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  • 時薪183元 屏東縣潮州鎮 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1.門市銷售 2.藥局門市貨架整理 3.協助藥師相關工作 4.具藥局相關經驗尤佳
  • 月薪30000~35000元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 18天前更新
    1.佈置及清理餐桌 2.接待顧客 3.將菜單遞交顧客,答覆有關餐飲問題,必要時提供建議 4.記錄顧客所點菜餚,並通知廚房或內場做餐送餐 5..麵包檯、飲料檯餐點製作 6.送單點單收銀 7.環境清潔整理等工作
  • 月薪39700~45000元 高雄市左營區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    鼎王餐飲集團給予同仁最貼心及溫暖的照顧,邀請您加入鼎王的大家庭 與我們攜手打造國際級的「鼎王美食藝術王國」,讓台灣美食成為世界的經典美味! ★★外場服務員挑戰月領雙獎金★★ ◆任用薪資:39,700~45,000元。 ◆通過考核:薪資上看45,000元,挑戰最快一年內晉升店主任。 ◆提供客人餐期前中後段需要的服務。 ◆以感動服務,帶給顧客最美好的用餐體驗! 【工作內容】 1.負責客人帶位、消費方式及菜單介紹等工作。 2.負責點餐、送餐、桌邊服務及聯繫內外場之工作。 3.於客人用餐完畢後,負責外場環境清潔。 4.顧客滿意度提昇,各工作站作業管理。
  • 月薪32000~40000元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1. 工作環境的整理 2. 協助門市業務 3. 提供簡單的藥物使用諮詢 4. 藥品存貨的盤點 5. 協助藥劑師進行配藥 6. 有相關經驗和相關科系畢業者尤佳
  • 月薪28000~30000元 高雄市小港區 工作經歷不拘 40天前更新
    1.接受顧客詢問或主動提供諮商建議給顧客 2.陳列商品、清潔櫥窗、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 3.向顧客說明貨品的性質、特徵、品質與價格 4.在成交後,包裝商品、收取款項、交付商品、開發票或收據,完成交易手續
  • 月薪28000~30000元 高雄市小港區 工作經歷不拘 40天前更新
    1.接受顧客詢問或主動提供諮商建議給顧客 2.陳列商品、清潔櫥窗、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 3.向顧客說明貨品的性質、特徵、品質與價格 4.在成交後,包裝商品、收取款項、交付商品、開發票或收據,完成交易手續
  • 時薪200元 高雄市新興區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    高雄精緻火鍋店誠徵工作夥伴! 1.佈置及清理餐桌 2.為顧客帶位或安排座位 3.將菜單遞交顧客,答覆有關餐飲問題,必要時提供建議 4.記錄顧客所點菜餚,並通知廚房或內場做餐送餐 5.上菜並提供有關用餐的服務 6.遞送帳單,請顧客付款或簽字 7.送單點單收銀
  • 月薪32000~36000元 屏東縣東港鎮 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.家庭親子休閒娛樂為主,需活潑外向有活力, 不怕生能和顧客與小朋友良好互動。 2.機台補貨與備貨 。 3.櫃檯服務協助客人兌換商品 。 4.門市整潔與商品陳列整理 。 5.主管交辦特定工作事項,並願遵守公司規定。
  • 時薪183元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
  • 時薪183元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1. 餐點介紹、結帳、收銀 2. 用餐環境之清潔與維護 3. 內場食材準備、簡易烹煮及擺盤等工作 4. 外送服務 5. 其他主管交辦事項 (具完整培訓,無經驗可!)
  • 時薪200~600元 高雄市鼓山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    工作描述: - 主動積極與顧客推廣、服務。 - 有效銷售技巧,包括主動銷售,講解產品、推銷適合顧客產品。 - 維護專櫃整潔及記錄庫存量。 - 與團隊合作及營造和諧工作氛圍。 - 結帳跟開立發票。 - 了解新產品資訊跟趨勢。 職位要求: - 具有銷售經驗,優化化妝品銷售經驗者尤佳。 - 優秀溝通技巧,與顧客維護關係。 - 活潑開朗個性、積極開發新客戶。 - 對化妝品行業有興趣。 - 熟英文者尤佳。 工作時間可彈性安排,包括輪班、週末和假日。 若對工作有興去歡迎來電或來信預約面試: webeautyok@gmail.com 0970-672-655 薪資$200~600/時,可面議,另有業績跟抽成獎金 福利制度:享勞健保、體檢、生日禮品、抽成獎金、業績獎金、員工聚餐等 Exciting Job Opportunity! At Webeauty, we are delighted to announce an available position for a new member to join our team. We are committed to the well-being of our employees and take pride in offering a comprehensive benefits package. If you are seeking a job that provides stability, security, and comprehensive compensation, this is the right place for you! We value our employees and want you to feel part of a welcoming and collaborative community. We will provide you with support, growth opportunities, and a positive work environment. FULL TIME JOB Job Title: Cosmetics sales associate Workplace: Esky department store Part time hourly rate: 200 - 600 TWD (excluding commissions and bonuses) High comission and bonuses: Details of commissions and bonuses will be communicated in the first interview Job Description: - Provide excellent customer service by actively approaching customers in a friendly and enthusiastic manner. - Engage in effective sales techniques, including approaching sells, identifying customer needs, and offering suitable products. - Maintain an updated inventory of products and organize visual displays in the store. - Collaborate with the team to create a positive and harmonious work environment. - Adhere to company procedures and policies regarding sales transactions and cash handling. - Stay informed about cosmetic industry trends and new product releases. Responsibilities: - Proactively approach customers, initiate conversations, and offer personalized assistance. - Actively promote our company‘s cosmetic products, highlighting their features and benefits. - Follow up with potential customers and maintain an updated customer database. - Ensure cleanliness and tidiness in the store, including product display areas. Job Requirements: - Previous sales experience, preferably in the