
  • 時薪300~500元 台中市西區 工作經歷不拘 8天前
    1.口說流利,具教學熱忱者佳。 2.一對一、一對五、一對多英語輔導。 3. 平日需求時間18:00~22:00,假日則依現場狀況配合。
  • 月薪35000~45000元 桃園市中壢區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    【所需技能】 1.php語言能力. 2.暸解laravel框架. 3.暸解MCV架構. 【加分條件】 1.ubuntu伺服器管理. 2.html/css能力. 3.伺服器及網管能力.
  • 月薪30300~60000元 台中市西區 工作經歷不拘 8天前
    1.提供顧客之接待與需求服務。 2.針對不同產品及顧客,擬定行銷策略。 3.輔導學員規劃學習歴程。 4.負責門市櫃檯行政事務。 5.薪資待遇:30300元至60000元(含福利金) 如果您具備以下特質,將使您在工作上更得心應手: 1. 主動積極 願意為共同目標努力 2. 團隊合作 喜歡跟大家一起互助合作 3. 心態正面 能接納不同的意見調整工作方法 4. 樂觀開朗 喜歡與人交談 5. 有使命感 願意幫助學生成為更好的自己 工作地點: 台中市西區民權路19號(近瓦庫燒肉) 台中市西屯區河南路二段319號2樓(fly high yoga 樓上)
  • 月薪29000~40000元 新北市板橋區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    關於我們 Transcosmos是全亞洲最知名的BPO服務中心,台灣特思爾大宇宙(Transcosmos Taiwan)是2016年在台灣設立的100%子公司,我們專精於BPO客服委外營運領域,累積豐富的經驗,承襲日本企業文化穩定、有組職,並持續正在全球擴大影響力。我們專精數位整合行銷、電子商務、客戶服務中心等專業領域,協助企業提升品牌知名度/營運力/市場競爭力,並立足全球市場。Transcosmos Taiwan是個充滿機會和重視發展的團隊,期待你/妳的加入!!! 為什麼你/妳該加入Transcosmos團隊: 多元管道服務:透過電話、官網、平台、Mail等不同管道,協助客戶解決各種產品與售後問題。我們尊重每位員工的專業和擅長,根據不同的服務屬性分配合適的組織團隊。 專業培訓:我們提供完整的產品與系統操作教育訓練課程,讓你成為該產品的專業服務顧問。 溝通能力:我們重視溝通協調力和抗壓性,並歡迎充滿熱情和責任感的你加入我們。 彈性工時:根據不同專案,我們提供固定班、輪班、排班排休等工作安排。 具競爭力薪資:優於其他產業的薪資福利,全勤獎金、專案獎金、值班津貼等多項福利等待你。 【如果你/妳有符合以下條件,那更是超級大加分!!!!】 1、有熱忱,談吐流利,歡迎主動投遞應徵。 2、口齒清晰,善於溝通、親切熱忱,具服務精神。 3、具學習力、配合度佳,能快速融入團隊。 4、具國語及台語聽、說能力。 5、具備基礎電腦運用,中文打字每分鐘30字以上。 6、具相關客服或外撥服務經驗者佳。 【你/妳會有興趣瞭解的部分】 ✅我們關心同仁的健康 到職滿一年享免費健檢方案服務!!! ✅我們希望你/妳認真工作,也要好好放鬆 新進同仁享有優於勞基法的休假福利!!! ✅公司付錢讓你/妳與可愛的同事們聚餐沒壓力 不定期聚餐與節慶活動!!! ✅年節禮金不會少 三節禮金、各項津貼!!! 【寵愛員工的部分】 ★近捷運步行3分鐘 ★不定時下午茶 ★部門聚餐Team Building ★多元自動販賣機 ★咖啡吧精品咖啡 ★大視野落地窗休息區 ★完整職涯規劃、教育訓練補助 ★免補班、福利假/專人定期打掃衛生等 總公司網址:http://www.trans-cosmos.co.jp/ 相關報到: https://www.cio.com.tw/pentium-network-works-with-transcosmos-to-lead-the-new-wave-of-digital-transformation/
  • 月薪30000~35000元 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1. 電商平台操作執行(商品上下架、訂單處理、庫存管理、業務聯繫) 2. 電商品牌數位客服(電話、email、社群媒體、平台) 3. 電商及數位行銷服務企劃撰寫 4. 協助主管交辦事項
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市大安區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    Jabra Taiwan is now looking for a Sales Manager (B2B), based in Taiwan to join our enterprise team and to explore, maintain and drive the Taiwan enterprise business to new heights. This is a great opportunity for the right candidate who wants to move up a Country Manager position as their next job and join a winning team! This role reports to the Head of TW. Would you like to make your mark on a world-leading technology brand? Would you have passion to be a professional technology country manager in your next career planning? If yes, please join us. This person would ideally have a background in technology sales with the willingness to expand the Jabra sales footprint in Taiwan and would responsible for · Driving channel revenue growth through working with key distribution partners primarily in Taiwan. Frequent channel contact and face time to pitch new product roadmap and enable sell- in. · Driving and monitoring purchase orders, channel inventory, and sell-out data. · Managing distribution partner and key channel status reports. · Meeting quarterly and annual Revenue, Contribution, and KPI (Key Performance Indicator) targets. · Growing Jabra presence and Enterprise /Consumer market share, optimize channel coverage, and Driving active market plans for assigned high-growth accounts. · Maintaining and grow existing channels Apple Channel, LFRs, Open Channel, and Operator Projects, and working with local team to develop program that drive sales. · Identify and cultivate new channels in unfamiliar territories for example B2B, B2C and bundles. Identity and cultivate 3rd party-brand and co-brand projects. · Launching Product, phase-in / phase-out, and range selection. · Developing CRM account base; Pricing and channel margin. To be a successful candidate, you should have · 3-5 years familiar industry sales experience prefer young potential. · Soft