大安區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.研析國內外新農民組織輔導措施。 2.研究新農民相關議題之政策。 3.研析國內外農業勞動力相關議題。 4.辦理計畫相關議題影音簡報製作與錄製。 5.辦理計畫相關訪談、座談會等活動。 6.撰寫計畫期中、期末報告與簡報。 7.協助處理計畫行政與管理相關事務及農業部輔導司交辦事項。 國內外不限系所碩士(含)以上畢業。 (依法進用保障名額,具原住民身分尤佳) (薪資待遇:碩士畢業44,280元) 經歷要求: 具執行政府計畫經驗者尤佳。 職能條件: 1.英文相關能力鑑定達(或等同)多益750分以上或具備日語能力或其他語言能力尤佳。 應徵方式: (一)請利用人力銀行投擲履歷或E-mail:hr@mail.atri.org.tw (合者約談,不合者恕不另行通知) (二)面談時請攜帶下列表件: 1.履歷自傳表。 2.國民身分證正本及影本。 3.最高學歷證件正本及影本。(持外國學歷應加附中文翻譯本及駐外單位驗證之證明)
  • 月薪37800~44280元 花蓮縣花蓮市 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.辦理農業部農糧署「農產品冷鏈專家輔導與產業推廣」計畫。 2.辦理相關計畫訪視業務溝通與聯繫。 3.辦理會議及活動,協助簡報製作及報告撰寫。 4.計畫相關其他行政業務辦理。 5.執行主管交辦任務。 國內外不限系所大學或碩士(含)以上畢業。 (依法進用保障名額,具原住民身分尤佳) (薪資待遇:大學畢業37,800元;碩士畢業44,280元) 工作地點:花蓮縣花蓮市中華路512號 (農糧署東區分署) 經歷要求: 有政府專案計畫執行經驗或相關經驗佳。 職能條件: 1.具備服務熱忱及良好對外溝通協調能力。 2.可配合經常出差,汽車駕駛執照者佳。 3.熟悉Microsoft Office操作。 應徵方式: (一)請利用人力銀行投擲履歷或E-mail:hr@mail.atri.org.tw (合者約談,不合者恕不另行通知) (二)面談時請攜帶下列表件: 1.履歷自傳表。 2.國民身分證正本及影本。 3.最高學歷證件正本及影本。(持外國學歷應加附中文翻譯本及駐外單位驗證之證明)
  • 月薪37800~44280元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.協助計畫格式審查、相關資料彙整與簡報製作。 2.協助會議召開、會議記錄統整等行政事務工作。 3.協助官網網頁維護及資訊張貼、意見交流資料彙整之處理。 4.協助內部資訊系統之差勤等流程維護。 5.依部門業務人力調度臨時指派或支援業務。 國內外不限系所學士(含)以上畢業。 (依法進用保障名額,具原住民身分尤佳) (薪資待遇:大學畢業37,800元、碩士畢業44,280元) 工作地點:台北市中正區和平西路二段100號6樓(農業部漁業署) 職能條件: 1.具團隊合作及溝通協調能力,勇於接受挑戰,樂觀進取,具備良好溝通能力。 應徵方式: (一)請利用人力銀行投擲履歷或E-mail:hr@mail.atri.org.tw (合者約談,不合者恕不另行通知) (二)面談時請攜帶下列表件: 1.履歷自傳表。 2.國民身分證正本及影本。 3.最高學歷證件正本及影本。(持外國學歷應加附中文翻譯本及駐外單位驗證之證明)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市大里區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1. 新產品結構設計與規劃 2. 產能優化、良率提升 3. 生產線異常分析及改善處理 4. 生產成本分析 5. 生產文件撰寫 6. 主管交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市大里區 1年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1. 生產製程異常分析 2. 製程開發及流程制度建立 3. 製程改善SOP建立與修改 4. 主管交辦事項
  • 月薪29000~35000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.流感疫苗上游製程相關作業(進卵至採收) 2.胚胎蛋搬運 3.製程設備操作、維護及保養 4.生產相關文件繕寫與確效執行 5.其他主管交辦事項 職缺頁面所列工作待遇為核定薪資 另有其他獎金、津貼,依實際工作狀況於核定薪資外另計(如排班津貼、職場津貼等) 並依生產狀況另提供生產津貼 上述獎金、津貼依公司規範章程現況為主
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市南屯區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 具備藥局相關業務經驗 2. 市場資訊收集分析、反對意見處理 3. 新開戶開發 4. 客戶分級及區域管理 5. 舉辦Seminar , RTD 6. 推廣及開發OTC指示用藥及處方藥物 *本職務實際業務責任區需依公司分配,以中部地區包含台中、彰化、南投為主。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 10年工作經驗 6天前更新
    This position will report to Tax Director of Lotus Group and be actively involved in tax planning, compliance, controls, and reporting with focus in South East Asia. As a key contact person for tax related matters in South East Asia, He/She is expected to maintain constructive relationships with representatives from the Tax Authority and tax consultants. e/She Role & Responsibility of regional tax role: -Manage tax compliance matters including but not limited to corporate income tax, indirect tax, withholding tax, local tax, tax provisioning, and tax accounting -Review and approve the tax returns or filings prepared by local finance or external advisors and ensure tax liabilities are paid in due course; -Partner and manage the relationship with various internal stakeholders such as Controller, FP&A, and functional heads to ensure all taxes (ie. current tax, deferred tax and WHT) are properly accrued and accounted not only for monthly reporting purpose