• 月薪66000~94000元 桃園市中壢區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    不加班六萬六起 高薪達280-561/H ★★大桃園哪裡有錢、哪裡去★★ 免考試有供餐 #周領10000 -龜山工業區-桃鶯路上(夜班可以直接下夜喔) -周休二日、見紅休 💜💜職缺內容:SMT組件/加工/品檢/機台操作/成品組裝、品質紀錄 ✨日班(08:00~20:00) 250/H 月休八天約66440 月休四天約85208 ✨夜班(20:00~08:00) 280/H 月休八天約73986 月休四天約94470 🍭急用錢/不想做日領粗工🍭 🍭工作不挑就看這🍭 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬【快速預約✉️報名】▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✂️✂️✂️幫我截圖Line給我唷! ++@189scqiw 記得+〝@〝 工作媒合就是要找喬小姐
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.解決顧客問題,問題收集與追蹤回覆。 2.將顧客反應之問題,促成產品規格修正或服務流程之改進。 3.排解客⼾線上系統操作問題,有效引導客⼾正確使⽤。 4.跨部⾨溝通協調,處理主管交辦事項。 5.系統上線後之監測與問題排除。 6.分析與事件追蹤。 7.資訊平台之即時監控、管理、維運及記錄統計等⼯作。
  • 月薪40000元 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. 積極與客戶互動,了解他們的需求,提供量身定制的解決方案 2. 採取積極主動的態度,預測客戶需求,制定前瞻性策略 3. 運用銷售策略思維,增強與客戶的互動,推動業務增長 4. 培養對客戶概況的深入了解,確保提供個性化和有效的服務 5. 與客戶保持一致且有意義的溝通,確保他們的持續滿意與忠誠 6. 協助客戶的需求,包括處理定制化請求 7. 根據需要進行研究,以支持客戶關係和更廣泛的商業目標
  • 月薪78000元 東北亞澳門 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. 提供高標準服務,提高客人滿意度並回訪 2. 創造豪華的氛圍,並了解客喜好提供完整服務 3. 熟悉飯店的設施與服務,以及菜單所有品樣 4. 為客人準備貴賓服務區與套房
  • 月薪42000~75000元 新竹縣湖口鄉 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    `高時薪240 就我最高不用比` 🔥周領 6000-7000 🔥 日領1000 🔥一周可賺1萬8 🔥紅字雙倍計薪(清明節賺一翻天) 【職缺優勢】 ❣️ 免費團膳❣️ 免無塵服 ❣️ 高錄取9.999❣️周休二日見紅休 ❣️ 高時薪,高加班費 ❣️ 書面審核即可好方便 ❣️ 第一天報到可以搭交通車 ❣️ 家人朋友可以一起上班高錄取 ❣️【固定班別】免輪班+週休二日+見紅休 ❣️【無條件就業】工作簡單+無須經驗+高錄取 ❣️【免二面】,快快幫你脫離失業期 ❣️ 郭董子公司 可回任(目前 回任高高喔! 快報名) ▚▚▚【免費交通車】▞▞▞ 🌈【南崁線】桃園車站→敏盛醫院→經國轉運站→廠區門口 🌈【內壢線】內壢家樂福→中壢→廠區門口 🌈【中壢線】自然法則→廠區門口 🌈【平鎮線】平鎮大潤發→廠區門口` ▂▂▂▂▂▲【職缺重點】▲▂▂▂▂▂ 【工作內容】:簡單包裝/組裝/倉管/品保 【工作地點】:新竹縣湖口鄉光復北路(湖口工業區) 【工作條件】:久站走動 + 靜電衣 【休假制度】:周休六日 【發薪制度】:每月10號 (可日領or周領) 【用餐制度】:免費供餐 ▶️間休上下各10分鐘 ▶️用餐90分鐘 (還可以午休) ▂▂▂▂▂▲【工作時間及待遇】▲▂▂▂▂▂ 【日班】 08:00 – 17:30 `💸 時薪$183 `🦋日班32.208加班約5萬6 【夜班】 20:00-05:30 💸 `時薪$240 🦋 `夜班 $42.240加班約7萬3 (以上含津貼加班) ▂▂▂▂▂▲【工作福利】▲▂▂▂▂▂ ✅勞健保/勞退6%/團保/福利金✅三節(到職滿三個月) ✅不收任何費用 ⭕一通電話求職免煩惱⭕你熊大心的求職好夥伴⭕ ➠聯絡電話:☎️湯小姐 0965-061660﹛ 快打來約面試﹜ 或是直接點入快速連結:https://lin.ee/93cQwnn
  • 月薪55000元 新北市林口區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    🔎加賴詢問回覆快:@933kueln 🔎快速加入點我→ http://nav.cx/Qvjz7B 🔎聯絡人:0905-985880 曾小姐 ⚡不收取任何費用請安心詢問⚡ ▬▬▬▬【立即應徵】▬▬▬▬ ❣️華亞最新職缺周休二日❣️ 🌸錄取率高 🌸免無塵服 🌸周休二日 🌸立即上班 🌸免費供餐 🌸冷氣廠房 🌸供汽機車停車位(走路3分鐘) 🌸上市櫃公司制度完善 🌸當天下夜班免日訓 ⭐工作地點:龜山區文禾路(華亞園區) ⭐工作內容:生產線組包裝/品管/測試 ⭐休假制度:週休二日 ⭐休息時間:用餐1小時/上下午間休10分 ⭐用餐制度:午餐免費/加班有誤餐費 ⭐工作時間/薪資待遇(含津貼/加班): ▶️日班08:30~17:30 $200/H ➜月領大約$35,200~46,992 ▶️夜班20:00~05:30 $230/H ➜月領大約$40,480~55,032 ✅假日加班更高 ▬▬▬▬【立即應徵】▬▬▬▬ 🔎加賴詢問回覆快:@933kueln 🔎快速加入點我→ http://nav.cx/Qvjz7B 🔎聯絡人:0905-985880 曾小姐 ⚡不收取任何費用請安心詢問⚡
  • 月薪55000元 桃園市龜山區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    🔎加賴詢問回覆快:@933kueln 🔎快速加入點我→ http://nav.cx/Qvjz7B 🔎聯絡人:0905-985880 曾小姐 ⚡不收取任何費用請安心詢問⚡ ▬▬▬▬【立即應徵】▬▬▬▬ ❣️華亞最新職缺周休二日❣️ 🌸錄取率高 🌸免無塵服 🌸周休二日 🌸立即上班 🌸免費供餐 🌸冷氣廠房 🌸供汽機車停車位(走路3分鐘) 🌸上市櫃公司制度完善 🌸當天下夜班免日訓 ⭐工作地點:龜山區文禾路(華亞園區) ⭐工作內容:生產線組包裝/品管/測試 ⭐休假制度:週休二日 ⭐休息時間:用餐1小時/上下午間休10分 ⭐用餐制度:午餐免費/加班有誤餐費 ⭐工作時間/薪資待遇(含津貼/加班): ▶️日班08:30~17:30 $200/H ➜月領大約$35,200~46,992 ▶️夜班20:00~05:30 $230/H ➜月領大約$40,480~55,032 ✅假日加班更高 ▬▬▬▬【立即應徵】▬▬▬▬ 🔎加賴詢問回覆快:@933kueln 🔎快速加入點我→ http://nav.cx/Qvjz7B 🔎聯絡人:0905-985880 曾小姐 ⚡不收取任何費用請安心詢問⚡
