• 月薪35000元 台北市松山區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.Planning(work with team leader): -Watsons own/exclusive brand annual strategies and monthly campaign. -NPD launch plan. -360 marketing communication planning (BTL, ATL, digital media & social media), PR events and post-performance tracking and analysis. 2.Collaboration: #Internal -Work with cross-functional teams (Marketing, Trading OBE & SCD) to bring success to campaigns -Work with WIOB(Watsons International OB Marketing) in terms of brand marketing material review and integrated with local plan. #External: -Work with POSM supplier for brand POSM design &printing and develop artwork design of crossover project’s product package. -Work with agency (Advertising, PR, &Media Buy) on brand projects quality control to achieve objectives and goals and post-performance tracking. 3.Execution: -Annual strategies &monthly campaign implement. -Relevant POSM process and quality management. -Liaison with WIOB in terms of artwork design of crossover project’s product package and any artwork approval process. -Brand A&P management, monthly Promotion POP and EC banner rotational arrangement and execution. -Daily routine operation.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.Responsible for PR ideation, planning activities in the marketing calendar at all levels (cooperate & category promotion, CSR, local & regional initiatives, store specific campaign, supplier co-op campaign 2.Able to lead and make positive influence across cross-function teams involve marketing teammates Trading, Operation, People & external partner PR & Event agency to ensure each campaign deliver its KPI. 3.Able to take task brief from various sources. 4.Able to debrief to PR /Ad agency or other cross-functional team members with clear directions, timelines, and deliverable after absorbing and alignment of the brief given. 5.Ability to manage the media crisis and aligns Call Center, Operation and Buyers to prevent crisis happens. 6.Ability to do event management. 7.Ability to do media relationship management. 8.Able to manage the detailed and process-oriented logistics. 9.Your day to day management and main area of responsibilities are: (1) Daily Clipping & regular reports (2) Promotional/NPD communication (3) Media/Influencer Communication/Supplier Cooperation/Relationship Management (4) Work with People depart for Employee Branding Execution (5) Social listening and marketing climate tracking in terms of potential crisis, trends catching (6) media crisis management (7) media inquiry management (8) PR calendar management (9) store communication – for media requests (10) Group PR communication – regular reports 10.Work with Supervisor & PR Agency in terms of annual PR strategy
  • 月薪35000元 台北市松山區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.Planning(work with team leader): -Watsons own/exclusive brand annual strategies and monthly campaign. -NPD launch plan. -360 marketing communication planning (BTL, ATL, digital media & social media), PR events and post-performance tracking and analysis. 2.Collaboration: #Internal -Work with cross-functional teams (Marketing, Trading OBE & SCD) to bring success to campaigns -Work with WIOB(Watsons International OB Marketing) in terms of brand marketing material review and integrated with local plan. #External: -Work with POSM supplier for brand POSM design &printing and develop artwork design of crossover project’s product package. -Work with agency (Advertising, PR, &Media Buy) on brand projects quality control to achieve objectives and goals and post-performance tracking. 3.Execution: -Annual strategies &monthly campaign implement. -Relevant POSM process and quality management. -Liaison with WIOB in terms of artwork design of crossover project’s product package and any artwork approval process. -Brand A&P management, monthly Promotion POP and EC banner rotational arrangement and execution. -Daily routine operation.