capability with passion, independence, result driven. · Working location in Taiwan. About Us About Jabra - Part of GN Store Nord A/S makes life sound better by developing intelligent sound solutions that transform lives through the power of sound, enabling you to hear more, do more & be more than you ever thought possible. Our integrated headset and communications solutions assist professionals in all types of businesses in being more productive. Our wireless headsets and earbuds are designed to fit any lifestyle - from sports enthusiasts to commuters and office workers. Jabra is part of the GN group, which operates in more than 90 countries across the world. Founded in 1869, GN group today has more than 5,000 employees. GN Netcom is an EEO Employer and does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, veteran status, military service, sexual orientation, genetic information, or gender identity.
  • 時薪183~183元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘 8天前
    1.簡報美化。 2.影片字幕聽打與製作。 3.影片拍攝協助。 4.其他主管交辦工作。 ※具文字敏感度、會簡易影音剪輯者尤佳。 ※工作時間彈性,每週排班時數須達3個整天(24小時)。
  • 1111南台灣職場小語


  • 月薪30000元 高雄市岡山區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    ★無相關產業經驗可培訓★ 1.培訓民航局無人機操作證證照。 2. 學習進行場勘作業,飛行場域及任務執行可行性評估。 3. 學習操作無人機,飛行任務紀錄、設備維護紀錄等。 4. 學習協助民航局無人機活動申請、限禁航區空域申請作業。 5. 學習各類設備維護與障礙排除 - 飛行設備、通訊設備、酬載設備、能源設備、測量儀器等。 專科(含)以上機械科系、電機科系及建築土木空間資訊科系畢為佳。
  • 月薪30000~50000元 高雄市岡山區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    1. 進行場勘作業,飛行場域及任務執行可行性評估。 2. 操作無人機,飛行任務紀錄、設備維護紀錄等。 3. 完成交辦飛行任務,及無人機相關設備保養維護及測試、組裝無人機。 4. 協助民航局無人機活動申請、限禁航區空域申請作業。 5. 各類設備維護與障礙排除 - 飛行設備、通訊設備、酬載設備、能源設備、測量儀器等。 1. 專科(含)以上機械科系、電機科系及建築土木空間資訊科系畢為佳。 2. 具備民航局無人機專業高級操作證者佳。 3. 具旋翼機及固定翼雙證照者佳。 4. 具1年以上航拍作業經驗者佳。 5. 有授課經驗者佳。
  • 月薪32000~55000元 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    ※投遞履歷請務必附件相關作品或連結。 【工作內容】 ● 3D骨架設定(Rigging)。 ● 3D動態調整(Animation)。 ● 配合團隊需求達成專案目標。 【條件特質】 ● 具備keyframe能力與畫面構圖美感。 ● 觀察力佳,對動作表演具敏感度及動態掌握能力。。 ● 對於人體及臉部表情製作的肌肉變化有理解。 ● 熟悉Blender軟體使用。 ● 具備良好的溝通能力與自我要求的積極態度,團隊配合度高,能解決問題。 ☆欲應徵者請投遞履歷後等待書面初審合格後之面試通知。 初審未通過者,恕不另行通知。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國華盛頓州 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    Job Responsibilities  Provide online Chinese teaching services  Provide after-session progress report  Provide pre-session level-placement evaluation  Provide learning advice to students Students  Our student base includes professionals from 19 to 65 years of age and junior clients from 3 to 18. We also attract students wishing to improve their Chinese in the hope of studying overseas or becoming more competitive upon entering the workforce. Most students have studied Chinese in school, but lack proficient conversational skills. We provide materials as the basis for all lessons, and these can be accessed before the sessions.  TutorABC Chinese welcomes all teachers of Chinese as a foreign/second language with a passion for teaching to join us.  The minimum requirements are as follows:  A Native or near-native speaker of Chinese  Bachelor‘s degree  Internationally recognized qualifications like:  The Certification Examination for Proficiency in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language 教育部對外華語教學能力證書  TCSOL (Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) 國際漢語教師認證  TCBP (Teaching Chinese for Business Purpose) 國際商務漢語教師認證  ICA (International Chinese Language Teachers Association) TEST 国际中文教师专业能力证书  TCSL IPA 國際註冊漢語教師資格證書  CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) 國際中文教師證書  At least one year‘s experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign/second language  Additional teaching qualifications an advantage (especially for young/very young learners)  Knowledge of other languages (currently: Korean, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Turkish, Spanish, or Arabic) is an advantage  A computer with Windows or macOS (desktop or notebook)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國華盛頓州 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    Job Responsibilities  Provide online English teaching services  Provide after-session progress report  Provide pre-session level-placement evaluation  Provide learning advice to students  Job Requirements  TutorABC welcomes all teachers of EFL/ESL with a passion for teaching to join us.  