  • 月薪52000元 桃園市中壢區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    🔎加賴詢問回覆快:@933kueln 🔎快速加入點我→ http://nav.cx/Qvjz7B 🔎聯絡人:0905-985880 曾小姐 ⚡不收取任何費用請安心詢問⚡ ▬▬▬▬【立即應徵】▬▬▬▬ 📌大溪8H周休二日 ✅學生OK ✅免加班OK ✅久站久坐都有 ✅可周周領薪 📜職缺內容 ⭐工作地點:大溪區中華路 ⭐工作內容:操作機台/品檢修毛邊 ⭐休假制度:周休二日 ⭐休息時間:中午1小時,上下午各10分 ⭐用餐規定:公司團膳500/月 ⭐工作時間/薪資待遇(含津貼/加班): ▶️日班 08:00~17:20 $183/h ➜月領約 $32,208~52,292 ▬▬▬▬【立即應徵】▬▬▬▬ 🔎加賴詢問回覆快:@933kueln 🔎快速加入點我→ http://nav.cx/Qvjz7B 🔎聯絡人:0905-985880 曾小姐 ⚡不收取任何費用請安心詢問⚡
  • 月薪46000~50000元 新竹縣竹北市 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    【Responsibility】 - Manages, sets up, and maintains benches, testers, and other equipment. - Responsible for installing, upgrading, configuring, and optimizing utilization of equipment and components. - Performs measurements and executes test plans, as well as failure analysis and debugging of issues. - Monitors manual and automated equipment performance, troubleshoots issues, and repairs as needed. - Documents SOP of equipment and processes. - Responsible for upkeeping and implementing housekeeping and safety standards in the workplace. 【Requirement】 - Junior college degree - 2 years of work experience/basic English ability - At least 2 years experience working on different ATE testers and peripherals such as Advantest/Teradyne/Cohu testers, Hontech/Edge/Epson/Advantest handlers, and Tel probers. - Hands-on experience on bench setups. - Good communication skill in both written and oral. - Requires verbal and written communication skills to convey information that may be somewhat complex to others who may have limited knowledge of the subject in question. Role may require basic negotiation and influence, cooperation, tact, and diplomacy, etc. ————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 月薪40000~60000元 新竹縣竹北市 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    【Responsibility】 - Manages, sets up, and maintains benches, testers, and other equipment. - Responsible for installing, upgrading, configuring, and optimizing utilization of equipment and components. - Performs measurements and executes test plans, as well as failure analysis and debugging of issues. - Monitors manual and automated equipment performance, troubleshoots issues, and repairs as needed. - Documents SOP of equipment and processes. - Responsible for upkeeping and implementing housekeeping and safety standards in the workplace. 【Requirement】 - Junior college degree - 2 years of work experience/basic English ability - At least 2 years experience working on different ATE testers and peripherals such as Advantest/Teradyne/Cohu testers, Hontech/Edge/Epson/Advantest handlers, and Tel probers. - Hands-on experience on bench setups. - Good communication skill in both written and oral. - Requires verbal and written communication skills to convey information that may be somewhat complex to others who may have limited knowledge of the subject in question. Role may require basic negotiation and influence, cooperation, tact, and diplomacy, etc. ————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 月薪46000~60000元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    【Responsibility】 - The position is focused on laboratory daily operation, test samples/fixture preparation, testing, report generation and follow up in support of Qualcomm advanced packaging technologies. - This technician will be responsible for thermal and mechanical materials test (ex: thermal analyzers, universal testing machine, shearing testers, and etc. ), tool/machining, and methodologies to validate the materials and processing of IC package. 