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東北亞日本 職缺共

  • 月薪58000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    【工作內容】 1.製作有關各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理 2.財務報表編寫、分析/會計帳務作業/統整應收應付款項帳務 3.負責收入、物料及人工成本、費用的審核,及時核對應收應付款項及往來帳 4.辦理銀行匯款、轉帳作業 5.核對儲存現金與記錄是否相符合 6.管理零用金異動及撥補作業 7.定期製作資金預估報表/現金流量表/月(年)損益/專案損益及其他財務分析資料等報表 8.負責人事(勞健保處理)、勞健保及團保加退保作業 、基本人員出勤、計算薪資作業與招聘面試時間安排 9.熟悉ERP及相關會計軟體 ★具事務所/營造/配管/空調水機電/水電/工程經歷尤佳 ★願接受培訓者佳 【其他條件】 1.需具備細心責任心強之特質,做事情俐落主動,執行力強 2.對於主管交辦事項能積極解決;嚴謹,細心,具備財務人員職操 3.良好的溝通能力 4.數字觀念佳,需協助編列財務、營運報表(現金、資產...) 5. 熟電腦作業系統,如:Excel、PowerPoint,曾使用過ERP系統者佳 6.日文能力須達N1程度
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    お仕事内容 【具体的には】 ・お客様のお出迎え ・ご案内 ・オーダー ・お食事、ドリンクのご提供 ・レジ会計 などの接客をはじめとしたホール業務全般を行っていただきます。 高級食材の知識も身に付く環境です! 質の高い接客でお客様ひとりひとりにご満足いただけるお店作りを目指していきましょう! 【募集対象】 ◎中国語がビジネスレベルできる方 ◎日本語がビジネスレベルできる方 ◎飲食店興味のある方 ◎Excel、Word、PowerPoint基本操作基本的なPC操作ができる方 ◎ホスピタリティ精神がある方 【歓迎する資格・経験】 ◎人とコミュニケーションをとるのが好きな方 ◎台湾若しくは日本の文化に興味のある方 ◎向上心があり、何事にも自主的に取り組める方 ◎グローバルな会社に適応できる柔軟性のある方 ◎接客経験をお持ちの方
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    ※需具有連鎖餐飲業店師傅2年以上經驗者※ 1.提供鐵板料理並服務客人於鐵板煎台。 2.準備於營業時間內的主菜所需菜餚。 3.維持與確保衛生及清潔標準。 4.願意學習精進鐵板料理之技術、可與客人溝通互動(說菜),對廚務及管理有一定的執著及熱情。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 5年工作經驗 2天前更新
    ※需具有連鎖餐飲業店師傅5年以上經驗者※ 1.提供鐵板料理並與客人互動服務。 2.對於門市食材安全衛生把關,確保所負責類別的食品均符合衛生管理的規定。 3.落實並料理主廚設計各自類別的菜單。 4.協助主管規劃生產、行銷計畫制度和中長期策略規畫及年度營運方針落實,以提昇 經營績效。 5.協助公司之組織規劃、制度流程設計,以及經營分析之企劃。 6.願意學習精進鐵板料理之技術、可與客人溝通互動(說菜)。 7.擔任連鎖餐飲/飯店主廚5-10年行政管理經驗
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    ※需具有連鎖餐飲業店長2年以上經驗者※ 1.績效目標達成,超越顧客滿意度。 2.維持高營運標準,與員工維持正面的關係。 3.維護財務、設備及生財器具資源管理,執掌餐聽務料盤點、訂貨之良好控管。 4.願與所屬團隊共享工作成就,面對缺失勇於承擔不規避,並與團對虛心改善檢討。 5.熟悉餐廳整體運作及成本控制,喜歡與人及新事務接觸者。 6.須配合營運進行輪調
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    派駐日本業務 1. 前端客戶RD對應,weekly 開會針對現有產品以及未來可能開發機會討論 2. 與前端客戶採購確認生產需求連結海外工廠PM team 3. 與工廠和RD串連與客戶爭取新案報價 4. 新生意機會開發
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    1.視窗化工業監控軟體編輯(PC-base) 2.MS SQL資料庫操作管理 3.PLC 通訊 4.網路架構規劃 5.Visual Basic .NET base 6.IOT系統整合,SCADA編輯維護 7.5G通訊維護及開發 主要服務對象為科技廠,於案廠內維護監控系統等, 我們希望找到對工業監控系統有興趣的你,亦歡迎社會新鮮人加入, 提供相關教育訓練。 可接受線上面試 ※本職缺由日本公司直接招聘
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 3年工作經驗 5天前更新
    Linux通訊軟體研發: 以Embed Linux開發5G CPE/Mi-Fi設備的軟韌體 工作職位1: 底層驅動程式(Wi-Fi, USB, Ethernet…..)的整合開發與除錯 工作職位2: 網路通訊層開發,IPv4, IPv6, iptables, Firewall….等,Router相關功能的開發。 工作職位3: GUI/Management層開發,WEB GUI, SNMP, TR-069/TR098等上層控管功能的開發與客製化。
  • 月薪40000~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. Assisting senior butlers or head butlers in providing personalized service to guests in specific staterooms, including room cleaning, tidying, and decorating. 2. Assisting guests with embarkation and disembarkation procedures, including luggage handling and arrangements. 3. Providing food and beverage service, such as delivering meals, drinks, and snacks to guests, and assisting in arranging dining times and locations. 4. Assisting guests in arranging shore excursions and tours, providing necessary information and recommendations. 5. Addressing guests‘ needs and complaints, resolving them promptly to ensure guest satisfaction. 6. Coordinating with other departments to ensure timely fulfillment of guest requests. 7. Providing high-level customer service to ensure guests have a pleasant and comfortable experience on the cruise ship.