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.Social Media Strategy Plan •Work with the agency for communication strategy and content 2.Promotional/NPD Communication 3.FB Management •In-house content creation (including Film Shooting and Editing) •Schedule management •Performance tracking •Supplier management: Lead and work with the agency for communication strategy and content creation with quality control •Work with in-house artwork team and the agency in terms of creative material development and quality control. •Regional content material preview and integrated with local social plan and calendar. •Weekly & monthly social performance tracking report. 4.Cross team social support Support different functional teams (Trading, Marketing, eCommerce) in terms of social & on-site event execution. 5.Social Media advertising management •Work with O+O team for promotion AD exposure •Creative content advertising •Result tracking 6.Social Engagement Campaign 7.Blog Management 8.Social Listening 9.On-site event support
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 4年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.OB skin team- brand & product management 2.Full ownership of brands. Plan and execute brand & biz. Objectives 3.Responsible for biz. Analytics to form plans and optimize execution results 4.Manage product portfolio and implement new product launches 5.Collaborate with related dept., lead projects and deliver results 6.Identify market trends and consumer insights 7.Weekly sales tracking, promotion arrangement, planning and executions 8.Stock management/fcst. And related administration
  • 月薪28000~40000元 桃園市桃園區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    協助直播業務交辦事宜 需具備基本文書處理能力(word、Excel、PowerPoint) 需具備PhotoShop編輯軟體能力(配合直播看版製作) 協助主管商品促銷規劃與BN設計 完成部門主管交辦其他事宜
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.依公司需求,做大型事件行銷規劃及執行、資料分析及市場調查 2.規劃公司對外的行銷活動與媒體活動,並對其效益進行分析與建議 3.與各部門溝通,以了解產品特色,為企劃案發想 4.負責撰寫行銷企畫書、新聞稿 5.銷售工具選擇、執行產品設計包裝、建立品牌價值
  • 月薪35000~36000元 新竹市北區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.源頭減量宣導企劃規劃 2.督導工作分配與執行進度控管 3.期中期末ppt報告製作 4.計畫經費控管 6.跨部門溝通協調、定期召開會議,並向上報告進度及撰寫報告書
  • 月薪37000~42000元 台北市中山區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 負責協助EC商品上架及平台活動設定&維護。 2. 需跨部門與業務及廠商聯繫,協助解決EC問題。 3. 具電腦操作技能,熟悉office等相關軟體之操作。 4. 具備高度責任感及工作熱誠,並可獨立完成交辦工作者。 5. 其他主管交辦事項並具團隊合作、溝通協調能力、抗壓性佳,能掌握作業時效。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中山區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 商品進、銷、存管理 2. 商品採購作業流程執行與成效追蹤 3. 商品銷售與營業銷售數據資料彙整、分析與提案 4. 門市排面陳列新舊品替換 5. 以居家生活百貨通路相關經驗者為主
  • 月薪32000~32000元 高雄市三民區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    工作內容 【工作內容】 *新聞編輯播報 *節目企劃、主持 *廣告製作 *專案執行(新媒體&活動) *其他指派任務
  • 月薪40000~50000元 台北市中山區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    使用Inbound Marketing行銷手法來驅動客戶網站的SEO排名成長,從客戶的對應市場、商業目標、產品、受眾去提供良好驅動SEO排名成長,並且能夠帶來潛在客群的數位漁網,也因此,我們的SEO研究員除了要了解排名操作方法,同時在客戶行銷策略分析與 UX 上都要具有相對應的足夠探索心,並且與團隊良好協作、共同前進。 此職務招募儲備幹部角色,為後續管理研究與執行團隊之組長角色,歡迎曾有教育培訓、團隊管理經驗之未來夥伴挑戰。 【工作內容】 - 網站SEO體質健檢:分析網站SEO狀況 ,提出優化網站體質的專業建議 - 關鍵字研究及佈局:分析競業表現、產業現況及關鍵字趨勢,規劃合適的關鍵字佈局 - 數據分析及成效追蹤:對網站排名、流量進行監測,並隨時依據搜尋引擎演算法調整關鍵字策略 - SEO策略規劃:善用多種SEO手段及工具,逐步提升網站在搜尋引擎的權重、排名,進而增加品牌曝光及流量 - 關注國外SEO最新趨勢、研究成功案例 【條件要求】 - 對SEO及數位行銷知識有熱情及好奇心 - 對研究、收集資訊、分析、邏輯思考整合等能力,抱持積極學習的心態 - 有獨立思考和解決問題的能力,願意自主學習並主動解決問題 - 不排斥溝通,具備團隊合作能力 - 有基礎專案管理概念,具備獨立作業能力 - 基礎英文閱讀能力,至少能夠看懂英文文章 - 具備新人培訓、團隊管理、利益關係人管理等相關經驗 【加分條件】 - 具備成長心態及開放性 - 喜歡透過數據分析獲得洞察 - 具備商業敏感度 - 曾有搜尋引擎演算法更新的觀察經驗,若有測試經驗為佳 - 有SEO及數位行銷相關經驗,主動了解相關技術與知識,並有自己的見解與分析 - 對於OKR的設定與運用有概念或實作經驗 - 喜歡建立教育/知識文件,與團隊同仁交流 - 喜歡研究新知並且與工作夥伴交流分享 ––––- **軟技能(溝通能力&研究精神)以及對SEO技術的熱情與好奇心,是關鍵核薪標準 **此職務需自備筆電
  • 月薪36000元 彰化縣鹿港鎮 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    圖文編輯 短片製作 商品出貨包裝宅配 客戶問題回復 指派工作執行
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市中和區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    Collaborate with PLM and development teams to make sure the product features and schedule meet target. Define product marketing strategy and action plan through understanding of market needs of different regions. Research and make analysis of competitors‘ marketing plan and activities on website, Social media, and EC channels. Work with internal teams and 3rd party for setting up new marketing campaign plans on EC channels and social media.
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會