• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1. 熟悉電路設計與pcb layout 軟體,, 2. 熟悉VNA/SCOPE操作, DEBUG能力佳, 3. 具獨立思考與解決問題能力, 4. 需有團隊合作精神。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市前鎮區 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1.規劃並執行各類產品研究調查專案 2.目標族群分析及潛在市場分析 3.執行質性及量化研究及分析,進行使用者體驗與研究 4.協助將研究結果轉換為設計規格,輔助軟硬體產品設計與服務設計 5.研究資料彙整與紀錄
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市蘆竹區 1年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1.根據產品需求,設計電池管理系統、電力轉換系統等儲能硬體電路 2.指導並監督PCBA板的測試驗證,確保產品硬體品質穩定可靠 3.分析和解決產品故障,提出硬體優化方案,完成硬體變更設計
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1.車用ADAS 攝影鏡頭、光達、雷達相關應用 2.建立感知融合策略經驗(Camera Radar/Camera 3.點雲物件辨識模型建立 4.串接自動駕駛模擬器與系統驗證開放式平台之軟硬整合 5.配合開發流程撰寫相關文件 6.熟悉以下語言/ 一項或多項)):C++/Python/TensorFlow/PyTorch 程式開發能力,具ROS2 相關開發經驗尤佳 7.主管交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹市 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    1.光收發模組產品的開發設計,輸出原理圖、PCB加工文件、PCB貼片文件等設計文檔 2.光收發模組產品樣品製作,輸出驗證報告 3.引入新物料的技術評估,並驗證及導入 4.編寫項目文檔、技術專利及其他有關技術文檔 5.其他主管交辦事項
  • 月薪40000~43000元 台北市大安區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    【食安第一】 入職1個月培訓通過『食品安全與衛生』學科考核。 【一技之長】 給自己一個走向世界各地都受用高檔技能。 【面試須知】 未在西餐廚房一年以上,未具備以下技能「洋蔥切丁0.5公分3分鐘、鐵鍋蛋炒飯、牛排熟度分切、生食級海鮮處理」 請投遞『廚藝助理』。 【實力展現】 『廚藝助理』經過湯區、炒區、考區六個月培訓可晉升正式廚師。 1. 協助主管提供各站檯料理製作,完成主管交付任務。 2. 各項食品均符合衛生管理的規定進行備料及保存。 3. 維持與確保冷凍庫及其他地區的衛生及清潔標準。 →享高薪 本俸+伙食+全勤獎金+免稅加班費+績效獎金=40000 月達成獎金+突破業績獎金+久任獎金=另計
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 2年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1. PCBA、PCB、2nd Source 2. 2nd Source Library 3. Release PCBA BOM 4. Maintain SKU BOM 5. Release PCBA BOM(PST) 6. CIS 零件審核
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 2年工作經驗 5天前更新
    <About the job>: The Data Science & AI team of headquarter IT is developing the frontier and practical analytic technologies that enhance the data value. As the data scientist, you‘ll join the AI/Big Data Analytics program/projects related to management topics, including Commercial/Industrial Engineering/Supply Chain/Financial Performance/Operation...etc., to build the model or algorithm to empower data-driven & analytics-driven for driving business value from data insights in this world-class company (Fortune Global 500, 22nd). <Job Description>: .Design, implement and refine advanced Statistical Modeling/Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Numerical Simulation/Optimization Algorithm Models(at least one of the fields) .Ensure alignment of modeling initiatives with the requirement goal defined by key stakeholders and company objectives and identify new hypotheses for model improvements. .Executing big data analysis and predictive analytics projects include feature engineering, model building, algorithm development, etc. .Works closely with a team of data system analysts, business data analysts, data engineers, data platform architects, etc. .Collaborate effectively with team members, whether leading tasks or supporting initiatives led by others. .Self-motivated, Result-oriented, and interested in applying quantitative methods to solving business and engineering problems. <Skills> .Experience with any one of Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling, Deep Learning(Nature Language/Image), Econometric Modeling, Optimization Algorithm(OR), Numerical Simulation..., etc., model/algorithm building of the practical application in the industry. .Familiarity with programming languages like Python or R, or Java. (Good programming skills in Python is a plus). .Advanced ability to perform Exploratory Data Analysis and working knowledge of statistics. .Ability to visualize data in the most effective way possible for a given task, especially visualize models and results and debug and troubleshoot code and models. .Big on finding the many insights based on the data and being passionate and patient about working with complex data.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 2年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1.硬體開發設計/除錯 2.開發產品設計審查規劃 3.自動化流程設計
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中山區 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    1. 透過銀行及個人資源, 協助銀行開發新的潛在優質客戶。 2. 提供完整的教育訓練並透過團隊協作,快速學習熟悉銀行相關業務。 3.依據客戶的銀行需求,提供銀行帳戶權益、交易便利性、理財產品知識等方式,協助新開發客戶與銀行建立長期穩定往來關係。 4.透過緊密的團隊合作,提供客戶專業、客製化的服務體驗,滿足其所有銀行相關的需求。 < 注意事項 > 請至DBS官方網站,註冊帳號密碼後,點選「線上應徵」進行第二階段申請 豐盛理財開發專員-Treasures Acquisition Officer https://dbs.taleo.net/careersection/dbs_professional_hires_career_section/jobdetail.ftl?job=230000KO&lang=zh_TW
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 1年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1. 協助新產品開發&替代料導入 2. 替代料驗証進度追蹤及記錄 3. 零件品質管理 4. 供應商關係管理 (供應鏈狀態/專業技術諮詢) 5. 零件系統與流程優化與管理,包含PCN/ECN/EOL管理 6. 2nd source零件資料庫維護 7. 溝通與協調零件驗證事宜, 報告給 Dell CE team 8. 2nd CM (contract Manufacturer) project (OEM)
