• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Manager of the team of Project Managers who are responsible for the overall direction, coordination, implementation, execution, control and completion of specific projects ensuring consistency with company strategy, commitments and goals. 1. Proven successful track record in Project Management is a must. 2. People management experience required, preferably in managing a team of Project/Program Managers. 3. Familiar with project management tools, strategic planning and risk management techniques. 4. Demonstrated ability to motivate / drive multidisciplinary teams to achieve objectives (performance, quality, cost, timelines) 5. Experience with Fiber, Wi-Fi, Docsis, 4G/5G,… technologies is a strong plus 6. Excellent communication and presentation skills in English 7. Positive attitude, resilience, diligence and ability to work under pressure are strong plusses
  • 月薪43000~43000元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1.、接待賞屋之貴賓(引導及通報) 2、簡易清潔維護工作 3、完成業主交辦事項 4、服儀端莊、反應佳 5、工作內容簡單(無經驗可,公司有完善的教育訓練) 6、負責支援台北市接待中心
  • 月薪27470~30000元 嘉義縣溪口鄉 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    製造過程中之製程巡檢、實施品管計畫 原物料、半成品,成品、包裝、出廠之品質檢驗以及判定 各項品管圖表之繪製以及標準樣本之製作 製程管制,掌握品質變異狀況,解決問題,負責產品品質水準之穩定 灌輸作業員品質觀念,教導其使用簡易品管技術 不合格品原因之追查、分析、報告以及處理 溝通協調及人員培訓 主管交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Responsible for the overall direction, coordination, implementation, execution, control and completion of specific projects ensuring consistency with company strategy, commitments and goals. 1. Proven successful track record in Project Management is a must. 2. Familiar with project management tools, strategic planning and risk management techniques. 3. Demonstrated ability to motivate / drive multidisciplinary teams to achieve objectives (performance, quality, cost, timelines) 4. Experience with Fiber, Wi-Fi, Docsis, 4G/5G,… technologies is a strong plus 5. Excellent communication and presentation skills 6. Positive attitude, resilience, diligence and ability to work under pressure are strong plusses
  • 部分工時(月薪)16625元 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    日本料理-清潔員/洗碗人員 薪16625(排休/月休8天) 上午10:30~下午2:00 福利: (01)足額投保及足額提撥勞退 基於企業對社會的責任及員工是公司營運的基本要素,首都一直秉持正派經營理念,盡力保障員工依法應有之待遇,與許多者業多由人員勞動條件中違法苛扣,不合理的低價搶標之作法迥異。 (02)意外險+定額意外醫療30,000元+意外住院日額1,000元(最高90天) (03)生日禮金 (04)春節禮金 (05)端午節 (06)中秋節 (07)結婚禮金 (08)生育禮金 (09)傷病住院慰問金 (10)因公傷病門診慰問金 (11)感疫苗注射補助 (12)葬補助(本人死亡) (13)葬補助(配偶、父母、子女死亡) (14)員工在職進修補助 (15)員工教育獎助學金 (16))年度單位活動補助 (17)特休假依勞動基準法規定給予 (18)年終獎金依當年度公司營運狀況並依年度績效考核做為核發之依據 (19)每年從稅前盈餘提撥7%為員工酬勞獎金,為業界唯一。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Responsible for the creation of winning solutions based on end user needs, market & technology trends. Solutions range from Fiber Gateways, Docsis (cable) Gateways to Wi-Fi Mesh Extenders and 4G/5G solutions. As a Product Manager - Architect, you define wining technical solutions (hardware block diagrams, new mechanical concepts,....) in-line with the defined cost targets. 1. Build up a deep understanding of market and technology trends. Use that know-how in combination with vision/creativity to create winning solutions. 2. Support the bid phase: creation of wining solutions (technical and cost) 3. Evangelize our solutions to customers and partners. As a key member of the customer facing team, target customer satisfaction and award of new business. 根據終端用戶的需求和市場技術趨勢,負責建構符合的的解決方案。解決方案包括從GPON、 Cable Docsis Gateway、Wi-Fi Mesh Router和 4G / 5G終端解決方案 。作爲一個硬件架構產品經理,你需定義制勝的技術解決方案(硬件架構,新機構概念,……)並且符合規定的成本目標。 1.建立對市場和技術趨勢的深刻理解。並將這些專業知識與願景/創造力相結合,創造出成功的解決方案。 2.支持投標階段:創造雙贏的解決方案(技術和成本) 3.向客戶和合作夥伴宣傳我們的解決方案。作爲面向客戶團隊的重要成員,以客戶滿意度和贏取開案爲目標。
