• 時薪185元 桃園市大溪區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    【職缺說明】 ☆工作內容:協助每日配送作業相關前置準備(表單列印)、單據整理。 ☆工作地點:大溪區新光東路76巷22-2號 (金蘭醬油廠後方) ☆上班時間:晚上18:00-晚上23:00 (需配合加班) ☆薪資說明:時薪185/H ❣️ 加班費另計❣️ ☆領薪方式:週領薪/月領薪 ☆休假方式:月休8天 ☆工作條件:需做一般勞工體檢 ~時薪制,享勞健保、勞退提撥~ ⭐️可直接電洽力信小潣專員0963819333或加LINE ID截圖私訊:9333e
  • 時薪183元 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    Introduction to the job Customer Support (CS) is responsible for continuous improvement of ASML systems performance at customer locations. One of the departments in this sector is CS DUV Project & Operational support, responsible for Administration in cross-departments Regular report organization Data preparation to support project leaders To ensure effective and efficient execution on customer service.
  • 月薪32000~40000元 台中市太平區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    ◆工作內容 1.ionex電動車維修與銷售 2.車輛檢測維修與保養,負責產品售後服務,(包含維修、定期保養、零件更換與軟韌體更新等)。 3. 車輛問題診斷、檢視磨損狀況,運用專業知識評估並解決車輛狀況。 4. 需配合公司舉辦活動,出勤拯救受困車主或到府維修服務,配送電池。 5.接受顧客詢問或主動提供諮商建議給顧客。 6.向顧客說明示範操作ionex產品的性質、特徵、品質與價格。 7. 參與客戶開發與商品推廣活動。 8.門市陳列商品、清潔櫥窗、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀。 休假制度 ● 月休8天 ,採排休方式 ◆ 獎金制度 ● 個人維修業績獎金 ◆ 員工保險 ● 勞保 ● 健保 ● 勞退公司提撥 ◆ 教育訓練 ● 職前教育訓練 ● ionex 總部受訓培訓 ◆ 其他福利制度 ● 員工制服 ● 部門聚餐 ● 員工購車/維修優惠 工作地點: 太平新興門市
  • 時薪183元 桃園市龜山區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    ***This is a 6-12 months onsite internship program*** Introduction to the job To support our software D&E on their design/coding tasks for DUV Reticle Handler module in ASML Linkou office, TW. This position requires access to controlled technology, as defined in the Export Administration Regulations (15 C.F.R. § 730, et seq.). Qualified candidates must be legally authorized to access such controlled technology prior to beginning work. Business demands may require ASML to proceed with candidates who are immediately eligible to access controlled technology.
  • 月薪30000~35000元 台中市后里區 1年工作經驗 6天前更新
    【I SHOW YOU】 每月看電影!美食飲品有折扣!生日禮金、旅遊補助! 讓你工作同時又享受生活 ,就差你的加入!!! 工作內容: 1.電影票券販售及套餐促銷 2.製作與販售簡易餐點與飲品 3.現場動線指引及環境維護 4.放映設備操作 【未來發展與升遷】 正職-主任-副理-經理 *實際升遷情況視個人學習而定。 ●完整教育化訓練,透明升遷制度,無經驗也不擔心 ●有晉升機會,不怕沒有賞識你的伯樂 【福利】 觀影福利(每月提供觀影張數),購票與購餐優惠,生日禮金,各項禮金與定期健檢 等各項福利
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    Hermes Microvision Inc. (HMI), an ASML company, has been committed to the research and development of the most advanced E-beam Inspection (EBI) tools and solutions for the leading semiconductor manufacturing fabs. As a PE intern, you will be co-work with Production Engineer to sustain manufacture quality and make production line stable. Job Description classify issue and help to inform competence owner to handle. Modify document base on DnE and PE release information. Sending Purchase Request and Order for tooling. Material sending to inventory Holding PE activity for team building Manpower for tooling assembly Maintain issues control list Participate in technology and process discussions
  • 月薪33000~45000元 台北市信義區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    『請詳讀所需技能』,謝謝 必備技能﹔ 1.具備主題發想、視覺構想、文案與腳本撰寫並落實執行於社群平台經營(官網、FB/IG/YT)增加網站的可見性和流量。 2.使用手機進行影片編輯與拍攝vlog。 其他說明﹔ (1) 能夠獨立作業 (2) 請附作品(投遞履歷須附上FB或IG帳號或作品連結,並請設定為公開) (3)需面試、面談(初步面談通過需試做) (4)意者須簽定「商業保密條款」 (5)一經錄用不得在外兼職 4.可依能力敘薪(須提供證明;如前職薪資等)/或任職3個月與12個月後依表現調薪 歡迎參觀官網 http://only-ace.com/ 無經驗可,具簡易動畫編輯能力者佳
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    Role and responsibilities 1. Customer service performance report organization 2. Machine uptime report consolidation 3. Service Business relative projects
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    Planning & Control team is under the Regional Customer Support Operations Support department, driving the long-term operational strategy, execution and performance from the current to the targeted states to transcend the level of operation. The team members consist of 2 Capacity Planners and 8+ Service Coordinators to cover TW CS all sites.
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • 時薪185元 新北市深坑區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
  • 月薪30000~40000元 彰化縣鹿港鎮 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. 宣傳品之文稿構思與起草 2. 對外企業網站相關內容與服務之規劃、網站前後台功能及整體動線的規劃 3. 規劃網站內容及產品網路品牌推廣活動 4. 規劃行銷活動網站、企業網站、電子報、EDM、企業部落格之網頁及各種宣傳文案的設計、製作 5. 網站經營與管理、網路活動設計
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    The intern will be trained how to handle the repeating tasks from team members and continue this tasks in regular basis. This means that intern will have chance to learn and expose different office applications (Excel/Outlook/PowerPoint), chance to support regular meetings and other less complex but certain level of challenging tasks. Meanwhile, to support irregular or sudden requests is also in the scope.
  • 月薪40000~50000元 新北市新莊區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1.需有同盤工作經驗 2:簡單電腦操作:(出、退貨) 2. 維繫公司現有客戶(長期配合)+開發店家。
  • 隨薪所欲