  • 月薪43000~68000元 台北市大安區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    【工作內容】 1、負責與餐廳外場經理或相關部門主管聯繫、溝通與協調促銷活動相關事宜。 2、負責菜單的製作與菜餚的創新 3、菜單的定價與成本的控制。 4、負責整體廚房的運作,包括日常行政工作、人事安排與休假管理。 5、擬定食物製作標準工作流程及菜色品質的控制。 6、負責廚房的衛生與安全工作事宜。 7、隨時檢查各類設備是否運作正常,如冰箱、烤箱及冷凍庫。 8、督導檢查有關食品進貨、貯存及存量等問題 →享高薪 本俸+伙食+全勤獎金+免稅加班費+職務技能獎金=43000 月達成獎金+突破業績獎金+久任獎金=另計
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    工作內容: <About the job>: We‘re seeking AI/ML enthusiasts with experience and skills in working and are passionate about extending AI/ML expertise. The Data Science & AI team of headquarter IT is developing the frontier and practical analytic technologies that enhance the data value. As the AI/ML engineer, you‘ll join the AI/Big Data Analytics program/projects of headquarter IT and assist in building the model/algorithm to empower data-driven & analytics-driven for driving business value from data insights in this world-class company (Fortune Global 500, 22nd). <Job Type Option:> .Type1: AI/ML Engineer (Engineering-Oriented) (1) Use Machine Learning/Deeping Learning/Analytical techniques to build models for internal different scenarios and requirements. (2) Building the model lifecycle from data exploration to feature engineering to model evaluation and validity analysis capabilities. (3) Execute efficient, scalable, automated processes for model development, model validation, and model implementation (4) Deploy the model to production and maintain/optimize the models by MLOps. (5) Experience in Azure Data Lake, Azure Databricks, and Azure Data Factory is preferred. (6) Experience in AWS SageMaker is preferred. .Type2: NLP AI Engineer (1) Focused on NLP Algorithm/Machine Learning & Deeping Learning for Text. (2) Develop the Algorithm of NLP(Natural Language Processing)/ Computational Linguistics/Text Mining/Topic Modeling (3) Join the project to build the end-to-end NLP systems, from understanding the requirements to selecting training datasets to model, evaluate, and deliver/deploy NLP models. (4) Fine-tune LLMs and optimize and resolve issues related to LLM usage in production scenarios, enhancing reliability, accuracy, and performance. .Type3: AI/ML Engineer (Analytics-Oriented) (1)Use Machine Learning/Deeping Learning/Analytical techniques to build models for internal different scenarios and requirements. (2)Build the model lifecycle, e.g., from data exploration to feature engineering to model evaluation and validity analysis capabilities. (3)Execute efficient, scalable, automated processes for model development, model validation, and model implementation. (4)Apply quantitative methods including but not limited to above tasks to solve business problems. (5)Being passionate and patient about working with complex data <Skills> .Type1 & 3 : AI/ML Engineer(Engineering-Oriented & Analytics-Oriented) (1)Familiarity with any one of Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling, Deep Learning (Nature Language/Image/Time Series) model/algorithm building of the practical application in the industry. (2) Being familiar with Python Libraries, e.g., Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, SciPy, Matplotlib, etc. (3)(For Engineering-Oriented) Knowledge of Big Data with Machine Learning/Statistical modeling related technologies such as Spark MLlib or PySpark or SparkR/SparklyR. (4)(For Analytics-Oriented) Knowledge of Deep Learning Framework such as TensorFlow/Caffe/Pytorch/Keras. .Type 2: NLP AI Engineer (1) Experience with text mining algorithms such as word segmentation, POS tagging, named entity recognition...etc. (2) Experience in algorithms and libraries of NLP(Natural Language Processing), especially in machine learning techniques applied to NLP, such as Text mining, Text classification, Information Extraction, Keyword Tagging, and content discovery. (3) Familiar with one general-purpose programming language (e.g., Python, Java, C/C++) (4) Experience manipulating and integrating unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data. (5) Excellent knowledge and demonstrable experience using open-source NLP packages such as NLTK, Word2Vec, Standford CoreNLP, SpaCy, and Gensim. (6) Knowledge of Open source LLMs, such as BERT, BLoom, LLaMA..., etc., and NLP frameworks, like Hugging Face Transformers, PyTorch /JAX
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 2年工作經驗 5天前更新
    產品線: Server產品 1.Familiarity with VHDL/Verilog coding and FPGA/CPLD design flow is a must 2.Familiarity with Lattice/Altera/Xilinx EDA design tool. 3.Familiarity with FPGA/CPLD design in server application and multiple bus protocols including I2C / power sequence / SPI / LPC / SGPIO / I2C switch/ UART / PWM / eSPI 4.Strong HW and x86 architecture knowledge is a plus. 5.Fluent English written and verbal communication skills. 6.Integration and test experience 7. Highly self-motivated, able to work independently in a lab environment.
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會