【Requirement】 - Bachelor‘s, Materials Science and/or Mechanical Engineering or 3+ years industry experience or possibly an associate’s degree - Minimum of 3+ years work experience with mechanical or materials testing - Laboratory experience such as: ISO 17025, ITAF 16949 of quality, reliability, failure analysis/test laboratory. - Experience in tooling, measuring, technical drawing and etc. of the test specimen fabrication. - Knowledge of industry thermal-mechanical test methodologies such as: thermal analyzers, universal testing machine, shearing testers and tool microscope. - Experience of test methodology or materials development. - Knowledge of ASTM, JEDEC, IPC, or relevant industry specification. - Laboratory management experience such as: ISO 17025 or equivalent quality system lab. - Experienced with statistical analysis software(ex: JMP, Minitab…) or Programming language (Python, R…) - Good project management and communication skills with teams. - Able to work flexible hours and different shifts. - Fluent in Mandarin and basic in English. ————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 月薪79000~100000元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    【Responsibility】 1. Needs to engage team across geos and possesses with solid knowledge of 802.11AX/BE MAC protocols, embedded system, and testing infrastructure. 2. The job requires to follow the timeline strictly and have capability of fast turn-around for solution of highly complex, challenging issues. 3. The responsibilities cover overall chip lifecycle development, including FPGA emulation for MAC mainly, involve with world-wide design team to complete the pre-silicon verification, ASIC bring up for MAC/FW/Host, as well as system performance tuning and customer support. 【Requirement】 1. Master’s degree in Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, or related field. 2. 2+ years of proven Firmware/Kernel Engineering, IEEE802.11 MAC/PHY design, or related work experience. 3. Solid understanding of WIFI networks and IEEE802.11 stds. 4. Solid knowledge in using bench equipment (e.g. oscilloscope, Litepoint tester, sniffer,…). 5. C/C++ programming skill. Python/Perl/Shell script is a plus. 6. Fluent English capability. 7. Comprehensive understanding of IEEE802.11 MAC protocol design, including data transfer sequence, MSDU/MPDU/PPDU, CSMA/CA. 8. Experience of 11AX/BE is a plus. 9. Linux/firmware/embedded-system design, kernel driver development. 10. Pre-silicon bring-up and verification. 