• 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Responsible for assigning tasks to service staff, auditing attendance records, and scheduling work shifts. Supervising staff‘s appearance, service attitude, politeness, and awareness of hygiene and safety standards. Conducting pre-service inspections of restaurant cleanliness, setups, supplies, utensils, and facilities. Arranging reservations and organizing banquet events for customers. Handling the transmission of relevant order documents and communicating with the kitchen to understand daily dishes. Managing incidents and customer complaints, reporting to supervisors as necessary. Conducting staff education and training. Assisting supervisors in promoting restaurant business.
  • 月薪85286~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    The Sous Chef holds a crucial position in the kitchen, assisting the head chef in managing the team, supervising food preparation, and ensuring quality control. They participate in menu development, designing new dishes to ensure innovation and variety. Additionally, Sous Chefs are responsible for purchasing ingredients and managing inventory to maintain freshness and meet demand. They also oversee kitchen hygiene and safety to comply with food safety regulations and standards. Furthermore, they train and mentor kitchen staff to enhance their culinary skills and professionalism. Overall, Sous Chefs play a vital role in kitchen operations, ensuring smooth functioning and delivering high-quality dishes.
  • 月薪85286~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    The Executive Sous Chef is a key managerial role in the kitchen, assisting the Executive Chef in leading the team, overseeing kitchen operations, training staff, and ensuring food quality and kitchen hygiene standards are met. They play a crucial role in menu development, ingredient procurement, cost control, and handle day-to-day administrative duties.
  • 月薪1962367~15000000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    An Executive Chef is the head chef responsible for overseeing all aspects of the kitchen operations in a restaurant, hotel, or other food service establishment. Their responsibilities typically include menu planning, recipe development, food preparation, kitchen staff management, budgeting, ordering supplies, ensuring food safety and hygiene standards, and maintaining high-quality culinary standards. They play a key role in creating a culinary vision for the establishment and ensuring that it is executed effectively to meet customer expectations.
  • 月薪29991~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Designing menus and preparing ingredients for cooking dishes beyond Chinese, Western, and Japanese cuisines in the kitchen.
  • 月薪52629~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Designing menus and preparing ingredients for cooking dishes beyond Chinese, Western, and Japanese cuisines in the kitchen.
  • 月薪30000元 高雄市左營區 1年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1.主管交辦事項。 2.會計相關作業系統處理。 3.審核各項費用支付單據。 4.記錄及核對公司總分類帳。 5.定期與會計事務所窗口對接並處理相關事務。 6.定期編製公司帳務報表,及其他財務分析資料。 7.客戶帳務問題回覆及應收、應付帳款作業處理。 8.其他一般行政文書事務(中文打字~需每分鐘60字以上)。 # 會計人員條件 :細心 / 專心 / 思緒清晰 / 認真負責 / 合群度高 #薪資 1. 薪資 30,000 (有勞健保、勞退) 之後依能力調薪。 2. 月休 8~10 天 .國定假日當天休 3. 上班時間 : am 9:00 ~ 12:00 , pm 1:00 ~ 6:00 ** 此職缺為內勤工作 , 不必跑業務 , pm12:00~13:00 休息用餐 ** 採預約方式面試(專員會主動與您預約) , 歡迎符合條件的應徵者提交履歷表,我們將儘快與您聯繫~ 請直接投遞您的履歷並附上您的照片 *** 公司 網 址 : https://www.fusanwater.com/ *** 公司部落格 : http://photo.xuite.net/fusan.water
  • 月薪52629~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    - Assisting the Head Chef in managing specific menu items. - Supervising assistant chefs to ensure food quality meets standards. - Assisting in ingredient preparation and cooking. - Ensuring kitchen hygiene and safety. - Assisting in inventory management and food ordering. - Handling special requests and dietary restrictions. - Participating in staff training.
  • 月薪63836~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Designing menus and preparing ingredients for cooking dishes other than Chinese, Western, and Japanese cuisines in the kitchen.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Planning operational processes for both front and back-of-house operations in hotels and restaurants, discussing information network system planning. Selecting and training personnel. Contacting suppliers, deciding on major activities, and products within the restaurant or hotel. Supervising restaurant and hotel staff. Managing other matters in restaurants or hotels. Tourism and leisure management, communicating with customers.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Responsible for assigning duties to service staff, auditing attendance, and scheduling work shifts. Supervising staff‘s attire, grooming, service attitude, politeness, and concepts of hygiene and safety. Conducting pre-opening inspections of restaurant cleanliness, setup, supplies, utensils, and facilities. Arranging reservations and organizing banquet events for customers. Handling related meal order documentation and communicating with the kitchen to understand daily dishes. Managing incidents and customer complaints, and reporting to superiors. Employee education and training. Assisting supervisors in promoting restaurant business.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. Overseeing daily operations of the buffet restaurant. 2. Managing staff and ensuring teamwork. 3. Ensuring food safety and hygiene standards. 4. Assisting in menu planning and handling customer complaints. 5. Coordinating inter-departmental collaboration to ensure smooth operations.
  • 月薪27935~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Responsible for coordinating between the kitchen and dining area of food establishments, assisting customers with menu inquiries, taking orders, serving meals, and maintaining cleanliness of table settings.
  • 月薪30000元 高雄市左營區 1年工作經驗 6天前更新
    友禾國際生技提供打拼者一個努力的平台與創業的機會, 提供自信者一個學習的管道與人脈的資源, 如果你自認為符合自信與打拼兩個基本要件, 歡迎你加入我們的團隊! 友禾團隊是一個年輕有衝勁的團隊! 是一個沒有層級只有溝通的團隊! 是一個自主管理重效率的團隊!如果這是你要的團隊, 歡迎提供你的履歷! *本職務需管理YOUTOBE頻道/抖音平台,適合極具創意的你! 1.透過照相機及錄影器材進行人、事、物、景的關鍵影像存留 2.進行影像或照片編輯,將拍攝的影片或照片以某個題材呈現,達到特定效果 3.設備的調整、保養、維護 4.執行攝影工作、勘景、前後的準備工作及相關道具準備與燈光調整 5.影片的前置作業 6.掌握影片的拍攝流程/必要時跟拍攝影 7.影片的特效及動畫製作 8.影片的剪接作業 9.處理影片的前置作業,包含腳本繪製、影片企劃、場景及造形設計 10.將拍攝好的影片進行剪接、編輯、配音,加入動畫、音樂特效
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會