• 日薪1500~1800元 台南市永康區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    歡迎有心學技術的新鮮人 早7:30 -下午5:00 中午休1小時,提供午餐跟飲用水。 享三節獎金,年終獎金,勞健保,視能力調薪。 工作區域皆在台南市。 意者請直接電洽0933-349-868鄭先生,廣告勿擾!!!
  • 月薪40040~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    As a YC Head Waiter, this individual holds a leadership role within the Yacht Club onboard. They are responsible for coordinating and managing the service team to ensure the provision of high-quality dining experiences. Their duties may include developing service procedures and standards, training new staff, overseeing service quality, and addressing guest concerns and complaints. Additionally, they may be tasked with liaising with other departments to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction within the Yacht Club. This position typically requires excellent leadership abilities, team management skills, effective communication, and a strong commitment to customer service.
  • 月薪31000~40000元 屏東縣屏東市 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    機車、機車配備、人身部品和相關保險的商品介紹及銷售 依顧客需求報價簽約、訂單處理追蹤、貸款協助、過戶領牌及其他相關事宜 成交後,包裝商品、收取款項、交付商品、完成交易手續 完成主管其他交辦事項 維持打掃營業場所的整潔與美觀 ***歡迎活潑外向愛聊天,有服務熱誠的你(妳)加入***
  • 日薪1800~2200元 台南市永康區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    早7:30 -下午5:00 中午休1小時,提供午餐跟飲用水。 享三節獎金,年終獎金,勞健保,視能力調薪。 工作區域皆在台南市。 意者請直接電洽0933-349-868鄭先生,廣告勿擾!!!
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    The intern will be trained how to handle the repeating tasks from team members and continue this tasks in regular basis. This means that intern will have chance to learn and expose different office applications (Excel/Outlook/PowerPoint), chance to support regular meetings and other less complex but certain level of challenging tasks. Meanwhile, to support irregular or sudden requests is also in the scope.
  • 月薪27936~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    As a YC Asst. Waiter, this employee is likely responsible for providing food and beverage service to guests within the Yacht Club. They may assist waitstaff in delivering food and drinks to guests‘ tables, help maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the restaurant, ensure guests‘ needs are met, and provide high-level customer service. This position may require excellent teamwork skills, good communication abilities, and sensitivity to customer needs.
  • 月薪33000元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    管制中心增設夜間督勤專員1名 1. 每周一至週五上班,國定例假日休。 2. 每月薪資33000元,固定工時為主。 3. 負責大台北地區(北北基)社區夜督。 4. 個人需有小客車駕照可使用公司車。 5. 個人需大專學歷,且需有保全護照。 6. 個人無犯罪紀錄,無積欠債和法扣。 7. 享有勞、健保特休假及退休金提撥。 8. 個人有機車及駕照可申請油資補助。 ◎夜督專員工作內要求事項 1. 督導案場以合約內有要求夜督為主。 2. 偏遠案場可以公司車輛為交通工具。 3. 市區開車不便自己騎車可申請油資。 4. 夜督案場數量將視事業部案場距離。 5. 夜督完後當日上午應資料送回公司。 8. 每月底須將下月的案場督導表排定。 9. 夜督當日須將夜間督勤紀錄表送回。
  • 月薪30000~33000元 澎湖縣白沙鄉 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    1.服務15歲以上之心智類障礙者。 2.設計「個別化服務計劃」及活動教案。 3.作業技能訓練(代工、餐飲、清潔等)個別輔導。 4.辦理生活藝能課程及文康休閒活動。 5.規劃並執行社會參與及社區融合活動。 6.主管交辦事項。
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    Support for Department activity or Project demand Reporting summary and data analysis (ex, SO, OT, EUV & LMP labors bucket breakdown……etc) Team building/dinner event arrangement Office environment management (war room KPI dashboard maintenance, Reimbursement)
  • 月薪36028~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    Food and Beverage Service: Providing beverages and snacks to guests, which may include cocktails, alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, and desserts. Personalized Service: Offering customized service based on guests‘ needs and preferences. This may involve recommending specific drinks or foods, crafting cocktails tailored to guests‘ tastes, or providing special meal options. Comfort Management: Ensuring a comfortable environment in the lounge, including cleanliness, arranging tables and chairs, adjusting air conditioning temperature, etc., to enhance guests‘ comfort and satisfaction. Information and Entertainment: Providing guests with information about onboard activities, shore excursions, and other entertainment facilities, and offering recommendations based on guests‘ interests. Customer Relations: Establishing good relationships with guests, listening to their needs and feedback, and striving to meet their requirements to ensure they have a pleasant onboard experience.
  • 月薪30000~33000元 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. 負責介紹及銷售商品。 2. 提供顧客之接待與需求服務。 3. 負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。 4. 負責商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔工作。 5. 維持店櫃週遭之整潔。
  • 月薪35000~40917元 台中市北區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.臨床研究收案,檢體處理。 2.癌症套組次世代定序實驗。 3.整理相關資料,與臨床雙向溝通與其他交辦事項。
  • 月薪40000~45000元 新北市鶯歌區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.具備HACCP及ISO22000稽核管理經驗 2.原物料追蹤追朔及產品自主管理 3.食品安全監測計畫擬定與執行 4.執行廠內HACCP GHP及員工SOP之教育訓練 5.食品相關法規更新及表單文件修改 6.監督食品製造安全衛生 7.原物料及成品品質檢驗與管理 8.非登/非追資料上傳 9.主管交辦事項
  • 月薪36000元 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    協助店長完成分配任務 服務線上與現場客人的相關出餐與結帳工作
  • 隨薪所欲