面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市新店區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
[Job Description]
Developing an AI for animation software is challenging and intriguing. As an Intelligent Animation Technology Researcher, you will be conduct research in the field of 2D/3D animation for AI development in collaboration with different departments in the company as well as academics and industries. And also, you will need to participate in software development in order to make a real product for the market.
[What will you do]
1. Do topic research and benchmark on demand.
2. Analysis papers and verification of the algorithms.
3. Design a methodology and develop a prototype.
4. Software engineering.
5. Optimize design.
6. Handover the contribution to the Product Team and help the team to develop it into the product.
1. Expert in Deep Learning/Machine Learning.
2. Experience in 2D/3D Computer Graphic/Computer Vision software development.
3. Strong in C++ and Python programming.
4. Familiar with Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Caffe, ..., etc.
5. Familiar with Deep Learning experiences like CNN, RNN, LSTM, GAN, ..., etc.
6. Familiar with Unreal/Unity engine.
[About Innovation Department]
We are a passionate team dedicated to animation technology and software development. Simplifying animation production, making the ideas happen and process fun is the coolest thing we can think of. This is not only our daily job, but also our goal. We are working hard to unleash the imagination of users and empower them with easy-to-use but powerful tools.
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