• 月薪32400元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.具文書處理等能力者。 2.具工作熱忱、能配合出差洽談建教合作、產學合作及協助推動實習等業務。
  • 時薪190~200元 屏東縣東港鎮 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    石二鍋 石頭鍋‧涮涮鍋 誠徵:兼職/工讀計時人員 工作內容:備餐、送餐、撤餐與顧客互動等。 工作時段:(依營運需求彈性排班,面試說明詳細工作時段) ◎ 全日班 (10:00~23:30 每日排班六至八小時) ◎ 早班 (10:00~17:30 每日排班四至六小時) ◎ 晚班 (17:30~23:30 每日排班四至六小時) 學/經 歷:高中職以上,對餐飲工作有熱忱興趣者
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 8年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.對工程總監負責,執行工程總監交辦事項 2.負責管控各專案的工程成本 3.核對工程廠商的合約數量及單價與造價 4.協助採購之技術評標、研擬合約草案 5.負責催促工地〝計價〝如期執行,與財務部門充分協調溝通 6.工程進度與品質監督管控,上下游合作廠商連絡等事務 7.負責建築及裝修施工圖審核與重點施工管理(提升品質) 8.直接管理公司所有開發專案工務所 9.負責各階段工程查核及工程竣工驗收 10.負責監督第三方建築經理公司之工作成效 11.負責出席各工程專案之工程例會 12.負責抽驗進場材料、設施與設備 13.所有工程之承包商管理與協調,並定期追蹤 14.提出分項工程採發、數量估算與施工說明 15.負責各專案之交屋作業及交屋後之修繕
  • 月薪30000~34999元 台北市大同區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1. 客戶訂單輸入, 核對, 出貨 2. 通路訂單資料彙整 3. 單據整理 4. 賣場巡檢 5. 主管交辦事項
  • 月薪38000~48000元 新北市汐止區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 評估產品發展趨勢與潛在商機 2. 具備開發新客戶能力 3. 負責向廠商訪價 4. 負責向客戶報價並確認訂單 5. 追蹤交期及出貨狀況 6. 負責客戶與廠商之間的往來溝通 7. 負責客戶資料、廠商資料及相關檔案文件的整理、建檔與維護 8. 處理客戶客訴及售後服務 9. 具備市場分析能力 10. 願意在需要時加班/出差工作 11. 熟悉醫療、健康促進及輔具用品尤佳 Sales Specialist Responsibilities: *Providing product demonstrations to staff and clients, and taking the lead in resolving complaints. *Conducting market research and sharing findings with the team. *Working alongside the team to draw up strategies to increase customer base. *Setting sales targets and implementing incentives. *Providing accurate sales forecasts and allocating resources so targets are met. *Managing a network of vendors and suppliers. *Maintaining excellent relationships with customers that are built on trust, and encouraging the rest of the sales team to follow this example. *Keeping up-to-date with advancements in marketing. Sales Specialist Requirements: *Bachelor‘s degree in marketing, business or similar. *Strong analytical and critical thinking skills. *Ability to think on your feet. *Excellent customer service and leadership skills. *Strong networking abilities. *Ability to diagnose problems and find solutions. *Strong degree of diplomacy and the ability to work with a range of different people. *Ability to remain professional. *Willingness to work overtime/ overseas when required.
  • 月薪28000~34000元 新北市新莊區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    《行政庶務》 加入我們的團隊,您將成為公司運營的關鍵支持者。您的日常工作將包括: ● 精準處理訂單流程,從接單到打單,確保客戶需求得到及時響應。 ● 作為公司的聲音,提供專業友好的電話接待服務。 ● 統籌安排貨物發送,確保客戶及時收到產品。 ● 高效處理,與倉庫團隊協作,確保庫存管理和補貨工作無縫對接。 ● 在需要時,代表公司前往郵局和銀行辦理相關業務,展現您的靈活多變和負責任。 《加入我們的團隊,共創未來》 我們在尋找對工作充滿熱情且專注的專業人士。如果您準備好在一個充滿挑戰和機會的環境中長期發展,我們歡迎您的加入。我們尊重每一位員工的努力和貢獻,相信團隊合作的力量。 《承諾與報酬》 我們理解,有時為了達成目標,加班是不可避免的。我們承諾,對於願意在需要時加班以確保任務完成的團隊成員,將提供相應的報酬和認可。我們追求的是共同成功,並相信通過公平的報酬體系,能夠更好地實現這一目標。 《誠意邀請》 如果您準備好投身於一份不僅僅是短暫嘗試,而是希望在其中找到長期職業道路和成長機會的工作,我們誠邀您的加入。請僅在您準備好全身心投入,並願意與我們一同成長時,才投遞您的履歷。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市南屯區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    *** 聯邦快遞獲評選為怡安台灣最佳僱主、最佳致力於員工敬業度僱主、以及財富雜誌全球最受推崇的公司,歡迎您加入聯邦快遞的大家庭 *** 【職務說明】 - Territory management: keep and grow customer revenue and customer base. - Expand market share and achieve company revenue goal. - Alignment with functional team to accommodate customer‘s request to grow business. - Customer management Skills required - Able to achieve Sales revenue targets by managing key customers - Resourceful and Strong problem-solving skills - Track record in business development in business development - Demonstrated the ability in taking market share
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市觀音區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.物流中心新專案之倉儲作業管理 2.上貨揀貨盤點作業 3.高揚程堆高機專業操作 4.具備堆高機技術士證 5.中班另有津貼
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市觀音區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.物流中心新專案之倉儲作業管理 2.上貨揀貨盤點作業 3.高揚程堆高機專業操作 4.具備堆高機技術士證 5.中班另有津貼