11. Understanding of ASIC verification process, WIFI testing/issue analysis. IEEE Lab certification experience is a plus. 12. Source code management system such as Perforce, GIT. ————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 月薪87000~110000元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    【Responsibility】 - WiFi function develop and validation during emulation. - WiFi performance/data traffic debug and validation on silicon include chip bus traffic. - The Job content includes WiFi protocol dev/validation and infrastructure of emulation validation setup. -Need to communicate with Design team/DV team/firmware team to complete the IP verification before and after silicon tape-out. 【Requirement】 - Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/Networking background. - A 3+ years experience in WiFi or networking-related field. - Familiarity with IEEE802.11 std protocol, embedded systems, and Linux (Required Skills). - Proficiency in C/C++ programming skills and cross-compiling on embedded systems (Required Skills). - Experience in WiFi testing/issue analysis, USB/SDIO bus protocols,Python/Perl/Shell scripting (Preferred Skills). ————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 月薪74000~92000元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    ▼ 此工作一開始合約為8個月,後續視工作表現,做久可在內部任職2年 (此工作適合短期兩年有其他工作規劃 或是 有出國進修打算的你加入) The Design Verification and Testing (DVT) organization within QCA is responsible for verifying system-level performance of reference designs with leading-edge wireless IC technologies. Tests currently encompass TX and RX RF evaluation including NXN MIMO performance, under an extensive number of conditions. —————————————————————————————— 【Responsibilities】 The role involves hands-on DVT evaluation of reference designs in a controlled environment, working closely with other DVT engineers and lab technicians, driving data gathering and consolidation, and presenting results to engineering teams. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As part of the DVT team: 1. Utilize internal automation tools to verify system-level performance of WLAN reference designs 2. Conduct DVT entry reviews in preparation for DVT 3. Generate DVT exit review material and conduct data reviews for engineering team 4. Generate DVT reports for internal and external customer release 5. Be responsible for integrity of DVT data. Address discrepancies promptly and verify solution 6. Contribute to internal DVT standards and procedures 7. Identify and enable new test capabilities using solid scripting/programming skills 8. Work with lab technicians to design and implement new test setups as needed 9. Provide timely feedback to the engineering teams with regards to progress and status of DVT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 【Minimum Qualification】 1. Bachelors in EE. Fresh graduate or engineer with 0-3 years industry experience 2. Good understanding of electronics engineering fundamentals, RF circuits and RF performance metrics (Sensitivity, Intermodulation, Tx Power, ACLR, EVM, S-parameters) 3. Hands-on knowledge of RF instrument operation: Signal Generators, Spectrum Analyzers, Power meters, Network Analyzers etc. 4. Knowledge of statistical data processing using data analysis tools (Extensions, JMP, data power, etc.) 5. Basic programming (QDART tree) and debugging skills —————————————————————————————— Ean Liu Email:ean.liu@manpowergrc.tw LINE :@356gezfb
  • 隨薪所欲