but also for forecasting/budgeting. -Manage tax queries raised by tax office to ensure they are dealt with appropriately and on timely manner. If need be, seek advice from external consultants. -Highlight any contentious tax issues and suggest any practical solutions. -Support and/or educate local financial controllers with the changes in the domestic tax regulations that are impacting their business operations. -Actively support the Group Tax Director in developing the Group’s tax strategy as the business evolved including but not limited to -Assist Tax Director of Lotus Group in implementing strategic tax decisions that drives the Group tax forward. -Identifying opportunities for further enhancement and development of the tax strategy and function. -Proactively contribute ideas that could help to mitigate tax risks and/or optimize tax opportunities for the Group. Skills and Requirements -Bachelor‘s degree in any Accounting Field, preferred with CPA or tax related accreditation. -Minimum 10-15 years‘ experience within an international tax environment, ideally in the Big 4, preferably combined with a few years of in-house experience. Strong experience with a variety of tax operations (such as indirect tax, transfer pricing & tax accounting) and ability to drive process improvements. -Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, especially Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, working knowledge of some ERP system is preferred. -Ability to deal with multiple stakeholders across different cultures. -Ability to work independently without much supervision.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 4年工作經驗 7天前更新
    1.應收帳款及銷貨收入相關帳務處理 2.業務相關費用審核 3.負責月結/報表編制及分析 4.其他交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 南投縣南投市 1年工作經驗 7天前更新
    1. 制定/維護/更新使用於研發專案之臨床批及查登批的所有原、物料之規格及化驗方法。 2. 向原料及物料廠商索取相關文件,如:規格與檢驗方法、原料主檔案、技術文件等;審閱3. 廠商提供之技術文件,如有需要,進一步向廠商索取其他文件進行評估,做適當的整理與歸檔。 4. 協助CMC文件準備,提供主成分、賦形劑、包材之檢驗規格予法規部門,使其可進行NDA和ANDA查驗登記的文件整建作業。 5. 審閱B2B差異清單,並準備成本估算、工作計畫,並依據時程制定時間表,並及時協助B2B專案相關的客戶問題的完整回應。 6. 根據B2B需求準備和審核文件,例如檢驗規格、分析方法、標準操作程序等。 7. 按客戶要求準備CMC文件,使其可進行NDA和ANDA查登的文件整建作業。 8. 協助查廠時與實驗室相關之PIC/S GMP文件。 9. 查廠期間支援QA文件調閱與查核。 10. 主導變更管制之撰寫、偏差事件調查、矯正預防措施之評估與執行。定期更新、審閱及維護部門之標準操作程序。 11. 定期更新/採購各主要國家之藥典公定書。 12. 確保所有活動和分析均符合GMP、正確的程序、法規指南以及健康安全法規。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 3年工作經驗 7天前更新
    Overall Objectives Safety Officer, under the leadership of Lotus PVO (Pharmacovigilance Operations) Head, is responsible for execution of PVO activities in accordance with the Lotus pharmacovigilance quality system and local pharmacovigilance requirements. General Duties • Participates in or conduct daily PVO activities assigned by PVO Head • Maintains an accurate and comprehensive list of the Lotus products which are subject to pharmacovigilance activities by monthly alignment with the Regulatory Affairs teams • Coordinates with Local PV Offices (LPOs), PV CROs and partners or vendors regularly for PV activities • Monitors and tracks the PV activities performed by the stakeholders/LPOs, including, but not limited to: • Screening of local legislation and regulatory safety announcements, screening of local scientific journals for relevant safety information, as required • Maintenance of PV trackers (Individual Case