The minimum requirements are as follows:  Native or near-native speaker of English  Bachelor‘s degree  Internationally recognized qualification in TEFL/TESL (120 hours min.)  At least one year‘s experience (full-time equivalent) in TEFL/TESL - online is an advantage  Additional teaching qualifications an advantage (especially for young/very young learners)  Knowledge of other languages (currently: Korean, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnamese, Turkish, Spanish, or Arabic) is an advantage  A computer with Windows or macOS (desktop or notebook) Students  Our student base includes professionals from 19 to 65 years of age and junior clients from 3 to 18. We also attract students wishing to improve their English in the hope of studying overseas or becoming more competitive upon entering the workforce. Most students have studied English in school, but lack proficient conversational skills. We provide materials as the basis for all lessons, and these can be accessed before the sessions. Benefits  Flexible Schedule: Set your schedule and hours so you can spend your free time on things that matter. The TutorABC platform is online 24/7.  Work from Home: Meet people from all walks of life from the comfort of your home. Interact with students from various cultures via TutorABC’s teaching platform.  Supportive Community: 24/7 community support for guidance and assistance. Our teacher community group is always available to answer any questions you may have. Pay Structure  The total session payment consists of three components: Base Pay, Completion Bonus, and Contribution Bonus.  Teachers are progressively rewarded as they achieve greater tenure. At certain milestones in tenure, you will earn a higher guaranteed bonus per session. You will also raise the rate further each month by teaching more sessions. sessions
  • 時薪200~200元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    【Job Responsibilities】 Create Traditional & Simplified Chinese teaching materials based on the existing framework for adult and young learners. • Research for Chinese courses like HSK, TOCFL, AP Chinese, GCSE, IB, etc. • Create high-quality and competitive teaching materials and revise them according to feedback. • Edit, proofread, or convert created materials into different multimedia formats. 【Selection Criteria】 [Education and Experience] • A major in Chinese teaching, Chinese literature, or Foreign languages and literature • English proficiency: Minimum TOEIC 800 • Having experience in Chinese teaching or having teacher certifications is preferred. • Working experience is preferred. [Knowledge and Skills] • Familiar with PPT or Canva • Familiar with or has some knowledge of HSK and TOCFL or Chinese education in general • Able to put abstract ideas into practice [Characters] • Detail-oriented • Good at communication • Love and passion for Chinese teaching and languages
  • 月薪30000~50000元 台中市西區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    ~歡迎社會新鮮人~~無經驗可~公司提供內部教育訓練資源~ ☆工作內容: 1.依據客戶需求,規劃適合的行銷活動方案 2.客戶開發:擅長提案簡報、客戶關係經營,有獨立作業能力 3.行銷專案:對於數位行銷操作有興趣,如:FB、Google、DCARD操作、廣告投放、數據行銷等 4.上下平行管理與協調,確保團隊運作順暢 ☆具備條件: 1.具備基本文書能力,office軟體基本操作 2.公司多為無紙化,須擅長操作電腦及google雲端系統者佳 3.喜歡與人接觸、具責任感、思考邏輯、執行力強 ☆薪資福利: 1.依據執行的案件給予獎金 ☆工作敘述: 此職位主要是對於需要進行數位行銷的客戶規劃行銷活動,須要理解數位媒體的特性及產業性質,才可以進行規劃,因此需要對市場有敏感度的夥伴加入,精立數位也會提供一系列的教育訓練,為客戶規劃專業有成效的企劃,讓客戶業績成長。 如對職缺有興趣應徵前,請先參考官網了解公司服務內容喔! https://www.jinzdm.com/
  • 作業員/助理工作擴大徵才!無經驗可,月薪28000起!