• 月薪41000元 台北市中山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.負責門禁管制、車輛出入指揮、賣場巡邏、防竊作業及竊盜處理工作等安全維護工作 2.收發文件 3.監督及參與建築及設備之清潔、修理及維護 4.針對特定處所進行監視,維持公共安全,減少火災、竊盜或其他危險 5.控制照明、取暖、空氣調節及通風等設備 6.運送並且保護重要物品 7.社區安全維護管理、保障客戶生命和財產安全
  • 月薪50000~65000元 新竹市北區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.積極進藥以達成年度區域業績目標, 並確保醫院目前所有使用品項 2.訂定拜訪計畫並有效執行;規劃並執行區域業務計畫 3.培養並建立與客戶間長期的伙伴關係;提供客戶群詳實的產品資訊,並迅速反應客戶之意見及市場資訊 4.即時提供最新的競爭者資訊;分析區域內產品表現與市場資訊,並向主管提報有關執行計畫 5.熟悉產品知識、特性與利益並通過年度相關考核
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    科目:中等學校體育科教師1名。 甄選資格: 1.具有中等學校合格教師資格者。 2.大學或研究所相關系所畢業。 3.具相關教學經驗1年以上。 甄選辦法: 1.請將報名表及自傳(請至下方<面試須知>下載,或至本校行政公告下載), email至t227@trgsh.tp.edu.tw 或 郵寄達本校人事室 或 逕送達本校傳達室。 2.報名資料經初審合格者,本校個別以電話、電子郵件通知參加甄試。請報名教師務必保持聯繫管道暢通,以免錯過甄試通知! 3.簡章請至本校行政公告下載。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    科目:中等學校家政科教師1名。 甄選資格: 1.具有中等學校合格教師資格者。 2.大學或研究所相關系所畢業。 3.具相關教學經驗1年以上。 甄選辦法: 1.請將報名表及自傳(請至下方<面試須知>下載,或至本校行政公告下載), email至t227@trgsh.tp.edu.tw 或 郵寄達本校人事室 或 逕送達本校傳達室。 2.報名資料經初審合格者,本校個別以電話、電子郵件通知參加甄試。請報名教師務必保持聯繫管道暢通,以免錯過甄試通知! 3.簡章請至本校行政公告下載。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    科目:中等學校理化科教師1名。 甄選資格: 1.具有中等學校合格教師資格者。 2.大學或研究所相關系所畢業。 3.具相關教學經驗1年以上。 甄選辦法: 1.請將報名表及自傳(請至下方<面試須知>下載,或至本校行政公告下載), email至t227@trgsh.tp.edu.tw 或 郵寄達本校人事室 或 逕送達本校傳達室。 2.報名資料經初審合格者,本校個別以電話、電子郵件通知參加甄試。請報名教師務必保持聯繫管道暢通,以免錯過甄試通知! 3.簡章請至本校行政公告下載。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    科目:中等學校英文科教師1名。 甄選資格: 1.具有中等學校合格教師資格者。 2.大學或研究所相關系所畢業。 3.具相關教學經驗1年以上。 甄選辦法: 1.請將報名表及自傳(請至下方<面試須知>下載,或至本校行政公告下載), email至t227@trgsh.tp.edu.tw 或 郵寄達本校人事室 或 逕送達本校傳達室。 2.報名資料經初審合格者,本校個別以電話、電子郵件通知參加甄試。請報名教師務必保持聯繫管道暢通,以免錯過甄試通知! 3.簡章請至本校行政公告下載。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市大安區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.建案規劃階段預算成本評估及建立. 2.發包階段預算建立. 3.工程成本分析及評估作業. 4.工程追加減變更審核. 5.工程成本結算編列. 6..主管交辦事項. 7.具備清圖,圖面檢討與估算能力. 8.具備Office與AutoCAD等軟體操作運用能力. 9.具備一個以上完整工地經驗,對建設公司成控,發包工作有意願學習者.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    【王道銀行校園徵才專區】 王道銀行是台灣第一家原生數位銀行,運用創新的服務設計打造更便利、更安全、更貼近新世代客戶需求的金融服務。 歡迎您成為我們的夥伴,攜手打造與社會共好的精品銀行! 【校園徵才博覽會行程】 ▶03/02 (六)臺灣大學 ▶03/09 (六)中山大學 ▶03/10 (日)成功大學 ▶03/16 (六)清華大學 ▶03/20 (三)臺北大學 ▶03/22 (五)臺灣師範大學 ▶03/24 (日)中央大學 ▶03/28 (四)臺灣科技大學 ▶03/29 (五)政治大學 ▶04/18 (四)城市科大 ▶05/08 (三)輔仁大學 【校園徵才說明會行程】 ▶03/04 (一)臺灣科技大學 ▶03/06 (三)中央大學 ▶03/07 (四)中山大學 ▶03/13 (三)清華大學 ▶03/15 (五)臺灣師範大學 ▶03/26 (二)政治大學 ▶03/27 (三)臺北大學 【招募職缺】 正職職缺: 數位創新-資訊菁英、數據智能人員、數位創新產品經理(PM) 永續金融-永續發展人員 經營企劃-策略規劃人員/經營管理人員 業務銷售-客戶關係經理(JRM) 產品風險-結構融資產品經理(JPM)、貿融應收帳款產品人員(PM/PS)、信託業務產品經理(PM)、企金授信ESG規劃人員、風險管理人員、財務工程人員 作業服務-清算作業人員、存會支付作業人員、企金開戶作業人員、線上客服人員 實習職缺: 線上客服實習生 作業服務實習生(個金/企金) 人力資源實習生 【投遞資格】 正職:應屆畢業生 實習生:大四或碩班生 【正職福利】 .多元獎金全都要:年節獎金、績效獎金、員工酬勞、三節獎金、生日禮金、員工持股信託等,自2018年起已連續六年納入「臺灣證券交易所銳聯臺灣高薪酬100指數」成分股。 .MeTime不能少:優於勞基法的特休、感心假、公益假、榮譽假、久任員工假、器官捐贈假、收養假。 .職涯專屬好夥伴:新進同仁皆配置專屬Mentor,由資深夥伴專業領航,大膽探索職涯不設限! .性別友善真平權:不論性別認同,皆享婚假、陪產檢假、產檢假等法定假期,總行另設置性別友善廁所。 .個人進修大應援:外部課程補助、學位進修補助、國外研修補助及證照報名費用補助。 .日常還有小確幸:EAP心理諮商、專人按摩、電影包場、小農水果、免費牛奶及不定期藝文表演。 ※ 薪資依經驗及能力核薪。 ※ 職位與工作地點將依您的期待分配,將於書審通過後正式討論。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 10年工作經驗 1天前更新
    Shape your Career with Citi Citi’s Global Legal Affairs and Compliance (GLAC) empowers and protects Citi by providing legal, compliance, investigative, and security services to our firm. We manage compliance risk, provide legal analysis and advice, protect Citi’s people and businesses, advocate for legal and regulatory outcomes that benefit our firm and our clients, and ultimately promote behavior that is consistent with Citi’s mission and culture. We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Senior Vice President, Legal Counsel, Taiwan - Hybrid (Internal Job Title: Senior Lead Counsel 1 - Product - C14) based in Taipei, Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. For instance: • Citi provides programs and services for your physical and mental well-being including access to telehealth options, health advocates, confidential counseling and more. Coverage varies by country. • We believe all parents deserve time to adjust to parenthood