Reports, Medical Inquiry and Product Quality Complaint, Aggregate Report tracker, Risk Management tracker, Safety Data Exchange Agreement tracker) • Updating of PSMF (Pharmacovigilance system master file) and relevant annexes as required • Reviews Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR) and Medical Inquiries (MIs), as needed • Is aware of the risk management plans approved in their territory and of the risk minimization measures implemented. Assists in ensuring that the required activities are performed and tracked • Assist with the preparation and review of aggregate safety update report (PSUR, PBRER etc.) • Is aware of local safety concerns and supports the signal detection activities by reviewing the outcome of the screening of the local PV legislation and safety announcement, as required • Maintains and files the PV documents filed in the PVO specific folders (hard copy, where required and soft copy) • Coordinates for translation of PV related documents, when required • Tracks received adverse event, MI and PQC. Participates in reconciliation of PV activities between the Local PV Offices (LPOs) and PV CROs or partners or verifies that reconciliation activities are performed as per requirement • Supports in submission of relevant ICSRs received to competent authority within deadline • Participates in regular meetings with PVO and PV CRO as required and in-charge of MOM • Consults PVO Head for any issues or uncertainties relating to pharmacovigilance activities • Communicates with LPOs, PV CRO and other external PV vendors • Informs PVO when contacted regarding agreement involving pharmacovigilance obligations • Supports during audits and inspections • Trains on and applies the Lotus pharmacovigilance SOPs and the applicable PV related regulation • Stays current on the local PV legislation in the Lotus MA countries • Is involved during the development of Lotus pharmacovigilance SOPs • Ensures that all relevant employees in the LPOs receive basic pharmacovigilance training and that training is recorded and archived appropriately • Performs any other PV related activities assigned by the line manager (PVO Head) • Liaise with the stakeholder department or other internal departments.
  • 月薪40000元 南投縣草屯鎮 2年工作經驗 8天前更新
    1. Responsible for the successful delivery of the assigned project in terms of costs, schedule, resources, and quality. 2. Review and validation of the user requirements develop scope of work and follow up of the bid phase. 3. Responsible for project engineering design. procurement technical evaluation conscruction, T&C, and qualification. 4. Collaboration with stakeholders in the capital workflow to ensure the process is followed from: Team Charter. Scope and URS, Schedule, Cost Estamate and CAR submission. 5. Communication to the Site Management: raising awareness if prnblems come up e.g. mil cstones cannot be reached, costs will be higher than planned etc. 6. Manage external and internal resources used in the implementation of capital projects. 7. Responsible for managing the assigned assigned team and resources through a matrix project organization, including contractors and suppliers. Coordinate the team tasks and supervise the right level of deliveries. 8. To execute tasks as delegated by line manager.
  • 隨薪所欲