  • 月薪31550~34550元 桃園市楊梅區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1.商品進貨驗收與退貨作業。 2.基本電腦操作基礎。 3.現場各項作業支援。 4.作業環境整理、整頓及清潔。 5.主管交辦事項完成。 6.視績效每月計發營運獎金(月平均NT$2,000元)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Responsible for the creation and execution of an enticing Software solutions roadmap based on end user needs, market & technology trends. Software solutions include the embedded software stack on our products, a companion APP for mobile devices as well as partnerships with 3rd party Services/Solutions providers. As a product manager, you target a winning combination of customer satisfaction and profitability. 1. Build up a deep understanding of market needs and technology trends. Use that know-how in combination with vision/creativity to define a software solutions roadmap and go-to-market strategy. 2. Lead the concept phase of solution development: drive the teams to realize the defined objectives (feature functionality, timelines, cost). 3. Evangelize our solutions to customers and partners. As a key member of the customer facing team, target customer satisfaction and award of new business.
  • 月薪32000~38000元 新北市新店區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1.ERP系統輸入客戶訂單等資料存檔備份。 2.協助業務人員出貨前準備,提供銷售等相關文件及發票。 3.簡易內部核銷事宜。應付、應收款項發票整理。 4.進出貨管理及定期盤點。 5.處理主管交派其他事項。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Responsible for the creation and execution of an enticing solutions roadmap based on end user needs, market & technology trends. Our 4G and 5G solutions range from Mobile Routers, In/Out door Gateways to DTU, Small Cells and ePC/HeMS. As a product manager, you target a winning combination of customer satisfaction and profitability. 1. Build up a deep understanding of market needs and technology trends. Use that know-how in combination with vision/creativity to address profitable opportunities. 2. Define the solutions roadmap and go-to-market strategy for your product-segment. Put together the business case and present to management for approval. 3. Lead the concept phase of the product: drive the teams to realize the defined objectives (feature functionality, timelines, cost). 4. Evangelize our solutions to customers and partners. As a key member of the customer facing team, target customer satisfaction and award of new business.
  • 月薪60000元 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1.前後製程銜接,有效的解決製程異常及改善; 2.製程不良項目及客戶MIL分析報告製作; 3.機械表面製程問題點層別及銜接; 4.工藝流程細節優化及耗材工藝開發。 須配合職務長期出差。
  • 月薪34000~38000元 金門縣金湖鎮 2年工作經驗 3天前更新
    工作內容: 1.個別化服務 2.健康及安全服務 3.居家生活服務 4.生活照顧服務(餵食、如廁、漱洗等) 5.社區生活服務 服務地點:福田家園 職務要求(擇1):教保員資格、照顧服務員資格、生活服務員資格 薪資:34,000-38,000元
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 7年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Responsible for the creation and execution of an enticing solutions roadmap based on end user needs, market & technology trends. Solutions range from Fiber Gateways, Docsis (cable) Gateways to Wi-Fi Mesh Extenders and solutions. As a product manager, you target a winning combination of customer satisfaction and profitability. 1. Build up a deep understanding of market needs and technology trends. Use that know-how in combination with vision/creativity to address profitable opportunities. 2. Define the solutions roadmap and go-to-market strategy for your product-segment. Put together the business case and present to management for approval. 3. Lead the concept phase of the product: drive the teams to realize the defined objectives (feature functionality, timelines, cost). 4. Evangelize our solutions to customers and partners. As a key member of the customer facing team, target customer satisfaction and award of new business.
  • 月薪31550~34550元 桃園市楊梅區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1.商品進貨驗收與退貨作業。 2.基本電腦操作基礎。 3.現場各項作業支援。 4.作業環境整理、整頓及清潔。 5.主管交辦事項完成。 6.視績效每月計發營運獎金(月平均NT$2,000元)
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會