and bond with the newest members of their families. That’s why in early 2020 we began rolling out our expanded Paid Parental Leave Policy to include Citi employees around the world. • We empower our employees to manage their financial well-being and help them plan for the future. • Citi provides access to an array of learning and development resources to help broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge as your career progresses. • We have a variety of programs that help employees balance their work and life, including generous paid time off packages. • We offer our employees resources and tools to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. In 2019, Citi employee volunteers contributed more than 1 million volunteer hours around the world. In this role, you’re expected to: • Responsible for providing legal counsel to the Business, participating in strategic initiatives, providing subject matter expertise and interpretations of relevant laws, rules, regulations, and industry practices, and advising business management on legal matters impacting the business • Objectively evaluates Business proposals by applying institutional knowledge and risk appetite against industry standards, widely accepted business practices, laws, rules, and regulatory guidelines, escalating as appropriate • Collaborates across internal lines of business and control/support functions to achieve coordinated and efficient outcomes on matters of common interest; coordinate closely with the Legal team on a regional and global basis • Participates in BUSINESS planning and development initiatives; contribute to business objectives by providing thought leadership using knowledge of industry, laws, and regulations • Proactively identifies, evaluates, and contributes to the appropriate management of legal, regulatory, and reputational risk by collaborating with ICRM & Risk, following relevant legal developments, participating in internal projects, escalating as appropriate • Manages day-to-day legal activities as a subject matter expert in area of responsibility and provide advisory services to business partners • Monitors management of complex legal issues and transactions, escalating when necessary • Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi Citi’s Markets business provides world-class solutions and an unmatched global presence. We serve corporates, institutional investors and governments from trading floors in almost 80 countries. The strength of our underwriting, sales and trading and distribution capabilities span asset classes and currencies, providing us with an unmatched ability to meet the needs of our clients. We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Officer, Securities & Derivatives Analyst, Taiwan - Resident (Internal Job Title: Securities & Derivatives Analyst 1 - C09) based in Taipei, Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. For instance: • Citi provides programs and services for your physical and mental well-being including access to telehealth options, health advocates, confidential counseling and more. Coverage varies by country. • We believe all parents deserve time to adjust to parenthood and bond with the newest members of their families. That’s why in early 2020 we began rolling out our expanded Paid Parental Leave Policy to include Citi employees around the world. • We empower our employees to manage their financial well-being and help them plan for the future. • Citi provides access to an array of learning and development resources to help broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge as your career progresses. • We have a variety of programs that help employees balance their work and life, including generous paid time off packages. • We offer our employees resources and tools to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. In 2019, Citi employee volunteers contributed more than 1 million volunteer hours around the world. In this role, you’re expected to: • Perform trade verifications to ensure