• 月薪60000~65000元 台北市南港區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    About the role: To enhance support for the Facility Manager and serve as the main point of contact for local stakeholders, it is essential to possess a deep understanding of their requirements and promptly address them by efficiently coordinating all facilities and services. The objective is to not only meet but exceed the service level agreements with customers. To deliver assignments effectively, it is crucial to apply industry best practices and employ the most efficient methodologies, processes, technologies, and work practices. These initiatives should be aligned with the client‘s business strategies, site requirements, and standards as well as comply with local regulations, JLL policies, and customer guidelines. What this job involves: [Facility Management Planning and Oversight]: 1. Support FM in developing facility management plans and overseeing service providers. 2. Source, select, contract, oversee, and manage service providers or on-site staff. 3. Maintain service standards, including Helpdesk, mailroom, housekeeping, employee services, and F&B areas. 4. Coordinate maintenance schedules and supervise workers for central office environments. 5. Implement technology for automated processes and perform site inspections. 6. Conduct monthly site inspections and daily patrols to identify and resolve issues proactively. [Project Management]: 1. Manage small projects independently, including space upgrades, refurbishments, Lab/Shielding Room establishment, and internal relocations. Provide expert advice on air and power consumption, floor loading, and EHS matters to stakeholders. 2. Handle other delegated tasks from FM leads. [Client and User Satisfaction]: 1. Support the Facilities Lead in implementing programs for client and user satisfaction. [Vendor and Stakeholder Management]: 1. Foster effective communication between Facility Manager, JLL personnel, and vendors. 2. Collaborate with stakeholders to handle small projects and oversee delegated tasks within the FM department/realm. [Landlord Relations and Reporting]: 1. Cultivate positive relationships with landlords, enhance service delivery, and ensure accurate and prompt reporting.
  • 月薪30000~35000元 新竹縣芎林鄉 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1..操作機台(自動包裝機、口罩機等) 機械操作和維護,負責生產過程與確保產品品質 2.協助廠務及生產需要,完成主管交辦事項。 3.上下班時間正常。 4.週休二日。
  • 月薪35000~50000元 高雄市大寮區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 開發洗沐或化妝品之產品配方研發、打樣、測試與調整。 2. 負責原料的評估、測試、分析與選擇。 3. 負責產品或技術的製程開發及導入。 4. 制訂新產品、新工藝開發計劃所需儀器設備要求和計劃。 5. 制訂及執行產品檢驗標準、流程。 6. 負責產品驗證及異常分析。 7. 協助量產追蹤及製程改善。 8. 負責生產設備的改善與維護。 9. ISO22716文件維護 10. 產品登錄及建立產品資訊檔案(PIF)
  • 月薪30000元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
  • 月薪60000~80000元 台北市信義區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    What this job involves: 1. Provide comprehensive administrative support for various functions including General Affairs, Facility Management, Real Estate Services, Insurance, and Office Management. 2. Serve as the main point of contact for all office-related inquiries, maintenance, and repair to ensure smooth operations. 3. Plan and implement effective office systems, space utilization strategies, and equipment management to maintain office efficiency on a day-to-day basis. 4. Proactively manage office supplies and maintain an updated inventory to ensure the availability of necessary resources. 5. Coordinate with vendors to ensure proper maintenance and functioning of office equipment such as air-conditioning systems, printing machines, lighting, pantry services, water supply, furniture, fire extinguishers, etc. 6. Provide crucial assistance during important office events to ensure their successful execution. 7. Manage various office services including receptionist support, mail and courier services, cleaning and sanitization, security management, and other relevant services. 8. Conduct surveys, analyze user feedback, and provide comprehensive reports to enhance office efficiency and user satisfaction. 9. Perform thorough management and auditing of office assets to maintain accurate records and ensure accountability. 10. Foster cross-functional collaboration with other departments and carry out additional administrative duties as required to support overall office operations.
  • 月薪35200元 台北市大安區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    工作內容及任務: 支援國科會產學及園區業務處之政策規劃與例行業務運作,並配合執行產學及園區業務暨臨時交辦事項。工作內容包括: 1.辦理產業高階人才培訓相關推動事宜。 2.辦理科學園區發展及產學合作相關事宜。 3.臨時交辦事項。
  • 月薪30000~33000元 高雄市苓雅區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 客戶訂單管理 2. 協助跟催客戶未出貨及帳款處理 3. 提供業務/客戶廠內訂單跟催出貨 4. 協助業務處理相關文書事宜 5. 提供客戶相關文件申請 6. 配合工作輪調 7. 協助主管相關事務
  • 月薪38000~53000元 基隆市中正區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.個案管理 2.評估個案需求及擬定照顧計畫 3.介紹與說明長照資源 4.轉介及連結長照資源 5.長照服務時效性管理與品質追蹤 6.長照額度控管
  • 月薪32000~50000元 桃園市楊梅區 2年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    電機裝配完成與調整各項電子電機產品。 檢測各類電子電機產品。 安裝及維修電子電機產品或設備。 線路施工舖設及連接。 查閱電路圖能力。 電子儀表工具使用。
  • 月薪35000~40000元 新北市汐止區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 熟悉欲銷售之產品、公司規章作業流程 2. 以顧客熟悉之語言做顧客市場開發並推銷產品 3. 市場訊息的蒐集與分析、客戶銷售方案的策劃與執行 4. 依顧客需求報價及簽約、客戶關係的維護與需求服務的滿足 5. 顧客售後滿意度維持 (如: 顧客抱怨及問題反應處理、維持顧客對公司及業務員信賴度) 6. 意見回饋以供公司改善參考依據 7. 定期與主管做業績、績效檢討,回報進度 8. 完成公司及主管交辦事項
  • 月薪33000~37000元 台中市后里區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.至客戶現場進行機台裝機,維修,問題排除,定期及不定期保養執行及記錄. 2.內部作業: ISO,零件庫存掌控清點, 3.安排輪值On-Call ,及因客戶需求不定時出勤 (約聘時間:2024/2/1~2025/7/31)
  • 月薪31000~36000元 台中市潭子區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 工作安排 2. 領料、盤點安排 3. 物料/耗材存量管理及請購 4. 返修不良品傷痕判定/報廢管理 5. 品質異常處理/反應/問題追查 6. 協助新製程開發 7. 設備問題初步排除 8. 主管交付工作
  • 月薪31000元 台中市大里區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.開發客戶,拓展市場,定期拜訪客戶,維持客戶對公司支持度。 2.產品技術諮詢、訂單處理……等相關事宜。 3.完成主管交辦任務 (固定或變動薪資因個人資歷或績效而異) *業績獎金另計* *福利* 1.業務人員每月核發業績獎金及新客戶開發獎金等多元獎金制度。 2.每年提供年終獎金。 3.提供公務車。 4.業務人員轉為正職享有公務手機津貼及團險福利。 5.伙食津貼
  • 月薪38000元 台中市大里區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.負責國外地區的市場開發。 2.此職務以開發客戶為首要,故須精通網路行銷及具有國外策展經驗者。 3.進出口相關事宜。 4.完成主管交辦任務 (固定或變動薪資因個人資歷或績效而異) *獎金另計* *福利* 1.業務人員每月核發業績獎金及新客戶開發獎金等多元獎金制度。 2.每年提供年終獎金。 3.提供公務車。 4.業務人員轉為正職享有團險福利。 5.伙食津貼
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會