• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 研究雲平台核心元件和新功能、新版本開發演進,及系統優化,進行功能導入設計 2. 平台上層應用服務整合設計與開發 3. 協助平台問題釐清解決與設計優化 4. 平台架構設計與優化
  • 月薪45000~50000元 桃園市桃園區 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    🔥對半高抽成-正職薪資45000(含勞健保)額外業績抽成 🔥客源多,不指定客多 🔥生日禮金 🔥節日禮金 🔥不定期員工聚餐 📍需具備1年以上美髮相關經驗。 📍有責任感、工作態度佳。 📍能獨當一面。 📍工作內容:剪、染、護、快洗 📍上班時間:每月排休8天,上午10:00-晚上21:40 📍工作地點:桃園市桃園區中正路576號後段(民光路口) 有意願的你歡迎詢問😆 私訊臉書或電洽📞0917766895 錢小姐
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1.Major tasks focus on AI, HPC, Storage related productions. 2.Hardware diagnostics software development. 3.Product automated testing process development. 4.Product stress test software integration or development. 5.Support manufacturing test development for new product introduction.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    Job Summary: The Machine Learning engineer will be responsible for computer vision related projects, particularly in advanced image/video processing analyses and utilized for improving product quality, production yield, and factory effectiveness, along with other R&D activities such as algorithm designs, prototype developments and experimental designs. Key Responsibilities: • Design, implement, and refine advanced Machine Learning/Deep Learning models to support product quality improvement, increasing yield and factory effectiveness. • Cultivate strong relationships with production line engineers, IT, and other key stakeholders to ensure alignment of modeling initiatives with company objectives and to identify new hypotheses for model improvements. • Scale out modeling capacity by driving infrastructure improvements such as automation of data preparations, model training, implementation, and optimization. • Apply deep learning and computer vision techniques, such as image classification, object detection, and support integration of models into tools for use by product engineers and business analysts. • Engage with customers to develop and customized data analytics solutions to address special needs. • Address ad hoc queries from management and present actionable recommendations in a clear, concise, and convincing manner. • Communicate the application and benefits of using various modeling techniques to improve decision-making to customers and stakeholders. • Collaborate effectively with team members, whether leading projects or supporting initiatives led by others. • Research and evaluate new data technology and state-of-art algorithms, and keep up to date with market trends and competitive insights.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 根據客戶應用需求,提供雲端產品技術整合之系統架構,提供符合客戶需求之產品服務 2. 跨部門協調研發及生產單位,提供系統整合產品服務 3. 研究及分析雲服務市場需求並設計符合客戶需求之產品
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    * 人臉辨識, 人流分析等相關產品開發 * 協助系統跨平台整合影像類AI相關應用服務。 * 負責AI應用資料視覺化顯示與雲端顯示介面。 * 研究新技術並導入相關open source framework
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1.數據監控Web程式開發與設計 2.雲端應用服務功能開發 3.使用者介面程式開發 4.軟體模組開發與整合
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 規劃伺服器及Rack Level產品自動化測試方案 2. 規劃及開發 Rack Level 自動化測試程式 3. 規劃及導入實驗室或工廠自動化測試 4. 規劃及開發客戶或實驗室需求的軟體工具 5. 協助研發單位規劃自動化測試需求
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 熟 JAVA, 資料庫應用, 及網頁設計語言(Thymeleaf, HTML, Javascript,CCS 等)者佳 2. 熟悉 JSP/Servlet 技術,了解 J2EE 概念 3. 懂 Spring framework, JPA, HIBERNATE 等 open-source 技術架構 4. 熟 Java Web AP 開發架構者 (含: Spring, Spring boot, Struts, Hibernate… 等) 5. 有Git 使用經驗 6.有 docker或k8s佈署經驗尤佳
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 1年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 負責後端服務開發、相關環境建置與日常維護 2. 與團隊其它成員協作,完成需求開發 3. 支援線上緊急問題處理
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市士林區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    Job Summary: The Middle School Instructional Technology Assistant supports faculty, parents and students in using instructional technology and completing projects that use technology. The assistant will develop instructional resources and train students with digital creation tools. The assistant will also aid in the distribution of tools, software, and licenses and provide limited equipment maintenance. Key Responsibilities: - Provide instructional assistance to faculty in the classroom and support to small groups of students to teach required software and systems. - Assist faculty in (a) the preparation, distribution, and maintenance of online instructional resources, (b) the implementation of technology-based projects, and (c) the teaching of technology skills across all subject areas. - Assist students with the use of school systems and technology. - Assist the Technology & Design Coach in developing, curating, and using instructional tools and resources. - Assist IT with student-related issues. - Maintaining/Organizing school IT assets. - Respond to general inquiries from faculty, parents and students. Assist when possible and relay messages to IT or Technology Coach in a timely manner. - Assist in maintaining printers and photocopiers, and stocking paper supply. - Responsible for creating the two divisional end of semester slide shows of school photos and of departing students. - Support Middle School Yearbook as required, including the following: 1. Managing yearbook process timeline/deadlines 2. Curating, editing, and organizing photos 3. Photographing school events and collaborating with organizers 4. Collaborating with yearbook designer vendor
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 6天前更新
    【工作內容】 MES 製造執行系統-Manufacturing Execution System 1.負責對部門內部專案進行支持、監控和管理,協助部門主管實現專案目標; 2.支撐MES體系執行和改進,關注專案過程執行,識別、推進部門內部過程改善; 3.對部門專案進行管理、監控、審計和彙報,幫助專案經理協調、解決專案問題,保證專案順利完成; 4.支援體系流程,支援工具使用,參與流程和工具改進; 5.組織部門級項目立案/結案/外包合同/變更評審…等工作; 6.對專案資料進行匯總和管理,定期上報,為領導決策提供資料支援; 7.支撐專案KPI績效考核; 8.建立部門內部知識共用平臺,促進部門專案管理能力提升; 9.培育專案管理幹部,避免組織人員異動影響專案時程或組織; 10.支援海外相關專案導入 11.完成主管交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. CI/Automation/Test Automation (Python) 2. Web Application (Python, Node.js, Java) 3. 網管系統或 BMC/Redfish related external system (Python, Linux shell) 4. AI, BigData, Datastore development (Python, Java)
  • 月薪40000元 新北市淡水區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    載貨/疊貨/下貨/分類/打包/粉碎 工作時間:8:00-17:30 工作地點:淡水區淡金路四段151之2號 休假方式:星期日 薪資:$40000起 其它:工作時間勿喝酒/怕油怕髒勿試 謝謝 聯絡人:林小姐 聯絡方式:0963366629 福利:供膳/享勞健保/勞退/團保
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會