accuracy of booking requests • Generate and match trade confirmations according to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) templates • Complete settlement tasks and daily rate revaluations accurately and on time • Coordinate transaction processing issues to the appropriate department and collaborate on a solution • Perform regulatory controls, account reconciliations, and record retention activities in accordance with established policies • Prepare and submit periodic internal and external regulatory reports • Participate in the periodic General Ledger (GL) proofing exercises as directed • Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市西屯區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.完善財務管理制度及財務部門管理、資金預算、資金運作等進行總體控制 2.提供公司各項財務相關報表,並針對異常科目做分析處理 3.覆核財務報表 4.負責收入、成本、費用的審核及監督,及時核對應收應付款項及往來帳 5.企業內部稽核執行、考核與提出改善
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Relationship Associate - Hybrid based in Taipei Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. The Relationship Associate is a developing professional role. Applies specialty area knowledge in monitoring, assessing, analyzing and/or evaluating processes and data. Identifies policy gaps and formulates policies. Interprets data and makes recommendations. Researches and interprets factual information. Identifies inconsistencies in data or results, defines business issues and formulates recommendations on policies, procedures or practices. Integrates established disciplinary knowledge within own specialty area with basic understanding of related industry practices. Good understanding of how the team interacts with others in accomplishing the objectives of the area. Develops working knowledge of industry practices and standards. Limited but direct impact on the business through the quality of the tasks/services provided. Impact of the job holder is restricted to own team. Responsibilities: Provide day-to-day client servicing, handle and provide timely resolution to client issues. Validates client data and documentation in relevant systems. Takes the lead to coordinate and follow-up across internal departments to solve client needs. Provides feedback to client related to emerging product needs, competitive practice and ideas on process/product improvement. Analyzes client data and provides reporting as needed. Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Relationship Associate - Hybrid based in Taipei Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. The Relationship Associate is a developing professional role. Applies specialty area knowledge in monitoring, assessing, analyzing and/or evaluating processes and data. Identifies policy gaps and formulates policies. Interprets data and makes recommendations. Researches and interprets factual information. Identifies inconsistencies in data or results, defines business issues and formulates recommendations on policies, procedures or practices. Integrates established disciplinary knowledge within own specialty area with basic understanding of related industry practices. Good understanding of how the team interacts with others in accomplishing the objectives of the area. Develops working knowledge of industry practices and standards. Limited but direct impact on the business through the quality of the tasks/services provided. Impact of the job holder is restricted to own team. Responsibilities: Provide day-to-day client servicing, handle and provide timely resolution to client issues. Validates client data and documentation in relevant systems. Takes the lead to coordinate and follow-up across internal departments to solve client needs. Provides feedback to client related to emerging product needs, competitive practice and ideas on process/product improvement. Analyzes client data and provides reporting as needed. Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 嘉義縣水上鄉 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.對景觀設計工作有興趣者。 2.具AutoCAD繪圖能力。 3.積極主動,具溝通協調能力。 4.提供員工宿舍
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會