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Relationship Associate - Hybrid based in Taipei Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. The Relationship Associate is a developing professional role. Applies specialty area knowledge in monitoring, assessing, analyzing and/or evaluating processes and data. Identifies policy gaps and formulates policies. Interprets data and makes recommendations. Researches and interprets factual information. Identifies inconsistencies in data or results, defines business issues and formulates recommendations on policies, procedures or practices. Integrates established disciplinary knowledge within own specialty area with basic understanding of related industry practices. Good understanding of how the team interacts with others in accomplishing the objectives of the area. Develops working knowledge of industry practices and standards. Limited but direct impact on the business through the quality of the tasks/services provided. Impact of the job holder is restricted to own team. Responsibilities: Provide day-to-day client servicing, handle and provide timely resolution to client issues. Validates client data and documentation in relevant systems. Takes the lead to coordinate and follow-up across internal departments to solve client needs. Provides feedback to client related to emerging product needs, competitive practice and ideas on process/product improvement. Analyzes client data and provides reporting as needed. Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 月薪35000~55000元 桃園市楊梅區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    【加分優勢】 ★基礎拍攝能力 ★作品集 ★有責任感、抗壓性與獨立思考能力 ★能與團隊良好且有效率的溝通能力 【工作內容】 1.專案包裝設計 2.針對客戶品牌精神及產品性能與特性,設計適當包裝表現方式 3. 具備美感,擅長Illustrator、Photoshop 等繪圖設計軟體,且具備獨立設計能力至完稿。 4. 善於修圖具有基本拍攝技能更佳 5.美工設計製作出具視覺構成與版面編排,富含美感的廣告文宣/海報/行銷DM 6. 設計並商品修圖、美編、網頁製作技巧,美工版面設計經驗更佳 (品牌設計/平面設計/BANNER/商品攝影) 7.需進行跨部門溝通,確認需求 8.主管交辦事項 公司基本福利 員工旅遊、年終獎金、工作獎金、員購優惠、開工紅包 休閒設施、尾牙或春酒、下午茶、員工聚餐、節慶獎金 另外依據工作表現程度,有設置季獎金 歡迎對自己有信心、有能力的人一起共同成長
  • 月薪33000~45000元 桃園市觀音區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.物流中心上貨揀貨盤點等管理作業 2.高揚程堆高機操作,具備堆高機技術士證 3.中班晚班另有津貼,日中夜固定班
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市信義區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    At Citi, we get to connect millions of people across hundreds of cities and countries every day. And we‘ve been doing it for more than 200 years. We do this through our unparalleled global network. We provide a broad range of financial services and products to our clients – whether they be consumers, corporations, governments or institutions – to help them meet their biggest opportunities and face the world‘s toughest challenges. Shape your Career with Citi We’re currently looking for a high caliber professional to join our team as Relationship Associate - Hybrid based in Taipei Taiwan. Being part of our team means that we’ll provide you with the resources to meet your unique needs, empower you to make healthy decision and manage your financial well-being to help plan for your future. The Relationship Associate is a developing professional role. Applies specialty area knowledge in monitoring, assessing, analyzing and/or evaluating processes and data. Identifies policy gaps and formulates policies. Interprets data and makes recommendations. Researches and interprets factual information. Identifies inconsistencies in data or results, defines business issues and formulates recommendations on policies, procedures or practices. Integrates established disciplinary knowledge within own specialty area with basic understanding of related industry practices. Good understanding of how the team interacts with others in accomplishing the objectives of the area. Develops working knowledge of industry practices and standards. Limited but direct impact on the business through the quality of the tasks/services provided. Impact of the job holder is restricted to own team. Responsibilities: Provide day-to-day client servicing, handle and provide timely resolution to client issues. Validates client data and documentation in relevant systems. Takes the lead to coordinate and follow-up across internal departments to solve client needs. Provides feedback to client related to emerging product needs, competitive practice and ideas on process/product improvement. Analyzes client data and provides reporting as needed. Appropriately assess risk when business decisions are made, demonstrating particular consideration for the firm‘s reputation and safeguarding Citigroup, its clients and assets, by driving compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, adhering to Policy, applying sound ethical judgment regarding personal behavior, conduct and business practices, and escalating, managing and reporting control issues with transparency.
  • 月薪37000~39000元 台中市北屯區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.巡邏建築物與周遭環境,留意可疑線索,確保門窗安全。 2.回應警報器並且調查引起警鈴的原因。 3.保護被保全之人或物的安全。 4.由監視器畫面監看出入份子,以確保建築物安全。 5.櫃台事務/服務住戶
  • 隨薪所欲