  • 月薪40100~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. Managing and leading the butler team to ensure they provide high-quality personalized service. 2. Coordinating and arranging guests‘ needs, including room cleaning, food and beverage service, and itinerary arrangements. 3. Overseeing the daily operations of specific staterooms to ensure guests enjoy a premium service experience. 4. Handling guest complaints and issues, resolving them promptly and ensuring guest satisfaction. 5. Coordinating with other departments to ensure guest needs are met, such as with the dining department, guest services, etc. 6. Accommodating guests‘ special requests, such as dietary preferences, celebrations, etc. 7. Ensuring the confidentiality and respect of guests‘ personal information and needs. 8. Providing support and assistance during various activities and events onboard.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. Providing personalized service to guests in specific staterooms, including cleaning, tidying, and decorating the room. 2. Assisting guests with embarkation and disembarkation procedures, including luggage handling and arrangements. 3. Offering food and beverage service, such as delivering meals, drinks, and snacks to guests, and arranging dining times and locations. 4. Assisting guests in arranging shore excursions and tours, providing necessary information and recommendations. 5. Addressing guests‘ needs and complaints to ensure guest satisfaction. 6. Coordinating with other departments to ensure prompt fulfillment of guest requests. 7. Providing high-level customer service to ensure guests have a pleasant and comfortable experience on the cruise ship.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    As a YC Waiter, this employee is primarily responsible for providing food and beverage service to guests within the Yacht Club. They may be tasked with greeting guests, recommending menu items, taking orders, serving meals, and clearing tables. They need to ensure that guests‘ needs are promptly met and provide a high level of customer service experience.
  • 月薪40040~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    As a YC Head Waiter, this individual holds a leadership role within the Yacht Club onboard. They are responsible for coordinating and managing the service team to ensure the provision of high-quality dining experiences. Their duties may include developing service procedures and standards, training new staff, overseeing service quality, and addressing guest concerns and complaints. Additionally, they may be tasked with liaising with other departments to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction within the Yacht Club. This position typically requires excellent leadership abilities, team management skills, effective communication, and a strong commitment to customer service.
  • 月薪27936~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    As a YC Asst. Waiter, this employee is likely responsible for providing food and beverage service to guests within the Yacht Club. They may assist waitstaff in delivering food and drinks to guests‘ tables, help maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the restaurant, ensure guests‘ needs are met, and provide high-level customer service. This position may require excellent teamwork skills, good communication abilities, and sensitivity to customer needs.
  • 幸福企業