cosmetics industry. - Excellent communication skills and the ability to build trust and rapport with customers. - Outgoing personality and a results-driven mindset. - Solid knowledge of cosmetic products and industry trends. - Fluency in English will be highly valued. Flexibility to work rotating shifts, including weekends and holidays, is required. Position Benefits: ⁃ Paid vacations ⁃ Paid holidays ⁃ Work insurance ⁃ Health insurance ⁃ Pension plan ⁃ Company Fun Nights: Dinners, Karaoke and more Contact Information: If you are interested in this position, please send your resume and a cover letter to webeautyok@gmail.com , or contact 0970-672-655. We look forward to receiving your application and the opportunity to meet you
  • 月薪39000元 高雄市前鎮區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1、處理停車場客戶問題、車流管理。 2、停車場安全巡視、故障排除。 3、停車場區域清潔及整理、環境維護。 4、停車場收銀、巡場、報表處理。 5、能配合活動支援及它站調度支援。 輪班制 07:00-19:00
  • 月薪38000元 高雄市鼓山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    去年此職缺平均年收100萬,歡迎大家一起來共創佳績! 工作描述: - 主動積極與顧客推廣、服務。 - 有效銷售技巧,包括主動銷售,講解產品、推銷適合顧客產品。 - 維護專櫃整潔及記錄庫存量。 - 與團隊合作及營造和諧工作氛圍。 - 結帳跟開立發票。 - 了解新產品資訊跟趨勢。 職位要求: - 具有銷售經驗,優化化妝品銷售經驗者尤佳。 - 優秀溝通技巧,與顧客維護關係。 - 活潑開朗個性、積極開發新客戶。 - 對化妝品行業有興趣。 - 熟英文者尤佳。 工作時間可彈性安排,包括輪班、週末和假日。 若對工作有興去歡迎來電或來信預約面試: webeautyok@gmail.com 0970-672-655 薪資:35000以上可面議,另有業績跟抽成獎金 福利制度:享勞健保、體檢、生日禮品、抽成獎金、業績獎金、員工聚餐等 Exciting Job Opportunity! At Webeauty, we are delighted to announce an available position for a new member to join our team. We are committed to the well-being of our employees and take pride in offering a comprehensive benefits package. If you are seeking a job that provides stability, security, and comprehensive compensation, this is the right place for you! We value our employees and want you to feel part of a welcoming and collaborative community. We will provide you with support, growth opportunities, and a positive work environment. FULL TIME JOB Job Title: Cosmetics sales associate Workplace: Esky department store Monthly salary: 35,000 TWD (excluding commissions and bonuses) High comission and bonuses: Details of commissions and bonuses will be communicated in the first interview Job Description: - Provide excellent customer service by actively approaching customers in a friendly and enthusiastic manner. - Engage in effective sales techniques, including approaching sells, identifying customer needs, and offering suitable products. - Maintain an updated inventory of products and organize visual displays in the store. - Collaborate with the team to create a positive and harmonious work environment. - Adhere to company procedures and policies regarding sales transactions and cash handling. - Stay informed about cosmetic industry trends and new product releases. Responsibilities: - Proactively approach customers, initiate conversations, and offer personalized assistance. - Actively promote our company‘s cosmetic products, highlighting their features and benefits. - Follow up with potential customers and maintain an updated customer database. - Ensure cleanliness and tidiness in the store, including product display areas. Job Requirements: - Previous sales experience, preferably in the cosmetics industry. - Excellent communication skills and the ability to build trust and rapport with customers. - Outgoing personality and a results-driven mindset. - Solid knowledge of cosmetic products and industry trends. - Fluency in English will be highly valued. Flexibility to work rotating shifts, including weekends and holidays, is required. Position Benefits: ⁃ Paid vacations ⁃ Paid holidays ⁃ Work insurance ⁃ Health insurance ⁃ Pension plan ⁃ Company Fun Nights: Dinners, Karaoke and more Contact Information: If you are interested in this position, please send your resume and a cover letter to webeautyok@gmail.com , or contact 0970-672-655. We look forward to receiving your application and the opportunity to meet you
  • 月薪29000~36000元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    休假方式:月休八~九天,輪休 工作內容:門市收銀、顧客服務、清潔、訂/補貨 專長要求:認真負責、具服務熱忱、親和力 (以上職缺,正職需可輪班優先錄取,短期勿試)
  • 平日好好工作,假日好好休息!